
The First Son Of God With Lucifer

You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!

SuchAnOriginalName · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch. 2 Arrival: A Fight Ensues

[ Be aware that this is mostly AU like pertaining to History and things similar to that, but not really you get my point? Like personality wise or power wise... ok I'll shut up. Also of course some of the characters go to their respected creator's, I only own my OC's. ]


In an random alleyway of Los Angeles, a purple portal appeared right in the middle of a dispute, or a crime so to say between three men and one woman.

Everyone stopped to look towards the Supernatural Portal that just randomly appeared before their eyes,

One man's eyes widened, he then rubbed his eyes and muttered under his breath, "What the fuck?.."

Leon then stepped out and looked at his wrist... he grabbed his wrist with his left hand and started motioning movement with his right hand,

He gripped his hand and then stopped to look at the men and sneered, "Well would you look at what I stumbled upon?"

The woman widened her eyes as her shirt was ripped and her bra was almost coming off as the man's dirty hands was touching her and another was pushing her into a wall in an awkward position, "Please help! Please!"

One of the men frowned and slapped her then pointed at her, "Shut your yap bitch!" he then looked back at Leon with prying eyes, meanwhile she yanked back her head and hit the wall and went unconscious

He went from Leon to the woman back again, "And you-"


"Did she really pass out! You stupid-" he proceeded to kick her and kept going as she spit out blood,

He then wrapped his dirty hands around her neck choking her, Leon looked at him in amusement, "Alright that's enough"

The man who was kicking her stopped and turned to look at Leon, before laughing at Leon then turned towards one of his lackey's with wide eyes,

He then pointed at Leon, "Do my eyes deceive me?" he laughed, then his eyes turned into pure hatred "Or is that is a ni-" Leon went to the man so fast it caused a sonic boom as he stared the man in his eyes with his eyelids glowing purple as his mere presence was suffocating to be around,

All of the killing intent was placed on the man in front of him, the man nearly passed out whilst the others felt it and trembled in fear,

Leon smiled maliciously, "Please finish that sentence, enlighten me with your words mortal!" Leon said with disgust as he eyed him upon and down,

The man was frightened,

He simply fell on his ass the moment Leon ran to him at high speeds and then stopped abruptly causing the wind generated from his run to fully blast the man backwards,

The man tried to crawl back and avoid those leeching eyes,

The other two men tried to run as soon as they saw him seemingly teleport in front of their eyes, they thought that they'd imagined that portal but no. This man was not normal and they had to escape by any means necessary.

Leon looked at the man on the ground and sighed, "Pathetic" he pointed his finger at the man as if it was a gun and then his finger glowed and a purple laser flew out of his finger towards the man's head as a tiny hole could be seen as it penetrated the man's head,

His lifeless body then started twitching as blood came out the hole and his body collapsed backwards and went limp,

Leon stared at the body with emotionless eyes and then looked at the others as his shades gleamed, "One down... two to go"

The men opened their eyes wide in realization that they were going to die and the human's primal instincts kicked in... fight or flight. We all know what they decided,

One man ran for his life whilst the other grabbed the unconscious woman and pulled out a gun and pointed at her head in fear, "B-back away! I will kill her! Don't be a hero mate!"

Leon in super high speeds visible to the eye teleported in front of the fleeing man and sliced his hand horizontally cutting the man's head cleanly off his body as it dropped with surprise in his eyes in slow motion, whilst Leon then teleporting back to his original spot as if nothing happened, all of this happened in a mere second

In the man's eyes his friend just died out of nowhere and Leon had stood still the whole time,

The man holding the woman looked at his friend in total fear then turned back around, "G-get away from me or I'll end her I swear!"

Leon threw his head back, in what seemed to the man as hesitation and then man tried to capitalize upon that, "Y-yea! I will end her life you hear me don't be a fucking hero!"

Leon then suddenly roared with laughter as he threw his head back and held his gut and he continued to laugh which honest to God scared the man, "W-what the hell are you laughing at!"

Leon couldn't hold it in, "Pfft Hero haha! Are you kidding me?! HAHA"

"Oh man, I'll spare you, that was one good joke haha!" the man eyes widened, "W-wait really?"

Leon quieted down his laughter and nodded his head with a smile, "Sure.. Sure go ahead before I change my mind now"

The man hesitatingly let her go, then started running for his life as his back was turned, Leon looked at the man before he pointed at him and shot a purple beam towards the man's heart.


As there was silence, a thump could be heard as the man's dead body fell to the ground,

Leon's eyes fell onto the woman, "Well.." he said as he brought his hand to his chin pondering, "What to do with you.."

