

A young man is summoned to a new world along with four others, each with a unique weapon. "Wait! Wait! Wait! WTF! That's Naofumi over there? I'm in the 'Rising of the shield hero' and my weapon is a thurible? That's a weapon? I'm so fucked up."

GoldenGrape · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Halloween Party in another world.

Like I said I'm rewriting this thing. I changed some things and I'm using two tools to help me write as English is not my first, and not my second language. I hope Grammarly help me, lmao.

Have a nice reading time and if you have any suggestions please comment and share your opinions. Any critics are valid.

I'm going to travel on 16/12/2021, but probably I'm going to still write while at the beach, hehe. Remember I said I was going to get more free time after 12/12? Well, that was the day I was going to make a super-duper exam to get a job at the Nurse's public health specialization program for the surgical clinic.

Wish me luck to get this job <3


One stormy spooky night, a certain brown-haired guy was barely enjoying the loud music while sitting on a couch. The guy's friend Emily invited him to her Halloween party at the club she owned. She was a total party person while Cernn, the brown-haired guy, was more into spending his time at home watching anime or reading manga.

As in all other Halloween parties, Emily was dressed in a scary costume resembling something like sexy Freddy Krueger. She loves having spooky things, but she loves being sexy more than that. One could see by the cropped sweater and small shorts she was wearing that vaguely resembled the villain of 'Nightmare of elm street'.

'Well...not at all sexy tho' Cernn's mid was analyzing his friend's costume as he could swear she would change the glove Freddy used in the movies to something inappropriate. Last year, she changed Jason's Bat into a big dildo thing.

The uncomfortable feeling of a guy's arm around his shoulders brought Cernn back from his thoughts. There was a clingy guy in his side, the jock-like guy was looking at Cernn like he was some sort of treat. While running his hand through his ash-blond hair and seductively, at least in his mind, licking his lips certainly following some seduction tip he saw on the internet.

This was the guy he kissed a few minutes ago. They were simply dancing, and it happened, but the blonde was now clinging to his feet like dirty. Every time asking something or trying to kiss him again. It was a typical gold digger.

Not that Cerrn wasn't aware of guys like this, as the king of Tonga there were a lot of people that are literal buttlickers around him. The only person he didn't have to worry about was Emily and his secretary, Lanny. Lanny was with him since the birth of his father and since then was devoted to the family.

"I'm going home Emy, I have something tomorrow morning" getting fed up by all the surrounding foolishness, he turned to his friend and spoke an excuse to get away from that party. Not waiting for his friend's reply, the brown-haired guy got up and, lighting a cigarette, got to the parking lot for his car.

It didn't take long to get back to the palace and the driver was sent home as Cernn wasn't going to need his services for tonight. Getting into the antechamber, he saw Lannister, or Lanny, waiting for him at the end of the stairs.

"You took longer than I presumed, last time you got back after only 10 minutes there." The old man bought a black satin sheet and used it to cover Cernn's exposed body, as his costume was something resembling and pharaoh.

"Well... I got to spend time with a guy" And before Lanny could speak something, Cernn completed his sentence "But he started to annoy me, so I got back." The disgust was visible in his tired face.

Wrapping himself with the sheet, Cernn was tiredly climbing the stairs while Lanny followed his friend's son and king to his bedroom. The guy spent more time than he needed to get in his room and while Lanny was standing closer to the door, it was since Cernn was a little kid that the old man was always putting the brown-haired guy to sleep or just listening to his ramblings.

Cernn was in his closet, looking at himself in the mirror. Looking at the side, he saw the shining crown, it was made of gold and had black details. That was his father's crown, he didn't use it when he was crowned, but changed for a more simplistic one that looked like a golden Bay leaf crown. It was his family tradition to make a crown, the very new king would make a design. However, some kings preferred to use the last king's one.

Besides his father's crown, his mother's one, looking exactly like his father's in red, and his crown. Cernn took his crown and wore it, looking at himself in the mirror. "Lanny, what would happen if I disappeared tomorrow?" The brown-haired guy closed his eyes, waiting for his friend's reply.

His mind was at peace at that moment. The only thing his vision could see was the chilling darkness, there were no sounds in the room anymore, Lannister wasn't replying to him. 'Did Lanny no hear my question?' Cernn thought.

The feeling of something heavy in his hand was the first thing he perceived. It was strange, he didn't remind of holding something. The king opened his eyes, but what greeted his sense of vision wasn't the mirror, it wasn't even any part of his castle.

