

This tells the story of Sherry Williams, a poor and low class girl, and her contracted marriage with a rich handsome CEO ........ Sherry Williams a 25 year old hardworking girl, was desperate to get money no matter what it took, just so she could satisfy her mother and brother, who were all abandoned by her father decades ago.....Luck makes her to run into Noel Austin a Rich Cold CEO who was bugged to get married by his grandfather....Noel and Sherry comes into an agreement to get married for a year and half, and produce a child... At first for both they were Just Party A and B. But after much times of romantic interactions and helping each other that heal their woes, both parties began to fall for each other and soon realized they were unwilling to let go of each other.... And with the contract coming to an end, they soon realised that they didn't want a contracted relationship, but a real romance...

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19 Chs

Epiosde 7: Memories of the past

Sherry: (Angrily throws the flower on him) Who wants to be courted by you? You're crazy (she walks away hurriedly)

Ning: Noel! Are you sure you understand what you're doing?

Noel: Yes! what? do you have a problem?

Ning: You barely know her, and you want to court her? what is it love at first sight? Do you like her? if you don't then please stop whatever you're doing, it will only hurt her more.

Noel: Why do you care?

Ning: I care Because Sherry means a great deal to me, so if you're only going to hurt her then please stay away from her. The trauma you caused in her childhood is enough!

Noel: What do you mean by that?

Ning: Forget it! just stay away from her.

Noel: (Ning tried to leave, but Noel blocked his way) Tell me! what do you mean?


Noel: (he sits down in his office, he appeared to be in deep thoughts, and he was bothered about something) So Sherry was that girl? (A flash back occurs, as he thinks about the past)


Young Sherry (grade 11): Noel! I bought these sweet cakes, and I wanted to search it with you (she stretches her hands and offered him the cakes, and he collected it)

Young Noel: Thank you!

Again at their class

Young Sherry: (who appears to be deskmates with Noel) Noel! So do you have football practice today?

Young Noel: Hmm..

Young Sherry: Can I come to watch you play?

Young Noel: Sure!

Young Sherry:(smiles) Thank you.

VALENTINE'S DAY (everyone exchanges gifts)

Young Sherry: Here! I brought this chocolate for you, Happy Valentine's day.

Young Noel: Thank you (collects it and leaves)

Younger Jade: Sherry! Noel just collected your Chocolate, does that mean that he also likes you?

Young Sherry:(smiles) I think so.

At football practice

Younger Ning: Wow! you got a chocolate for Valentine's day? ain't you going to eat it?

Young Noel: I'm not interested, I didn't want to collect it, it's just that I don't want to make her feel bad. She's pitiful.

Younger Ning: Well then I'll eat it. (opens the chocolate, while Noel leaves for his practice. Ning reads what was written inside the chocolate "I love you, from Sherry") What? I just ate her love confession. Damn!

After practice

Young Noel:(to Ning) Let's go! (they start walking away) Brother! I have something to say to you!

Young Ning: Me too.

Young Noel: well I'll go first. Olivia told me she liked me today.

Young Ning: What? Did you accept her?

Young Noel: Not yet, I told her I don't like her. But she insisted that I think about it. I'm not going to consider it though, dating in highschool is a distraction.

Young Ning: So what will you do?

Young Noel: Nothing. I'll just reject her whenever she's emotionally Ready. so what did you want to tell me?

Young Ning: Nothing, solve your case with Olivia first, then I'll tell you.

Young Noel: Okay..

Next day at the assembly, Noel walks in, and sees other guys from his class bullying Olivia in present of the entire students..

Olivia: Give it back to me!

Student: Why? you want to give it to Noel?

Olivia: None of your business. Give It to me.

Student:(pushes her) Get lost (he opens the letter and Starts to read it out) "Dear Noel! a letter from your best friend Olivia, I know that all these years we've accompained each other, you didn't see me more than a friend, but in reality, I like you, I really do( he and the entire students burst into laughter, except Sherry who felt pitiful for Olivia)

Olivia:(cries) Give it back!

A student from the assembly: Unrequited lover!

Another student: How pathetic (they all laughed, and Olivia cried harder)

Noel:(Angrily walks up to.the student and collects the letter) Who says it's Unrequited? I'm telling you a now, From today onwards, Olivia will be the only woman in my eyes...(The entire assembly, including Olivia and Sherry were all shocked)

Jade: Sherry! Noel just comfirmed that they are together! I thought ylhe like you? (Sherry leaves crying, and Jade follows)

Few days later

Sherry: Do you really like her?

Noel: Hmm..

Sherry: Why?

Noel: No reason!

Sherry: If you liked her all along, then why did you accept my gifts, you just purposely lead me on!.

Noel: I think you're mistakenly, actually I only did those because I pitied you. What? do you think I liked you?

Sherry: You don't like me?

Noel: No!.

Sherry: (hugs him tightly) But I like you!

Noel:I..I..I don't like you. (pushes her away) Don't ever come to me again. Olivia will be the only woman in my heart...(he leaves)

Flash back ends (presently)

Noel: So...Sherry is that girl? But that girl was rich? what on Earth happened to her?

Kalvin:(comes in) Mr Austin! I already got everything done, her likes and dislikes. I'll read them out for you.. Her likes includes, favorite snacks, Sweet cakes, Chocolate bars, Strawberry shortcake, Strawberry fruit juice! Her favorite Drinks are Sodas, she has low alcohol tolerance. so she dislikes wine, and only takes them when she's upset.

Her favorite phones are steaks, Noodles, and Chicken, and french fries. Oh! she also enjoys Sushi and Kimchi.

Noel: Kimchi? What's that?

Kalvin: I don't know for sure, but I think it's a Korean dish.

Noel: Oh! okay. Is that all?

Kalvin: No! (he drops the list, and it flowed down) This is it!

Noel: What's this?

Kalvin: The list on knowing Miss Sherry well.

Noel: What? I'm I taking a course or something? why is it so many? How I'm I suppose to learn all that?

Kalvin: Well...I don't know. You can learn slowly.

Noel: (gives him a dead stare) Slowly?

Kalvin: Yes (gently drops the list on the table) well I'll leave now. (he leaves)