Leon stared at her then looked around at the bloodied bodies, "Maybe I should erase her memories of me, it would help prevent and further troublesome events" he said aloud,

"But, I like the unexpected... so" he thrusted out his palm, whilst using Reality Manipulation he simply healed her and left her in the alleyway with seemingly nowhere to go...

Leon looked at her and smirked as his body flashed and he was gone...

Leon suddenly appeared across the street from Lucifer's club,

Leon watched on, as he saw a crowd of people lined up, probably getting checked out by the security guards to allow them clearance,

Leon simply tilted his head, and he vanished and reappeared inside of the club where the lights were flickering and ranging from different colors as he saw people dancing on each other, the music booming,

Leon looked on as he saw a man passing on a drug substance most likely to someone else and then he kept on walking as if nothing happened,

Leon then saw the man who he was looking for. Lucifer Morningstar in a tanned blue suit with black matte shoes, a semi-shaved beard with combed hair...

He was simply standing by the bar drinking as he was looking at his club,

Leon from a distance simply walked up to the bar where he saw a skin tanned beauty sitting behind the bar, he then sat down.

Leon then frowned a little, he sniffed the air before looking at the female once again.

"Demon" he whispered...

She walked over to him after serving another person, "What do you want?" she said lazily as she leaned over in front of his face,

Leon simply rose his brow before leaning back in his seat, "Give me your heaviest drink, and if you don't mind? What's your name"

The lady looked at him with curiosity before going cold, "I do mind," as she walked away to get the drink,

Leon chuckled, "Cold, I like my women like that" then he frowned, "Wait do I?" he said as he chuckled again under his breath,

The Lady came back again with the drink, poured the ice cubs in before pouring the drink in finally, "Anything else?" she said lazily as if he was an annoying pest,

Leon simply waved his hand and she walked away,

Leon swirled his drink around and sniffed it before taking a sip and nodding, and from the corner of his eye he saw the female widening her eyes before frowning,

Leon turned his attention back to his drink and drank some more in hidden amusement, when he said he wanted the strongest drink. He did indeed get it and he wasn't disappointed, except for the fact that this drink would kill any normal human.

While Lucifer also stared at him with an inquisitive gaze, before turning his attention away back to the club as he was too preoccupied with other females eyeing him lustfully, he had to fulfill their desires, after all.. that's his whole mojo.

The lady came walking back to Leon with a seductive form of posture and gaze as if she was trying to eat him up, Leon simply smiled at her, 'I'll play along',

She came back over and leaned towards him and whispered in his ear seductively, "Follow me..." before Lucifer grabbed her wrist, "Now now Maze, we wouldn't want to scare off our great customer here now hm?"

She huffed before walking away as now Lucifer pushed away the females and went out to shake Leon's hand,

"Lucifer Morningstar, pleasure to meet you"

Leon smirked whilst holding his hand and grabbed Lucifer's hand, "Leon Nightstar, pleasure to meet you as well"

Lucifer simply chuckled, "How convenient, Morningstar and Nightstar... now tell me" Lucifer said as he looked into Leon's eye,

"What is it you truly desire?" as an intense ringing only heard by Lucifer and Leon was coming out,

Leon then spoke, "I-... I"

Lucifer smiled, "Yes? Come on now lad!"

"I- I'm sorry but I can't take you serious!"

Leon said whilst laughing in Lucifer's face, Leon then mimicked Lucifer's voice in a high-pitched voice "What is it you desire?"

Leon was cracking up, "Oh man I haven't laughed like that in a millennia" Lucifer then frowned, not only at the fact that his mojo didn't work and the stranger was laughing in his face, but he was frowning at the last word he just said, millennia.

"Who are you?" he said as he gripped Leon's hand's enough to break a normal human's hand,

Leon then stopped laughing, before he eyed Lucifer almost comically,

"You dare?" Leon then started gripping Lucifer's hand to the point where Lucifer was visibly strained as he was tapping his feet and scrunching up his face in pain,

"You are by far, the most weakest supernatural being I've encountered thus far, other than that woman over there. You are far too young to challenge me either way, You've lost your touch, to the point where you care about human lives. You care about human's opinions, hell you even want to be human probably because you want to find your one true love to show that you haven't lost yourself!"

"And you are way too young to challenge me Younger Brother" he whispered in Lucifer's ear's as Lucifer eye's widened up,

"And father sends his greetings" as Leon pushed Lucifer back into the bar causing drinks to fall and Maze to come up behind him and put her blade on Leon's neck, seemingly trying to make him bleed but it merely scraped off of his neck as if his neck was the hardest thing in the universe,

"And you..."

