

A young man is summoned to a new world along with four others, each with a unique weapon. "Wait! Wait! Wait! WTF! That's Naofumi over there? I'm in the 'Rising of the shield hero' and my weapon is a thurible? That's a weapon? I'm so fucked up."

GoldenGrape · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ophelia [not revised]

Well friends, I'm literally on the beach so I couldn't revise any of the text, but here's the chapters. a lot of changes and a brand new OC.


As the white mist was coming out of the thurible the people in the room turned to look at Cernn. The guy was putting a imposing demeanor that any human there would identify as a very angry one.

"You dare! Hold your powers stranger!" one of the guards, who Cernn tought it as the chief, shouted drawing his sword from the scarabbarb and pointing at the brown-haired guy.

"You summoned us without warning, against our will, expecting us to save your world, and yet you show this kind of demeanor, demanding our help and respect while you act all arrogant?" Cernn was slowly approaching the king's throne while glaring at him. The guards surrounded Cernn blocking him to approach the king.

The guy only snoted as the mist got even more dense. The people around were trembling from the cold air, as the king kept his eyes at Cernn with some sort of concern.

"You summoned us to save your world, yet you disregar our previous lives as if we didn't have something batter to do in our own world." Cernn raised his thurible pointing the weapon to the swordman in front of him.

"I'm Cernn Tupou VIII, king of Tonga, bought forcefully to this world and country to be a hero with this guys. You bring me here against my will, not only leaving my people and kingdom without their ruler, but also does not show an ounce of courtesy for your guests, as the king of a nation on the brink of destruction, don't you think you should show more courtsy towards the heroes of this world?" Cernn mentally used his skill to bring forth the mist changing it to a blood red color.

While being surrounded by the new mist his body got empowered by a red glow that kept a dangerous light around his body, his figure resembling a bloody priest engulfed in his enemies blood. "You keep your head high while implying that we should simply bow our heads to you?" his voice was like a low growling that sent chills to everyone in the room.

Since young Cernn didn't like this kind of guys, they were always the bullies in schools, they were the buttlicking people he hated the most when he got to the throne in Tonga. Lannister always said Cernn should deal with this kind of people scaring them with his power, to not leave the wrong impression of being easiy manipulated. Cernn knew this wasn't the safest thing to do while in a foreing country, but to assert dominance over his own freedom in this world he shold show that he wont bow his head.

"So... King Aultcray, do you think that this is an act befitting a king willing to save his country? Why kept the formalities when you are the one in need?" Cernn raised an eyebrow and get back to his original place, the other four heroes looking at him like he is simply crazy.

The royal guards positioning themselves in from of the king's throne flinched looking at the scary guy in from of them. The face of the king contorted in a frown while the redheaded girl besides the king kept her eyes wide open looking dumbfounded at everything that was happening.

'Well.. they don't know we are being protected by the Queen's shadows yet, so it might look like a crazy bravado, but if the king tries to act on me they will report to the Queen and stop the king from direct killing one of the heroes.' Cernn discreetly caught sight of a maid in the corner of the throne room.

"Ahem... I sincerely apologize for the conditions of your summing, noble heroes, however, we summoned you in a hurry to prepare aid in your journey to grow stronger." Aultcray rose from his throne an raise his hand to the guards, sinalizing for them to put their weapons away.

Cernn snorted and, with an of shaking in his weapon, all the mist in the room got sucked back to the thurible bring the warmth of the room back to the people. "Explain the situation, after that if we have any questions we're going to ask" The king of Tonga turnned his back to the guard and got back to the queue of heroes.

"Now then, as King Cernn said, let us explain our situation. This country, and moreover, this whole world is facing its demise..." To summarize the king's story. Just like in the anime, words of demise had once been prophesied. This world will be assaulted by waves of calamity which will one day turn everything to ruin. To save the world, these waves must be repelled before they can be dispersed. This era marks the prophesied year, according to the words of demise.

There exists a giant, ancient hourglass which continues to drip down ceaselessly. It has the ability to forecast when the waves will arrive and began its warning one month ago. According to the legends, each wave will come in roughly one-month intervals.

The hourglass had completed its first turn and a wave of disaster occurred just as the words of demise foretold. The residents of this country while didn't show much concern over the prophecy before, now began to freak out. A dimension crack appeared in Melromarc, where hideous and brutal demons crept out in large quantities.

Other adventurers and knights barely managed to repel them. However, the next incoming wave would be even more powerful. At this rate, the disaster won't be repelled. That was the basic outline of their situation.

"I understand your dilemma. But, just like that guy said, who gave you the right to summon us into doing manual labor for free?" The sword guy nodded at the remark of the bow hero "That is one hell of a convenient story." the bow hero looked at the lance hero with a fake smile on his lips.

"… Even if that is the case, and this isn't me being selfish or anything, but if this world is going into ruin then let it be destroyed. This matter doesn't even concern us." The blonde guy laughed loudly. 'Aren't you secretly jumping for joy inside that heart of yours? ' Cernn sternly watched the spear hero acting.

