
The Fisher: The Fallen bird, that thrives to ascend the clouds - Demo

Komba, a Rameshwaram fisherman, was reborn after his sudden death into a world where humanity resides in suspended space. In this unique world, children must fight, plunder, and kill each other as they grow older for resources. Even still, only those with exceptional skills have the potential to become legendary fishing masters. Every life in the boundless sea is given a sacred purpose. There are flying fish, turtles enriched with worldly essence, and whales capable of consuming heaven and earth. Among them are countless fishermen. Fishing is considered an art form. An old proverb goes: "If you can't fish, you might as well be bait." However, Komba refused to accept this and instead sought to change the people around him, rather than changing himself to fit into that world. *** The main character may initially appear lacking in ambition, but as the story unfolds, this perception will evolve. At the start of the novel, there might be some information overload, especially in the first 50 chapters, but this will not be the case in subsequent chapters. As a new author, I may unintentionally engage in info-dumping again. Feel free to criticize and guide me to improve the story. Your feedback and opinions are valuable in shaping the narrative of this web novel. Your investment in the story is greatly appreciated. While the novel draws inspiration from (The God of Fishing), expect to see differences as the plot progresses. Avoid comparing the two, as it may highlight flaws in this book and affect your reading experience. I am posting it in the Fanfic section cause I want to increase the number of interested readers. Thank you.

Lost_Soul420 · Others
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11 Chs

Red Flame Under the Sea


Amid the crashing waves, a voice echoed from the boat, urgently calling out to the other fishermen.

They were instructed to help the struggling swimmers onto the safety of the boat.

The voice trembled with both anxiety and fear, battling against the strong wind.

"Hey, Komba! Please hurry up and get on the boat... there's another massive wave heading our way... forget about that last boy... he's probably gone by now... GET ON!!"

Ignoring the desperate pleas, Komba bravely dove back into the sea after rescuing someone to save the last young man who had fallen overboard.

Despite the cries for him to stay, he fearlessly returned to the water.

Without taking a moment to rest, one rescue followed another.

No one could have predicted that such a sudden turn of events would occur.

The fishermen had set out that morning with hopes of a bountiful catch, but now they found themselves amid a life-threatening storm.

The waves crashed against the boat with such force that it seemed as though they would be swallowed up by the angry sea at any moment.

Komba, a regular fisherman from Rameshwaram, is 39 years old and currently single.

He is highly respected in his community.

Today started like any other day, with no signs of trouble in the weather or the sea.

However, things took a turn for the worse.

Due to their lack of experience and the sudden change in weather, a group of young people who had accompanied Komba and his crew fell into the sea.

These youngsters were entrusted to him by their parents for a safe return.

Thankfully, he managed to rescue everyone except for the last person, who seemed to have disappeared beneath the surface.

Komba was left panting heavily, exhausted from his efforts.

Currently, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place due to the storm and aggressive waves.

Komba couldn't quite figure out where he was anymore.

He desperately scanned the water, diving down repeatedly in a frantic attempt to locate the missing person.

The weight of fear and guilt burdened his heart as he realized he might have failed in his responsibility to protect those in his care.

As time ticked by, the search persisted with the assistance of other fishermen on the boat.

Just as they were on the verge of giving up, Komba noticed a slight movement in the water.

Relief flooded over him as he witnessed the young man coughing up water and struggling for breath.

He had found the last missing person.

Summoning every ounce of strength he had left, Komba swiftly rescued the man and pulled him towards the boat without hesitation.

Komba felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized he had managed to save the last person.

Suddenly, a voice from the boat shouted, "Uh-oh, Komba! There's a huge wave approaching, get back on the boat now!"


The boat's keel snapped under the immense force of the wave, pulling Komba down into the sea with great force.

In a matter of moments, Komba was swept away by the powerful force.

Someone yelled, "Quick! Grab him! Save him!"

"Oh no! Get him on board! He's exhausted, hurry up and pull him in!"

"This is exactly why I didn't want these young troublemakers with us! Why is Komba risking his life for them?!"

Despite the efforts of his fellow fishermen to rescue him, Komba struggled to swim towards them, his strength depleted.

He knew his fate was sealed the moment the massive wave crashed over him.

Yet, he continued to fight against the relentless sea for a long time.

As another wave loomed in the distance, Komba resigned himself to his destiny.

He closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the current, his body growing weaker with each passing moment.

The voices of his companions faded into the distance as he sank deeper into the dark, cold waters.

Being a seasoned fisherman, he was as familiar with the ocean as he was with his own home, and he was certain that there was no escape.

After consuming a considerable amount of seawater and losing all his strength, another powerful wave hit him, pulling him further into the depths and ultimately drowning him.

As he sank below the surface, he noticed the absence of any fish swimming around him.

'Huh?! What's that?!'

Drifting underwater, he caught sight of a red flame amidst peculiar pillars.

Despite knowing that a flame couldn't possibly burn underwater, his gaze was fixated on it.

Next to the fire, several statues were positioned. 

He couldn't help but focus on the unique female statue sitting on a throne. 

She was captivating!

He slowly descended towards the base of the statue.

Strangely, despite the circumstances, Komba remained surprisingly calm.

Komba could now see the intricate details of the statue's face, the serene expression that seemed to radiate wisdom and tranquility.

He felt a strange connection to the statue as if it held some ancient knowledge that was meant for him.

Suddenly, the flame flickered and grew brighter, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Komba felt a warmth spreading through his body as if the flame was reaching out to him, offering him comfort and solace.

He closed his eyes and embraced the sensation, surrendering himself to the depths of the ocean.

Even as he felt like he was on the brink of death, a sense of peace washed over him.

His entire life flashed before his eyes...

He saw himself as a young boy, learning to fish from his father on their small wooden boat.

He remembered the countless hours spent out at sea, the thrill of reeling in a big catch, and the satisfaction of providing for his family.

He recalled the day he finished college, along with the day he landed the job that brought immense joy to his family.

He also reminisced about the day he left his job and went through a divorce.

And then, he thought back to the day he returned to his fishing career.

He remembered the moment he took in some kids and assisted them financially with their studies. 

Reflecting on those children, he couldn't help but feel a bit of regret. 

He hoped that his friend would help the children access his insurance money without any hassle. 

He even believed that the children would be fine without him. 

Finally, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

Unbeknownst to him, the tiny spark of the flame flew into the middle of his forehead the moment he lost consciousness.