It was a strange room, bright inscriptions were covering all the walls and their eerie light was reflecting in the floor and in the bodies of the people that were in the room. Looking around, Cernn noticed that this scene was something familiar, he already saw that, but couldn't remember where. His mind was screaming in confusion.

A voice full of admiration brought Cernn back to his senses. As everything settled down, what filled his view was a bunch of men wearing robes. Following the robed man's line of sight, Cernn identified four other guys who also seemed to have trouble grasping the situation, until Cernn's sight locked in one of them.

'There's no way...' that was what his brain was telling him. He tilted his head a little, 'What on earth happened? Why I'm in this room? And that is Naofumi? I'm in Shield hero? This has to be a movie Ad...there's no way this is real...right? Right?' His mind was spinning. In the guy's mind, what was happening couldn't be real at all.

As he was freaking out, his sight fell on his hand. He was holding a chain with what seemed like an urn of sorts at the other end. There were some strands of smoke coming out of the urn. It was a Censer/Thurible/ the thing priest used in the church. He has a dumbfounded look while seeing what seems to be his weapon. 'How the fuck I'll be able to hit something with this sort of thing?!'

If he was transported to the world of Raphtalia or Tate No Yuusha how the hell was he going to defend himself with this censer. Cernn didn't spend more time in a daze. The guy knew the plot of the things that were going to happen in the anime, and read the manga until some random chapter, but he was just at the beginning of the novel. He couldn't relax, as the future was some sort of mystery to him.

Focusing his attention to the icon in the bottom-right of his vision, a window popped up, but it was somewhat different from what was shown in the adaptation:



Cernn Tupou VIII Occupation: Censer holder (+1)

Level 1



Health Status: Healthy

Magic status: 100%


Passive Skills: Sigil Mastery | Sickness immunity | Mist | Float

Incenses: Healing incense Lv.1 | Protection Incense Lv.1 | Red Incense Lv.1]

Active Skills: Cloak Lv. Max (Granted by !#@$%*&^) | Morning star Lv.1

[Comment: Your kingdom are not in danger, Your friend !#@$%*&^]


Focusing on his skills, a new window popped up showing him his skill's description:

[Sigil mastery (Passive): Each time an enemy suffers a hit in the mist they will be marked with sigils (causing secondary effects) and debuffed reducing their power by 5% (Up to 3 sigils). Mark of Mind, giving fear to the enemies (gives a chance to disrupt the enemy's mind causing illusions). Mark of Body, makes the body of the enemy heavy, slowing it down. Mark of Soul, when the enemy is marked, the mp is drained, turning 50% of it into a healing effect for the Thurible holder. Each active sigil gives the user +5% magic power.]

[Sickness immunity: Immune to any sickness or Sickness inducing effect]

[Mist: The thurible realizes the mist 20 meters around the holder. This effect enables the weapon to use mist skills effect and empower the attack of the Weapon holder in 10%]

[Float: Put the thurible in a dormant float state, while the weapon float beside the holder, which does not consume mana. By entering in attack mode, the thurible returns to the weapon holder hands]

[Morning Star Lv.1: A empowering effect is bestowed on the thurible turning him into a melee weapon that can cause a mild explosion when in contact with the enemy's body. It lasts for 2 minutes.]

[ Red Incense Lv.1: Empower all squad members within 15 meters with mist's blessing, increasing the damage of their skills by 20% for 10 minutes- this will forcibly deactivate all other mist effects (Mist effect is activated)]

[Healing incense Lv.1: Summon a cloud of refreshing mist to heal all squad members within 25 meters- Mild healing effect- this will forcibly deactivate all other mist effects (Mist effect is activated)]

[Protection incense Lv.1: Empower all squad members within 15 meters with mist's blessing, granting them a small shielding effect- this forcibly will deactivate all other mist effects (Mist effect is activated)]

"Where is this place?" His attention was caught as the guy with the sword, Ren if Cernn is not wrong, gave into his anxiety and asked one of the robed men.

"Ooh! Please, brave heroes! Please! Save this world!" A guy wearing a green robe with some golden details shouted on his knees, while tears flowed down his gray eyes.

"WHAT!?" All of them said unanimously. Cernn wasn't that concerned, he knew what would happen since he watched the anime and only focused on exploring his new weapon.

