
The Forger

born from nothing Jacob has to build everything from scratch, with the only thing motivating him being family... and power. follow Jacob as goes from a common Village blacksmith to the forger of metal and fate, with an undying soul he will forge his path. English is not my mother language so please expect some mistakes. thank you.

ZombiePat · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A new World/ A new F**k

Omni POV

The year is 108, four years before the current time line, far to the west of Ratey a very large mountain spanned for miles and miles surrounding Ratey on one side, making it so that the kingdom only had two foreign borders.

Enough with the geography lessons, our focus lay with the mountains, one specifically, the tallest one at that. In its deepest parts lay a Cavern, it glowed with a blue light, pulsing with mana.





Like a heartbeat the sound slowly got fast over years until... It stopped.


With a sudden explosion the cave hummed to life the mana in the air flowed in a new and strange way, it was the birth of a new type of life form... A dungeon.

Like a fusion reactor the cave pulled in pure mana and transformed it into a new type of mana, elemental mana the first of its kind. This new mana was cold and metallic, it was a mixture of ice and earth elements.

Soon this new mana started to condense, it pulled every speck of available elemental mana it had produced before condensing into a new form.

Slowly a human looking figure was created, it had glacier like skin, white hair and green glowing eyes (just imagine a white walker but with green eyes instead and a much more human like body.)

As the new being walked, veins of ice blue mana pulsed to it, the cave itself supplied it with mana, if this went on the new being would Grow stronger... After all it was the embodiment of the dungeon, it was the Dungeon Master.


Jacob POV

As the world slowly changed I lay in my forge creating, I needed more power if what the count said was true then my death was imminent, I didn't know any way to change it other than to improve my [Curse]

The world was changing fast, and I had been stagnant for too long, I had already talked to Sana about the all new wife thing, she wasn't upset, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

I only hoped she wouldn't hate me for what was to come. I wanted strength and for that I need more children, and one person year wasn't going to cut it. I need more wives. But here lay the issues, how was I supposed to tell the count who planned to marry me to his daughter and said daughter would probably not even let me get in bed with her.

With those thoughts in mind I decided the best course of action was to act first and then say sorry later.

"It's almost time." I said to myself looking at the small window in the underground forge.

Soon I could here foot steps coming down the stony staircase, the door swung open and the maid in charge of keeping time for entered. Over the month I had started rizzing her up, showing off, lying about my greatness in battle, you know, what guys do best.

Currently I was in my early twenties, and she was in her late twenties. She was single and obviously desperate, she was a merchants kid and came from a very crowded family in my opinion. Her name was Marie and at some point she had decided to run away from her family and ended up here walking as a maid.

"hello Jacob." She said in casual tone before breaching my personal space.

I casually grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body closer, she didn't resist and like usual got hands with my crotch.

This had only started happening very recently, about a week ago I had "forced" her into the bathroom before having some fun. After that she would usually come to my work place a few minutes early to get some stress relief.


An hour later we were sitting at the back of the smithing counter half naked.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Asked looking at me with a little worry. The fear of losing this job was still lingering in her.

It was the whole reason it had taken a month to get to her pants.

"Don't worry about it, as long as we don't over do it, it should be fine." I said to her as I moved a few strands of her raven black hair.

I new the count valued me to much to discard me over a maid. 'god I hope there don't have any contraceptives in this world.'

"We should go." I said as I stood up and started pulling up my pants.

"Wait." Marie said as she grabbed my pants.

After that we had sex one more time before I headed to the bathroom. Of course I once again pulled her in for some extra fun.

I was determined to knock her up before the year ended.


In the afternoon I sat with my wife in the gazebo watching the sunset, the sky was still blue and I had a feeling this wouldn't stop any time soon.

My pregnant wife was busy telling me things she had gossiped with the many maids she had come to befriend, it was honestly boring to me but I still listened, her chirpy voice was always welcomed to my ears.

Later that day I helped her to our room before living her to rest.

I sat on the bedside watching her, 'man am such a douche.' I thought to my self, the fact that I was having an affair behind my wife's back still kind of weighed a bit on my conscious.

'She said she was fine with it so maybe I should just tell her about Marie.' As I was thinking about how to fix my heavy conscious a knock came from our door, surprisingly Sana didn't wake up.


Opening the door I found Yvonne staring at me with her usual stoic expression. "The count is looking for you, please follow me."

Unlike the usual meeting spot today I found myself in the hanging garden on the second floor. I sat down on one of the many couches laying around the place.

The count was in his casual clothes today and he sat in front of me reading a book. He placed the book casually.

"Jacob, what's this am hearing about one of my maids?" he said jumping straight to the point, honestly it seemed like Leon wasn't the type dance around his words and I respected that.

"I like her, I plan to make her mine... Of course with your permission that is." I answered trying to be as equally direct.

"You do know you are betrothed to my daughter right, or at least planned to be."

"I get that, but that's probably not going to work out." I was just spit balling excuses.

"Sigh. Listen Jacob, each one of the people in this house was heavily vetted against my enemies, if you want women make sure to just ask next time-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"I want women, at least three more." I directly said. Behind me I could here the bitchy maid scoff.

Surprisingly the count simply smiled at my words, "I will arrange something." He said without even batting an eye.


At my reaction the count scoffed as well. "have you visited Michaels place before? The man has over ten wives."

'Damn, but I can see that happening.' I had a guess that Michael's stamina(DEX) was over 50 points. Back during the war Michael had come out of eight hour battle with only a little sweat to go by.


I was back in my room, my thoughts looming over my future wives, but that didn't last, soon I was asleep.

STR: 45

DEX: 45

WIS: 43

MGK: 30

SP: 9

I stared at the neon lights with a pleased smile. 'soon my power will soar.'