
The First Son Of God With Lucifer

You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!

SuchAnOriginalName · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Prologue Ch. 1 : Intro Kind Of

[ By the way, I don't own any of these stories only my own OC, so Marvel goes to their creator, same with DC. I'm going to try to go to countless dimensions, universes and multiverses. I don't really think anyone can combat Leon. And I'm not doing that bullshit plot where Leon will have a evil opposite of him who's super strong and want's to destroy him. Fuck that ]

[ Like any of these ,so say perhaps SpongeBob was in this, or TvD or Teen Wolf, or Marvel, or any of those stories or the music pertained inside OR ANYTHING THAT I DOWN OWN GOES TO THERE RESPECTIVE OWNERS ]


There were two of the most powerful beings in the multiverse sitting there having a cup of tea,

One of which was a big man, who had a black bowler hat on with an blue suit with a white undershirt with a black tie. He had an umbrella in his left hand, whilst he also had a grey mustache and grey hair.

This being is known as.. The Prescence, "Creator of the Multiverse" and the strongest being of all... or so they proclaim.

The other being, is one the many son's the Prescence had, also known as Lucifer and Gabriel's older brother although they had different looks and vastly different personalities. Lucifer and this man fell together, though Lucifer went to Hell whilst the other Being went to the Void. Through his experience in the Void he went through a vast improvement in his power even surpassing his father, in another universe, it was just Lucifer and Michael who came out first or who God created,

This time though, the man was the first born, before Lucifer and Gabriel. The man being born way ahead of Lucifer and Gabriel, Leon was more of an experiment of his powers. But that didn't mean God didn't love him any less.

This man is known as Leon Nightstar, the Lion Emperor of the Void and the firstborn of the Prescence. This man was African American, with an all-black suit with a black undershirt and black tie. He had a golden watch around his right wrist with a lion's ring around his middle finger. He had a buzzcut with a beard, and black shades covering his eyes, underneath those shades were purple colored eyes courtesy to the void and his powers. He also similarly had a scar across his face like his younger blonde brother Lucifer, not the black-haired goofy one from cinematics.

Simply thinking about it, he might actually go visit that goofy-haired brother in the other universe. Though would he know me? In this Universe, he was an irregularity or so his father said since birth. That he was a special birth, only in this universe. My power far surpassed my brothers and sisters at birth as if I had a natural connection to the Void. Which is why his father had intentionally sent him there.

Unlike Lucifer who hated hell, well the Golden-haired one, Leon very much enjoyed his experience in the Void.

The being known as Leon, was by far the strongest being even in the omniverse. Leon could bitch slap someone like the Living Tribunal or even the Prescence into Oblivion, or into true death. Meaning no coming back to the dead (aka Nanda Parbat or rebirth in any other Universe) Though he didn't really include himself in the Universe's politics, or the concepts of Good and Evil. But that didn't mean he didn't entertain himself with the humans of Earth Prime or even the other ones, the imagination and creativity that the human's had really impressed him, I mean to create multiverses through one's thoughts and creativity?

There wasn't ever a Naruto Universe, a One Piece universe or anything until the Human themselves created it, although without them knowing.

Leon had nice conversations with his father, with simple topics pertaining to the universe or just in general how his father was doing. To say sending Leon to the void was a good thing was an understatement. He would be forever grateful to his father, it wasn't so much as a punishment as Lucifer's was. It was to truly connect me to the Void, and his father was trying to find a reason to send me there, not in a bad way but in a good way. And for that he was grateful.

Even if at this point Leon could demolish this universe with a snap, (courtesy to him seeing someone else do it in the future in another omniverse).

Soon after this talk with father I'm going to visit other universes, first stop would be to visit my black haired Lucifer brother who's obsessed with this Chloe women. Then I'll go visit human-made universes such as Vampire Diaries, Naruto, Percy Jackson. Although there may be different God's and Goddesses, ultimately I'm the strongest in the universe unless some random author or human just randomly implanted a random child under the Presence and just randomly making a story and then randomly making him the strongest being in the Omniverse. Of course hypothetically...

After finally ending their conversation Leon got up and hugged his father of whom he's eternally grateful to.

"Well Father, I'm off to go visit Lucifer", he said as he untangled his arms and stared at his father,

"Ho? Which one, that Golden haired brat and or the even more foolish black haired brat?" he said amused,

"The Black haired one father" Leon said as he let out a chuckle, "Well make sure you send him my greetings, though I'd doubt it with all of that pent up hatred he has for me" he said as he also rose his brow and sighed

"When will that boy ever learn that I did that for his own benefit,"

Leon simply shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, but what I do know is that I'll pass along your greetings. Hopefully he doesn't kill the messenger."

Then Leon furrowed his brows, "Wait would he even know me? Y-you know different universe's and such and how you said I was a special existence?"

The Presence then put his fingers on his chin and rose his brow in serious thought, "I'd never thought about that"

"Dad aren't you supposed to be omni something?"

"Boy I know you're not talking! Your stronger than me! You should know this stuff!"

Leon sighed in defeat, "You can't pull that trick father. I may be stronger but I'm not the creator of this multiverse"

The Presence then nodded his head, "You won that argument, and honestly? I don't honestly know if he would know you. Ah, that Lucifer is from the uh? Earth-666?"

"Yes father.."

"Well he definitely doesn't know you in that case haha! That universe's timeline is so fucked up I just left it alone at that point haha!" he said as he laughed,

"I rarely visit there either,"

"Well shoo boy! Go meet your brother who doesn't even know you haha!" the Presence laughed,

"I didn't know you even had a sense of humor father" Leon said sighing,

"Well I'm off Father, I had a good time with you. I'll come stop by and visit, maybe demolish a couple of pest's along the way."

"Well, I'll see you then boy."

Leon threw up the deuces while opening a seemingly purple portal with black blemishes inside of it which radiated a evil aura in general, he then looked at his father one last time before stepping through to meet his brother, who doesn't even know him.

The Presence simply smiled, he did deep down truly love his Children. Even the oh so doubtful Lucifer Morningstar, whichever one you want to include,

"Off to a new journey it seems"

Any reviews or input in general would be greatly appreciated, let me know what TV Shows, Universes, or Games you want me to go to and I'll cause Havoc there along with someone else as long as you read the Synopsis you'll know. I don't care about power stones or any of that because I could just stop updating randomly. I get bored quickly,

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