
The Flame Queen And Her Sly Lover

Excerpt: Kinsey grinning widely made Katie suspicious at him. "Do you know something? Your friends intend to punish me if I don't win today. It seems they want to prank me afterward." Katie snorted. "As if I care." "Do you know the punishment that will be given to me?" Kinsey leaned over the table causing Katie to move back and put down her scoop of ice cream. "Looks like I'll be ordered to run around the forest all day... naked." Katie's eyes bulged, hearing this. "What if I pass your cottage? Or do you want to see me naked?" Katie's cheeks felt hot as the color was as red as a tomato. But she didn't know whether her face flushed due to anger or embarrassment to hear the vulgar words of the man. Her angry was skyrocket when she saw the cunning smirk on the man's lips. "YOU....!!" "I don't mind if you see me naked. Should I go to your room?" BANG! *** What it feels like to have your emotion controls the weather? That's what happens to Katalina van Oostven. Since she was small; every time she cried, the rain would fall. If she were angry, lightning would strike. If she were happy, flowers would bloom. But this power hinders her dream; thus, at the age of 16, she sealed her power in exchange of losing her memory of Kinsey, her childhood first love. Years passed, and they both meet again at a wedding reception, but only Kinsey remembers Katie! Not only that, but Kinsey also broke their promise years ago and misunderstanding occurred, separating them again for the second time. Six years later, fate pulled them together, but Katie's seal of power already broke. She only had six years left to live! Can they resolve their misunderstanding and reunite? Can Kinsey find a way to save Katie's life? Don't forget about those people aiming for Katie's power! Read the rest at: 'The Flame Queen and Her Sly Lover.' Come to talk to me in https://discord.gg/a7ypnYw7TF *** Second Identity series: My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress (complete) The Flame Queen and Her Sly Lover (complete) Ice Prince: Rewrite the star (new) Watch Out, Dad! Mom's Here To Kill You! (coming soon) The Heir's Beloved Is Not A Human (coming soon) The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!? (ongoing) *the cover isn't mine so the credit belongs to the owner* Feel free to check my another works called 'Elementalist: Time Controllers' Support: paypal.me/vorstinstory

VorstinStory · Fantasy
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339 Chs

Meeting With Charles

During the journey, Katie gasped in awe endlessly at the buildings she passed. All her life, she lived on the edge of the city. Well, more precisely, it was on the border between the forest and the village. Even while in her current place, her home was located near a farm.

She had never seen towering buildings. There was even a large screen that attached perfectly to the top of a building. Why people put a TV on the top of tall buildings?

In contrast to her parents who dislike crowdedness, Katie pretty much liked it. Seeing the streets filled with a sea of ​​people made her more excited to live in this city. If she had the power to speed up time, she would have immediately jumped into the future. Hahahaha.

After almost an hour's drive, Katie arrived at the tallest building in the area. Without further ado, Katie entered it and was immediately welcomed by the receptionist there.

"Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Good afternoon. I made an appointment with Charlie Wells."

Before the receptionist could answer, two voices came from the side. The receptionist who had welcomed her promptly stood up and saluted the two people walking towards them.

"Did you find out which school she wanted to go to?"

"Mrs. Len said Catherine once ventured into going to Trinity. It seems like she also wants to go to a communications class."

Benjamin Paxton smiled faintly when he heard his eldest niece had similar characteristics to him. If someday he wanted to leave Paxton's business to his niece, the communication class was the right choice.

"Alright, register her there immediately. Use my name. She doesn't need to undergo the test."

"Yes, sir."

That's when the two men noticed Katie's presence.

"Mr. Charlie, this young lady is looking for you." said the receptionist politely.

"Ah, Katleen?"

Katie immediately greeted the man with her trademark smile.

"Who is she?" asked Benjamin.

"She is my niece."

Both Ben and the employees who heard him were surprised at Charlie's answer. Even Katie herself was surprised. Since when does she have an uncle? Also... why haven't they met before?

"Oh? I didn't know you had a niece."

Charlie only responded with an awkward laugh while rubbing the nape of his neck.

"She came all the way from Iowa."

"Two hours," Benjamin said briefly before leaving.

"Thank you, Mr. Ben." Charlie becomes happy and invited Katie to have lunch together.

"Are you really, my uncle?" Katie asked after the two ordered their food.

"Of course... not if it's through DNA. But you're my niece, according to Prussian customs."


"Right. Dimitri hasn't told you about it?"


Charlie sipped his drink, then he remembered something.

"Ah, I mean, Umbra. You know him as an umbra."

"Ooo. He just said I was the 'Red Queen' and blah blah blah... then my extraordinary power was cursed and so on. But he didn't say anything about Prussia. Wait a minute. So the real name of Umbra is Dimitri?!"

"Let's just say you never heard his name."


"Because he is an umbra. He has no longer has the right to bear his name."


Charlie looked at a pair of eyes that looked both confused and curious. It seemed that Dimitri did not say anything about 'umbra.'

Charlie cleared his throat, trying to change their topic.

"So, why are you looking for me? Your Umbra said you need my help?"

"I want to get rid of the 'curse' of the red queen. Umbra told me you know how to do it."

Charlie laughed at that as if he had just heard something funny.

"What is so funny?"

"Why do you say it's a curse? Surely your Umbra taught you how to control your emotion. With proper training, you can control your strength as you wish."

"I don't want it. I won't be able to sing in public. Besides..."

What if Katie could not control her emotions one day and hurt someone she loved? She did not want to risk it.

"Anyway, I don't want to be a red queen or anything. I want to live a normal life like other teenage girls. Please tell me how to get rid of it."

"You can't get rid of it, young lady. Taking your special power is taking your life energy. That means suicide. You must accept the fact that you are the new 'Red Queen.'"

"Don't spoil her hopes, Chale."

Katie looked up to see her Umbra was there and sat down to join them. Since when does her Umbra want to appear in public? And also since when Umbra was able to dress fashionably? Usually, he only wore a black cloth like a ninja. But now he's wearing a typical T-shirt and fashionable torn jeans?

Is this her Umbra?? Really?