"Certainly, we have no obligation to help you. In the end it'll just be fruitless labor for us. And once peace comes, you guys will just go 'goodbye' as if nothing happened. So to prevent such a sad outcome from occurring, I'd like to hear some form of insurance from you. Surely you have something to present us, right?" Naofumi stated while looking for the other heroes for approval

The king sent his vassal a glance. "Of course, we planned on rewarding the Brave Ones fully for their efforts. I had already made arrangements to aid your cause with money. And surely, since the Brave Heroes will be protecting our world, housing is necessary. For that purpose, I have already prepared a fitting place for you Brave Ones to rest." Cernn was laughing inside at the shamelessness of these guys.

"I'll add another thing to it then, I want to have access to your library, every section. I'm going to read the books there when we finish our little conversation here." Cernn locked his eyes with the king and said. He was planning on reading and taking...Ahem...borrow... history books and magic books from the library of the kingdom.

The king approved Cernn's request with an nod and then got back to his throne "Well then, Heroes. With all set, let us hear each of your names." with the indication the Sword Hero stepped forward and began his self-introduction.

"My name is Amaki Ren. Age 16, a high schooler." Ren was a handsome guy, with a lot of feminine traits. 'If this guy cross-dressed, no one would ever doubt that he was a girl. A perfect trap.' Cernn nodded while analizyng the younger hero. His short-cut hair was a light brown color. Long, slated eyes and white skin, he somehow gave off a schoolgirl vibe.

Cernn approved the guy's beautyful look, the king of Tonga wasn't bad either, but contrary to Ren's feminine beauty Cernn was more manly with his dark skin, light blue eyes that exulted a sense of austerity beffiting his ruler stats and his athletic body that was made with a combination of a lot os gym and swimming lessons.

"Okay, next up will be yours truly. My name's Kitamura Motoyasu. 21 this year, a university student."

Hero of the Spear, Kitamura Motoyasu. He looked like the carefree type on the surface, yet looked like a perfect fuckboy, what a whore. He was the kind of guy Cernn despised more when he was in Earth, the kind of guy that do anything for women, a typical simp.

Next the bow hero presented himself, his demeanor were that of a cute highschooler from France.

"It's my turn next. My name is Kawasumi Itsuki. 17 right now, another high school student." Hero of the Bow, Kawasumi Itsuki. Even of he was good looking Cernn didn't have any impression about him. He felt the was like a cup of bland tea.

Naofumi, the shield hero, looked anxious at Itsuki. The guy wasn't good when it was a matter of socializing, he spent most of his time at home. " I'm Iwatani Naofumi. Age 20, university student."

The raven haired guy started to nervously introduce himself. However, the king casually ignored Naofumi leaving the guy dumbfounded.

"I believe you already presented yourself, King Cernn Tupou, we still don't know what is your weapon, we have never seen or heard of a weapon like yours" A weird feeling shot through Naofumi's spine while being ignored.

"It is a Censer, King Aultcray. It is a tool often used by priests from our world in their rituals." The old man nodded at the response, signaling he understood the concept behind the weapon.

"So we could assume you're a magic type of hero or a hero who could use divine power? If thats the case it would be pretty interesting, I've never heard of a hero weapon that could use the power of faith. Only the time will tell us" the old king stroked his beard as if contemplating the gains of this fact.

"Well...Ren, Motoyasu, Itsuki and King Cernn huh?" Aultcray nodded in approval.

"Your majesty, you forgot about me." Naofumi stated.

"Oh sorry, Naofumi-dono." the king spoke without even looking at the boy. There was clearly despise in his voice. "Now then, everyone please confirm your own status. As a matter of fact, I would like you all to visually check for yourselves."

"Uhm, how do I go about seeing this?" Itsuki timidly asked for the king's guidance as he and the other heroes, except for Cernn, didn'tknew about the stats magic. 'Well it's not like we had status in our words. You don't just go around throwing the word 'Status' without a proper explanation!' though Cernn that had already spied his settings.

"There's an icon in the corner of your vision? Right side at the bottom, focus your attention there" Cernn explained to the other heroes, earning a nod of approval from the king.

"Eh?" When he said that, Motoyasu, Itsuki and Naofumi noticed a weird dim icon along the edge of their vision. "thank you" Naofumi and Itsuki spoke looking at the Faraoh dressed guy.

"It doesn't matter. It's not like we had this kind of thing in our world." Cernn just shrugged.

He didn't had much to do as he already checked his status, so he looked around analyzing the people in the throne room.

"Level 1 huh… this doesn't look very reassuring." Motoyasu Stated looking at the empty air. "Right, I don't even know if it's possible to fight like this." Ren said, his attention being given to the guy on his side as he stopped looking from his status window.

"Tools like these don't exist in the Brave Ones' world, so its understandable that you don't know anything about it. This Status magic can be used by everyone in this world, helping to improve ourselves." Your real body's prowess was represented by numerical values and could be naturally raised through these numbers.

'If I cut the king's head his Hp will instantly drop to 0 or does his Hp need to be dropped in order to then cut his head?' Cernn was thinking hard in his mind of how the HP status worked in this world. If he remember the other heroes Hp had numerical values but his had only a 'healthy' status.