"A mere demon trying to challenge me?" Leon said as his eyes glowed purple and it seemed as if there was a titan in a purple mist with glowing red eyes sitting in a throne towering over her as she shuddered and stepped backwards in fear,

"Smart decision..."

Lucifer who was still hurting from his hand, leaned back up using the bar to help him up, "Y-younger brother? Father? Human's opinions!?"

"Who.. in the hell are you?" Lucifer yelled out as his voice was dimmed by the music and no one was seemingly paying attention to the scene that was at hand,

Leon smirked, "Convenient how you said hell, yeah?"

"Let's take this up to your apartment Luci"

Lucifer eyed him suspiciously for a second before reluctantly walked away motioning with his hand to follow him as Maze followed behind, a few seconds later Leon fastened his suit making sure everything was ok before walking behind,

They then got in the elevator together as there was an awkward silence,

As they walked into the place, Leon looked around as he pointed towards the bar as he looked at Lucifer, Lucifer simply nodded and then Leon went behind the bar and poured himself a drink while Lucifer finally spoke up as he was grabbing his hand which was still hurting,

"I'm going to grab something from the safe, I'll be right back, Maze be a good girl and keep him company would you?" he said as Maze reluctantly nodded.

Leon seemingly snapped his right finger out of nowhere, Maze spoke up, "What was that for?

Leon turned around and looked at her, "No reason" as he looked back at his drink and sipped it,

He then took off his shades and placed it on the table as if preparing for something as he was cracking his knuckles and stretching, while taking off his upper suit,

He then layed that on the bar table, he rolled up his shirt's sleeves as it revealed a lion tattoo on his right forearm, he then took off his ring and put it on the table,

"You know..." he said as he looked at Maze whilst preparing for something, "I was once known by many names as I scoured many earth's, many timelines... and different histories as I've experience the lives of different people .Wore different skins, studied many different battle techniques."

Maze felt the air around the room going cold, "I've gone by... Alexander The Great, Leonidas of Sparta, Jack the Ripper, Ezio Auditore, hell I was once called Julius Caesar like I said, different earth's, different timelines, "... he said as he turned back to his clothes while a silent pressure immersed from him

Maze realized how bad of a situation she was in, "Oh fuck"

"Lucifer wai-"

Lucifer then came out with two of Maze's knives, still standing in the doorway he then nodded to Maze as Maze sighed and ran up to Leon seemingly to blindside him aiming for his head as she swiped,

In seemingly slow motion Leon backflipped and landed on the ground in all fours and then got up unfazed,

"Duck!" Lucifer screamed as a curved blade came flinging through the air,

In slow motion and with superspeed side stepped Leon looked at the blade as it was slowly moving past him, he then stopped wasting time and grabbed it and flung it back with some power as it came flying towards Lucifer who ducked and watched as it got stuck in his bed

"Aww" he then moved to the side quickly with a sudden seriousness as a fist banged into the wall.

Then Leon pulled his fist out of the wall and punched with the left towards Lucifer who caught it and sneered, Leon then threw his right to which Lucifer caught and he smiled even more.

Then Leon smiled back and headbutted Lucifer who took the hit, before getting headbutted once more as he was on his knees. Then Leon floated up which surprised Lucifer nonetheless,

*BoOmM* as Leon hit Lucifer with the more power and force knocking Lucifer in the ground as Leon stood above him, knocking Lucifer out and him lying in the middle of the floor with blood coming out of his forehead,

"One man down, one more to go" as Leon looked towards Maze who wasn't at the same spot anymore until his eyes widened and rolled to the side as Maze came from the ceiling with her knife in hand,

"All right this is getting boring," Leon said as he lifted up his hands and Maze starting flowing, then Leon pushed his hand's which resulted in Maze getting flung into the wall going unconscious,

And at the most convenient moment ever, the elevator dinged as a female blonde detective came walking in, to which she saw Lucifer bleeding from his forehead, a knife in the bed, A smashed in wall with Maze not too far away from it. She instantly pulled out her gun and aimed it at Leon who was seemingly the only one responsible,

"Hand's up now!" she screamed, but she wasn't that confident. If someone was able to take down the Devil himself and the Devil's bodyguard, then that's bad news. Very bad news,

"It was self-defense I swear" he said with an awkward expression like a kid who got caught with his pants down in the restroom with lotion next to him and a computer on a bad website.

She then shot a warning shot next to Leon's foot, "Alright jeez lady what's your problem," he said as he put his hands up.

