
The Fisher: The Fallen bird, that thrives to ascend the clouds - Demo

Komba, a Rameshwaram fisherman, was reborn after his sudden death into a world where humanity resides in suspended space. In this unique world, children must fight, plunder, and kill each other as they grow older for resources. Even still, only those with exceptional skills have the potential to become legendary fishing masters. Every life in the boundless sea is given a sacred purpose. There are flying fish, turtles enriched with worldly essence, and whales capable of consuming heaven and earth. Among them are countless fishermen. Fishing is considered an art form. An old proverb goes: "If you can't fish, you might as well be bait." However, Komba refused to accept this and instead sought to change the people around him, rather than changing himself to fit into that world. *** The main character may initially appear lacking in ambition, but as the story unfolds, this perception will evolve. At the start of the novel, there might be some information overload, especially in the first 50 chapters, but this will not be the case in subsequent chapters. As a new author, I may unintentionally engage in info-dumping again. Feel free to criticize and guide me to improve the story. Your feedback and opinions are valuable in shaping the narrative of this web novel. Your investment in the story is greatly appreciated. While the novel draws inspiration from (The God of Fishing), expect to see differences as the plot progresses. Avoid comparing the two, as it may highlight flaws in this book and affect your reading experience. I am posting it in the Fanfic section cause I want to increase the number of interested readers. Thank you.

Lost_Soul420 · Others
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11 Chs

Endless Life Refinement of Seven Chakras

Chao Xiang's eyes lit up instantly.

'Does it provide limitless knowledge?! W-wait? Is that the reason I can perceive this data about all these things?'

As he absorbed the statement, many things started to make sense.

When he initially saw the clams and fishes in his water tank, it mentioned that they were suitable to be offered in this fire.

His heart started beating like crazy in excitement.

Calm down, Calm down, Calm down

After inhaling deeply, he decided to observe his surroundings. 

Initially, he carefully examined the four grand white pillars positioned at the corners of the altar. 

They appeared to be crafted from marble. While studying these pillars, he noticed numerous intricate drawings and writings in an unfamiliar language that had been intricately carved into them. 

However, as he delved deeper into his examination, he began to experience a throbbing headache, compelling him to avert his gaze. 

Positioned at the center of the ten square meter altar was a pit, within which a small red spark of fire flickered gently.

As he shifted his attention to the surrounding grass outside the altar, information about them suddenly materialized.

[Spiritual Grass

Quality: Common

Qi: 15

Note: As a result of growing up in a location abundant with spiritual energy over an extended period, it transformed into a spiritual grass.

Remark: Can be used in alchemy to make low-quality pills.]

Amid the grassy expanse, he came across an ancient, corroded alchemy furnace that appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time. 

Numerous cracks marred its surface, yet strangely, he felt an inexplicable connection to this forsaken apparatus. 

The entire area encompassed a space of 50 square meters, with a dense fog enveloping the boundaries, obscuring any visibility beyond. 

Below him lay damp mud, and surrounding this space was an infinite, pitch-black fog that rendered everything invisible. 

He cautiously reached out to touch the dark boundary, only to encounter a formidable force akin to an imperceptible wall. 

Unable to resist his curiosity, he couldn't help but inquire about the exact location of this place. 

Did all of these elements, including the crimson flame, belong to him? 

And if so, what would he gain by strengthening the red flame? 

Would this space expand further? 

Could he potentially discern more intricate details of his surroundings? 

'I couldn't know until I tried. How can I get out of here? huh!'

Just as he tried to think, Chao Xiang felt the world was swirling and darkening, he found himself where he had been. 

He was currently standing on the bed.


Upon disembarking, he noticed the mud on his bed, which had been tracked in from his feet. 

Despite the tedious task of cleaning it up, he realized that objects could be moved from that realm to the physical world. 

He can freely move things between his space of red flame to here at any moment.

'This was simply fantastic!'

Only with this space alone, he could do a lot of things.

He promptly walked up to the water tank, retrieved some clams and fish from within, and reappeared inside the space of red flame. 

When attempting to transfer the living things to that space, he encountered no resistance whatsoever.

'So the living things can be also transported huh?!'

As he approached the flame, he noticed that it was flickering with excitement. 

There was a strange connection between him and the flame, and he could feel its emotions. 

The black Krurcal in his hand became agitated with fear as it saw the tiny red flame on the altar. 

It seemed like the Krurcal didn't want to go near it, as if its survival instinct had been triggered. 

However, all its struggles were in vain. 

Despite feeling a little guilty, Chao Xiang decided to place it on the tiny flame to see what would happen next. 

And the flame didn't disappoint.

 As soon as he placed it, the flame grew rapidly, engulfing the calm and fish. 

The flesh of the fish and clams decayed at an astonishing rate, even their bones and fins started to melt. 

Strangely, he didn't feel any heat from the flames. 

The red flames left no ashes behind, completely devouring everything. 

Once it consumed the physical bodies, it began to devour their spiritual remains. 

Chao Xiang could see tiny soul fragments floating in the sky, visible to his naked eyes, before vanishing into nothingness, leaving behind a dark red mist. 

He could sense that the mist was a concentrated form of spiritual energy. 

As he watched this mesmerizing scene, his mouth agape in awe, the surrounding pillars started to emit a bright light. 


A few sparks from the pit flew into the middle of his brows. He was taken aback by the sudden changes and didn't have time to react, but in the next moment, his mind became incredibly clear as the sparks settled in the middle of his brows.

As his gaze coincidentally landed on the surrounding pillars, a flood of information rushed into his mind, making the enigmatic writings suddenly clear. 

He stared at the pillars, his expression dazed. 

The more he deciphered the letters, the more mysterious the contents of the pillars seemed. 

In just a few moments, the illuminations disappeared, and everything returned to normal. 

He had only grasped a fraction of the knowledge within the pillars in that short time, but at least he understood what they were about. 

Each pillar held different teachings - spiritual cultivation, physical cultivation, soul cultivation, and even a chilling technique for devouring souls from demonic fishes. 

It was truly mind-blowing to see all these techniques merged into one cultivation method known as the Endless Life Refinement of Seven Chakras. 

What really caught his attention was the striking resemblance between the chakras mentioned in this technique and those found in Hindu mythology. 

This method emphasized that solely focusing on spiritual cultivation and Qi mastery was not enough to reach completion. 

It viewed the body, astral body, and soul as a unified entity, representing a single life.

'No, I need to learn more...'

This cultivation technique was truly fascinating and refreshing. He found himself once again taking out the calm from the water tank for another sacrifice.... but suddenly...


The front door of his house was ripped off its hinges, making a deafening sound as it flew away with incredible force.

"What the hell are you doing without coming yet, brat?!"
