
The Forger

born from nothing Jacob has to build everything from scratch, with the only thing motivating him being family... and power. follow Jacob as goes from a common Village blacksmith to the forger of metal and fate, with an undying soul he will forge his path. English is not my mother language so please expect some mistakes. thank you.

ZombiePat · Fantasy
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26 Chs

title at the end

Leon's POV

"Father you can't be serious! His-his, his a commoner!" Matilda argued.

"If I recall you wanted to be the one to take over my county, correct? Am simply giving you a condition." I shrugged looking at my daughter.

"What? But that's not fare!"

"I believe it is, you want power yet you lack any speck of responsibility! Am making sure that if you do get it, it would be in the safest hands." My plan was simple although my daughter was sadly a disappointment when it came to working she was still politically smart, the only downside was her mindset, which I knew she would grow out of.

I simply wanted someone strong to be by her side as she grew out of her childish behaviours.

"Father I am smarter than all your children, I am the best option to rule."

"You are, tell me something, why do I smell mana dew every time I pass by your room, and what's this am hearing about selling weapons, my weapons." I could see the man sitting in front of my desk raise a brow.

"I, huh-" my daughter was truly a gifted child, her intellect was above all I seen, the only problem was her friends. Children from well off families, merchants and minor nobles who lived around my county, they weren't all bad, but surprisingly my smart, very intelligent daughter was tricked into doing drugs, and almost selling our new weapons.

If I didn't keep an eye on her our one advantage would be gone. Then it hit me, I wanted to keep my daughter on a tight leash and same went for our gifted blacksmith, why not leash them together.

I would have to keep a close eye on Matilda due to her superiority complex, but as far as I new she was all bark and no bite.

From what I had seen so far Jacob was an easy man to please and had little ambitions, in fact I believe the only reason he forged was because he was bored. I would use this to my advantage.

After all unlike most nobles I was also a commoner at one point blood purity and what not didn't Matter to me, the only thing that matters is power.

I was staking a lot in one man but honestly I didn't see any better options, from everything I had seen in my vision Jacob was my way forward, I just had to move faster.

Listen Matilda you either accept my offer or I give it to your younger siblings, I honestly think Annabel would love my offer.

"What!? Father you have to be kidding me, it's my birth right to inherit!"

I hated that word, the thought of someone thinking they were entitled to something just because there birth was nauseating.

"Says who? I am the one who fought to get here! If you think you can make something of yourself alone, then by all means pack your bags and leave. Make no mistake I give you this offer first because I value your my mind. But I will not let my hard work go to waste in the hands of a corrupt, spoiled and intoxicated brat!"

"Damn!" a clear exclamation rang out in the room.

"My apologies, please don't mind me." Jacob said as he placed a hand on his mouth.

Looking back at my daughter, I could see that maybe I had gone to far. Her eyes were watering and sobs started escaping her thin mouth.

She rushed to the door before living the room.

"Sigh." It was hard mixing work with family but it had to be done.

My house was riddled with problems, two sons who only wish to lay around with any pretty face that came around, two daughters that were either too stupid to lead or to corrupted to do a good job. I had truly failed as a father.


Jacob POV

Am not going to lie that was the best drama I have had since coming to this world, you wouldn't believe how boring this world was, if it wasn't for forging I would be brain dead at this point.

'I really need to find another hobby.' I thought to my self as I blankly stared at count Leon's dejected expression. Poor guy he must be going through a lot of shit right now, I can't imagine having a junky as my daughter.

'I didn't even know this world had drugs. Then again humans are always bound to find some weird grass.'

"Sorry about that Jacob-" as he began the room started to shake.

"An earthquake! My kids." Realising the situation I hurriedly ran out of the office heading for the garden outside.

They were all cramped up at one corner of the gazebo. I grabbed them going to an open area to avoid any falling debris.

Soon the low shaking stops, "Father what was that?" Amethyst asked, she looked so scared.

'Oh My little gem' I grabbed her and gave her good squeeze 'it's called an earthquake Amy, don't worry there very rare." I said to her reassuringly. 'I hope '

"Jacob look." Sana said pointing to the sky.

Looking up I noticed the sky was a light blue, normally this wouldn't be a problem, but currently it was late afternoon the sky should be a red and orange hue not blue.

The air was pulsing every minute with mana I could feel it in every fibre of my body it felt so refreshing.

This was obviously one of those 'the world is awakening' situation. This got me thinking was I brought into this world for reason? There was no way my arrival here was coincidence.

This also begged another question why couldn't I dream? Every night I would go asleep and like a switch I would be back, the only thing in between was the empty Void I would see.

"Jacob, am sure you family is safe can I talk to you for a little while longer." Leon asked.

Lately the count has been acting way more friendly than normal, maybe this was his normal and what I used to see was just a front?

I highly doubt that, the man just seems to intelligent for that the most likely situation is that he knows something I don't.


Back in the study the count walked to his window and with one hand slightly moved the curtain away, "Listen Jacob, am sure you have your suspicions about me and I can't blame you, but as you heard a little while ago I was a commoner." He slowly started.

"Sigh, how do you think I got this position?" He asked turning and looking at me.

I simply shrugged not willing give my input.

"Well to put it simply I can see Visions of the future. Surprising I know but just listen, I have seen a future were the world would suffer so much, I have been looking for people who could change this vision but every single time they fall short, this hasn't changed." He paused taking a sip from his cup.

"Recently I had another vision, one where you were the most powerful being I have seen, yet even then you still fell."

"Am asking you two join me, the both of us working together could protect so many lives. With your strength and and weapons, and my power we could build something better."

"I am already getting old in twenty to thirty years I will be no more, I only ask that you stand by my family, or even better make it yours. You will have nothing to lose and everything to gain." At this point the count was basically pleading.

"Am willing to work with you, to join your family, I Only ask that my family will not be treated separately." I said in a serious tone.

'What the fuck is going on here?' my mind was in turmoil, the count just dropped a bomb that big on me? 'What the did this man see?'

First of all why tell such a big secret what if I didn't accept, what the fuck would he do. I new I was in deeper shit than I had thought, the man before me could see into the freaking future. 'should I kill him?' my mind was blazing with wild thoughts.

'no that's stupid, then what be on the run with a pregnant wife and two children?' the possibility of freedom was no existing, he either for saw the best opportunity to cage me all was just that crafty.

I only had one option right lay low and wait, maybe until he dies the man was in his late thirties he didn't have long.

'Wait, what am I thinking, why run when I could just take over, like he said he would die, and if I did marry his bitch of a daughter I would practically be the count, then my children.'

"Wait what did you see?" I snapped out of my reverie and asked remembering he said something about me dying.

"Waves and waves of beast, some with scares and wings, and many more with red skin. The were never ending." His expression was dire as he said this.

'so dragons and demons huh.' it seems that my plan of not having too many children is already in the trash can.

"Whens the wedding?"