Chloe slowly but surely went behind Leon and tried to push him towards the bar but hurt her hands instead to which Leon simply chuckled and sat by the bar,

Chloe went over and put one handcuff on his wrist whilst the other on the table, effectively removing and access to movements, or at least she thought. But since Leon had nothing else to do he just tagged along for the show,

Chloe went to her partner and nudged him awake as slowly but surely got up and grabbed his head,

"Jesus that hurt's!" he then looked at Chloe, "Detective?"

Chloe nodded reassuringly at Lucifer, "Are you okay what happened?"

Lucifer looked towards Maze and saw the she was still breathing and sighed, "Well," he said as he looked towards Leon, "It seems I have a mysterious older brother", Leon who was behind the counter smiled as he was drinking some more,

Chloe who turned around and looked at him, "W-what how the hell did you get out of those cuffs!"

Lucifer then once again repeated, "Once again, he's the older brother of Satan himself"

Chloe who's cheeks puffed up in embarrassment got up pointed at Leon, and Lucifer, "With me, we're going to the station to interview you" she said as she walked towards the elevator with long strides

Leon simply shrugged while bringing the glass with him while Lucifer was still eyeing him down, Chloe turned around once again, "And put that back! No drinking in my car!"

Leon sighed as teleported the glass back to where it was and followed along while Lucifer went wide-eyed,

[ AN : Let's remember, the DC Comics Lucifer is vastly different from the TV Lucifer... very different ]

They then walked out of the club, and into the car as they drove to the precinct, while Leon just stayed uncuffed because every time Chloe put cuff's on him he'd just break them like they were plastic toys.

Leon walked in and eyed his surroundings, after all it had been a long time since he'd been back on Earth, well he hadn't been back since the 1880's and not a while after his little crusade as Jack the Ripper, but as there were different Earth's and Universes. This one was probably not the same one he was in, maybe it was. He couldn't really tell,

Ah he had remembered the times he wore that black overcoat with his signature gloves, black combat boots and black combat pants with his white baggy mask and the black top hat. It was so hard to breathe in that damn mask of his,

----------------------------------[ Line Break ] ------------------------------------

[ Flashback ]

Rain poured down atop the rooftops of London,

As people were running towards their houses trying to get away from the rain, and horses and carriages were riding swiftly but carefully through the rain, there was a dark figure sitting on top of a buildings ledge as he had his signature black overcoat, black tactical pants with black boots, a bag over his head with two poked holes and a black top-hat, as he was breathing hoarsely

He had a dagger in-hand as his red eyes glowed in the dark as he was looking at multitudes of prey, he's had centuries of boredom and finally decided to get out to fulfill his bloodlust,

He'd recently killed another victim days ago as his dried blood was on his blade, yes his. He didn't know who was hunting females, but it wasn't him. Yet they'd pinned the blame on him, Jack The Ripper, or Leon... was way more discreet. And every single one of his murders were not discovered, maybe a few but most of them. They weren't discovered, and today his prey was the actual murderer.

His eyes turned swiftly as he noticed a carriage stopping near a woman, most likely a hooker. He then saw a hand out of the carriage as it motioned for her to get in. Jack, who was intrigued followed closely behind as he was jumping and flowing endlessly across the rooftops swiftly and quietly as every time his boots hit the ground there was no sound, it was as if no one was even up there,

He then thought as he tilted his head, 'They did say he targeted hookers hm...'

The Carriage then came to a stop in the alleyway, he smelled blood and saw the female's body of which was impaled with a dagger fall out of the carriage. The man came out and leaned over her dead body as he held his fingers to the side of her neck as if to check her pulse. He then nodded but as he was about to get back in, he dodged to the left as a dagger came flying and hit the carriage where his head was supposed to be.

He turned around to see the full stature of Jack The Ripper, the real... one. Jack tilted his head to the side as the man slowly backed up,

"Oi? Is that you Jack?" he said with a British accent, Jack slowly walked towards the man with a predatory gaze, as he had found his prey. His, copycat. Jack's body then flashed out of existence and the man felt sudden danger from his back as he swiftly rolled forwards as he heard a loud boom and a crash.

He'd turned around to find the carriage pummeled into the wall with Jack's hand still in it, Jack then slowly pulled his hand out, and pulled the dagger out as he turned around and looked at the Copycat.

"Heh, why don't you fight me fair and square without that dagger yea?" he said trying to get a rise out of Jack but only failed as the silence continued, as Jack stared at him for a while. He then slowly but surely took off his overcoat, and layed it atop the Carriage's shriveled up roof, he rolled up his sleeves, Jack put the dagger in his back pocket

Jack then hopped up and down while stretching, he then stopped out of nowhere and nodded towards the copycat who nodded back, and the Copycat ran at Jack with some speed but there wasn't much they could do in an alleyway full of trash, trashcans and other items that were threw to the sides.