While Cernn was still focused on his skills, an interesting sight started to unfold, just like he remembers from the cannon story. One of the three dumb heroes started to argue with the robed mage.

"What a pain... Can I just go back to my old world? I already heard this kind of story before." the blonde lancer said, giving the desperate guy an immediate answer.

The tension in the room was rising to a whole new level as time passed. 'Aren't you jerks happy?' Cernn thought while looking at the three guys.

"Aren't you people guilty of summoning us without our consent?" The guy with the sword, who looked like a high school student, pointed his sword at the robed men.

"For instance, we won't just fight for world peace and then return to our old world empty-handed, right?" The guy with the bow scowled at the robed men's direction.

"You guys don't seem to take much consideration into your plans, do you? Depending on what you have to offer, we might end up becoming this world's enemy instead, got it?" They were demanding tribute after confirming their social standings

'If you didn't read the novel or watched the anime, you might fall for that act.' Cernn was laughing inside his head. He knew some of them were reincarnated in Melromarc before dying, if he wasn't wrong, only Naofumi wasn't dead in his world.

"Well... Foremost, I'd like you all to have an audience with the king. We can discuss your reward then." The representative of the king, an old man with a rigid expression, said getting in front of the guys with robes. The mage wearing green vests looked at the King's right-hand man with a joyful smile and then got up to open the heavy-looking door to guide the newly arrived heroes to the throne room.

The three fools still holding that macho act followed the robed guy, while a wild weeb Naofumi hastily trailed behind them. Cernn was still analyzing everything, he didn't know how the king was going to react to his summoning, in the history there's no mention of a thurible hero, and he didn't read anything about it in the manga, nor got any spoiler about it in the novel.

'I got to get more information about this world, maybe I should go to the library, if there's one.' The situation wasn't very favorable and thinking of what could happen, the brown-haired guy started to think about the things he could do to get stronger and maybe help Naofumi get stronger.

However, he started to think if it was a good thing to mess the starting plot. 'Naofumi got that stronger because of the Wrath Series he unlocked, perhaps there is another set of series? Maybe I have my series in the thurible...'

While they Left the darkroom and passed through a corridor made out of stone, Cernn realized that he was still in a Halloween Pharaoh-like costume, covered only in a satin sheet, with his crown on his head. At least it could give me some credit with the crown, or just make the things worse 'Should I play the proud king or just go with the vibe?'

The guy's breathing became rough as they took a peek at the scene outside the window. Spanning off into the horizon, a town much like one from Medieval Europe could be seen. Too mesmerized by the landscape laid, the guys and Cernn, who was still thinking how he should act, reached the audience chamber in no time flat.

"Hou, are these fellows the Ancient Heroes?" On the throne in the audience chamber sat a man with gray hair and a long beard, Aultcray Melromarc, the actual king of Melromarc. 'The guy summoned all the heroes in Melromarc, even knowing this was going to cause a rift in the continent politics. I must praise him for his courage, but also acknowledge his foolishness. Why would you want to ruin the hard work of your wife?' Cernn just lightly shook his head at the actions of the grandpa who seems too prideful for his good.

'This guy, he doesn't know our backstory, know the guys summoned are the heroes, planned a summoning and still didn't prepare a decent audience. He didn't show a little respect for the heroes from the beginning. Yet began evaluating us as soon as we arrived. Which king treats the saints of his kingdom this way? While sitting on his throne, showing a disrespectful demeanor'. Cernn was looking around as there were a lot of people in the audience chamber while thinking. 'This guy doesn't know anything about politics, nor about how to be a good king, what a shame.'

'Specially if one of us is a king too.' a devilish smile was visible in Cernn's face as his brain was working on a way to get more benefits. The brown-haired guy kept a stoic demeanor as he looked at the king's face, not bowing, not kneeling. 'I despise the act of buttlicking'.

"I am the king of this country, Aultcray Melromarc XXXII. The thirty-second ruler of Melromarc. Brave ones, please raise your heads." While seeing the face of the heroes, Cernn grinned. 'It was certain that these guys felt like using the king as a punching bag, they might refrain. However, not me. Speaking as if he was superior in our first meeting? I must as well let the guy learn a bit more about politics' a gust of mist filled the room while the air felt cold. 'It's time for a Halloween party in another world'.

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3.4k of words lol this might be longer than my essays (:v)

GoldenGrapecreators' thoughts