"From now on, you Brave Heroes will need to venture forth so that you may hone and strengthen both yourselves as well as your legendary armaments." the king spoke while caressing his beard.

"Strengthen? Does that mean that our starting equipment isn't strong enough? Legend this, legend that. It's fine not to change weapons as long as it can function properly as a weapon, no?" Motoyasu whirled his spear around while commenting.

That was indeed correct. But there was a shield and a censer. Naofumi looked at Cernn with pity in his eyes. Well, who won't? The guy's weapon was an incense burning tool, at least the shield was useful to defend.

Cernn, however, wasn't concerned, he already peeked in his skills and status and analyzed the way he'll need to act to get powerful. It wasn't even a weapon and was something that needed to be upgraded regularly.

"That doesn't matter right now, so we can leave it for later. More importantly, what we need is to improve our own abilities, right?" Like a springtime of youth where one's reckless emotions swelled up from deep inside, the number one dream filled with exciting adventures that will never cease. Focusing on their weapons was usually the case for everyone that was involved in such a situation.

"So are we going to form a party with the five of us?" Cernn asked already knowing the answer. He just want to let the guys know in advance.

"King Cernn, each of you Heroes will need to recruit your own companions and begin your adventures separately." Said the king's aid while looking at the heroes. "And the reason for that is?" Cernn slightly raised his eyebrow as if he aas confused by king Aultcray statement.

"Yes. According to legend, it's said that the legendary armaments will reject one another interfering with the growth of both the owners and the weapons."

"I don't really get it, but if we act together, we can't increase our power?" said Ren looking around the other guys.

"My weapon wasn't in the legend so I don't know if that applies to me" Cernn looked at the King's aid.

Everyone shared a glance with one another. "That really does seem to be the case…but we'll work with it just like the other weapons if you are satisfied with that" said the guy seeking the approval of the hero in front of him.

Cernn just nodded, he didn't need any party members at the moment and if anything could just get a slave.

'Bet my parents wouldn't approve a slave tho. ' Well King Marcus and Queen Adriana wouldn't, but if getting a slave means their son would be safe then they would gladly accept.

Cernn missed his parents, it has been 10 years since the accident. The plane crashed, everything was a mess. However, they couldn't be found, there was no trace of their bodies.

Cernn, for three long years, kept believing that they would come back and that they were alive.

'Maybe they got isekaied too' he couldn't hold the smile on his face. 'Nah, bet they're in heaven or something like that.'

'Float' he muttered not wanting to carry the thing so just let it float around him. With the activation of the skill the thurible vanished, turning into smoke. Condensing in a small ball of light the began to float around Cernn. 'It kinda cute, looks like a wisp

While Cernn was lost in his toughts the other heroes.were contemplating the road they should take to improve. "Improving ourselves and recruiting comrades. Which should be done first, I wonder?" Ren Said while thinking with his hands rubbing his chin.

"Please allow me the honor of preparing your comrades. At any rate, the sun will soon begin to set. Heroes, please take your time and rest for the day. You may depart for your journey tomorrow. During that time I shall make arrangements and scout for talented individuals who can accompany you on your destiny." The king's representative spoke getting the attention of the people in the chamber.

"Thank you very much." The guys said while looking with expectations to the king's aid.

The king, having decided our course for today, had the maids prepared the guest room for the heroes' rest.

"I'll be reaching for the library, please lend me your time and guide me there" Cernn approached a maid using her as a guide to the kingdom's library.

While following the maid, Cernn kept his attention in every corner of the palace asking what was every room they passed.

The young maid, captivated by the hero, kept explaining everything with enthusiasm.

Between the throne chamber and the library there were other places like the workers lunch room, the king's vault, the king's bedroom. There was a corridor leading to the training camp and a lot of other places like the ballroom and magic training room for the court mages.

It did took a while for them to arrive at the library. It was a doble floor room, the smell of old paper and wood flooded Cernn's nostrils as they entered the place.

There was a counter, and behind it there was an old lady. She had her blond hair tied in a neat ponytail, there was visible strands of white hair mixed in between the yellow ones.

Her grayish blue eyes were gleaming behind the frames of her small eyeglass. Few people visit the royal library, most of the knights or maids didn't even set a foot in the place and they had permission to be on the first floor.

"Ah! What a wonderful surprise. I almost didn't believe when a hero said at the chamber that he wanted to visit my library" the old lady got out of the counter and made a slightly courtsy to Cernn.

"Knowledge is a kind of power, so I would be dumb to not get this opportunity. A man without knowledge is just like any other mindless animal." Cernn took the old lady hand e planted a soft kiss on it locking his eyes on the lady in front of him.

She nodded in approval for Cernn attitude. "I'm Ophelia Grandmont, the keeper of the library and the librarian. It's a pleasure to speak with you hero" Cernn didn't found strange that she knew him, she was at the chamber when they came from the summoning room. However, Cernn didn't knew when she left the room.

This fact got his attention, his intuition were ringing. 'She is not your normal librarian, umu'