The Copycat threw a right hook as Jack weaved under his punch towards the left and delivered a left hook towards the man's ribs as the man visibly cringed and brought his right knee towards Jack's head but once again Jack weaved and flashed and reappeared once again at the man's ribs but this time wrapped his arm under the man's leg, and brought his left arm and grabbed the back of the man's shirt whilst bringing his right arm up towards his left and connected the two getting a firm grip, he body slammed the man into a trashcan as the man's imprint was left on it,

The man was slow to get up so Jack using this chance smashed his boot into the man's face making the man go even deeper in the trash, Jack then knelt down as he slowly pulled out his blade as it gleamed in the night and the rain was still pouring upon the streets of London. He went down towards the copycat's neck as he was going to leave his signature mark, he then slowly but surely, slashed the man's neck slowly from the left, after that he tilted his head and did it from the right, he simply stared as the blood poured from the man's neck as the man choked on his own blood and tried to reach but failed as Jack slapped his hand away, then to his chest the blood flowed, then onto a puddle right below him...

The man before him was dead, he was sure of it. Jack proceeded to stab into the man's body, precisely his heart. Just to make sure that no voodoo bullshit would make the man come back alive, a strong bladed knife had stabbed into his heart and slit his throat. There was no coming back from that,

Once Jack was done looking at this marvelous work, he turned around as the rain kept pouring on the man's body and grabbed his overcoat, he threw it on without any effort, wiped his blade onto his overcoat getting the blood off of it, then hopped on top of the carriage, and climbed back onto the roof. He took one last look at the dead man, and then at the females body, and smiled viciously though you couldn't see it. His eyes gleamed in the night as he heard hurried footsteps from around the corner and disappeared. That was his last murder... well at least in Britain that is.

------------------------------[ Line Break ]------------------------------------------

Back in the precinct, Chloe once again put the stupid little buggers on Leon's wrists and guided him to a room for this so called "interrogation". He remembered he used to give those back when he was known as Caesar, he used to do the little flogging thing, he thought as he smiled,

He then looked around and didn't notice anything really out of the ordinary, 'Or perhaps this is another method of interrogation?'.

While he was simply looking around, Chloe had her hand on her forehead as she listened on to what Lucifer was telling her, she then shook her head and looked at Lucifer in disbelief, "So your telling me that you threw a dagger at him and expected him not to fight back? Not only that!" she looked at Maze, "But you gave him a drink that could kill normal humans?!"

Maze shrugged as her eyebrows lifted, "Well he's lucky he's not human", "That's not the point!" Chloe said as she frowned, she then turned around and looked at Leon on the other side roof the-others and sighed. "I have to let him go, not only was he in the right, you even attempted to kill him whether you know that or not!"

As she was about to go out the door Lucifer walked in front of her, "W-wait hold on now detective, don't get too ahead of yourself. You're going to let the so called "Older Brother of Satan" walk out of here like it's nothing? He could cause the damned apocalypse for all we know! We just had demons coming out of hell for this damn baby and now this guy comes out of nowhere!"

Chloe looked like she wasn't convinced, "Just please Chloe, please let me get the chance to speak with him. He said "Father" sent his condolences, do you know what that could mean? Don't you understand?"

Chloe shook her head, "No Lucifer I don't! I don't understand any of this! I just now realize all this time your Satan himself, that your Mother was a goddess, that you had a brother who attempted to kill me. That you have a sister who's the literal reaper of death. And that you have an Older Brother who's an Angel!"

"So please Lucifer! Help me understand!" Chloe screamed as tears were starting to appear and Lucifer was looking helpless and Maze was eating popcorn in the corner unnoticed and amused,

Lucifer stuttered as he began to speak, "T-this could mean that all along. Father has been watching me, that he's heard me. This could be my only chance for HIM to understand me. I only just realized I didn't hate Father... but I hated myself, and I'd thought that Father hated me too, but maybe Father sent me down for another reason. He let me go, of his own volition. He let me travel the world, I didn't want to be bound by him and then he suddenly sends me down?" he said as he throw out his arms as he had a sad face and his eyes was watery, he then sighed as he mustered up all the courage and confidence he had and said it,

"This could be my one and only chance to..."

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[ AU : Hit you with the nastiest little cliff hanger didn't I? Oh I know your mad, so mad. WELL THAT'S HOW I FEEL WHEN I READ YOUR STORIES. Get a little taste of your own medicine you little buggers. Also, vote, or give me ideas pertaining to stories you want Leon to be in. And Leon could be any historical character you want him to be, and I could research and perhaps give you a flashback. Like I did with good ol' Jack The Ripper here. He'll get even more flashbacks, ]