
The First Son Of God With Lucifer

You know, I hate those people that say... just read the story, let me give you a little sample. Lucifer from DC Comics, you also have the First Child of God, an experiement that turned him into the strongest being, able to traverse the Omniverse, and well. See me apparently because he's broken the Fourth Wall too many damn times!

SuchAnOriginalName · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch. 3 Apologies / No Fucks Given

"This could be my one and only chance to apologize," Lucifer said as he lost all the confidence and looked down towards his shoes as Maze's eyes widened, and Chloe still looked at him, but showed a little emotion. She held up her hand as she closed her eyes. She then threw her hands down and sighed, "Fine.." as she held her forehead and turned around and looked at Leon on the other side of the glass.

Leon still had all of his clothes on, but his vest had little bloodstains on it. His knuckles were bloody, but not of his own blood, but his vest had little bloodstains on it. His knuckles were bloody, but not of his own blood. His shades were still at the penthouse, along with some of his other belongings, but his most prized possession, his ring is still in-hand he thought as he gripped it in his hands.

The door clicked and Lucifer walked in with a little grin while Leon simply rose his brow, "I'm not amused by your antics little brother"…

Lucifer sat down, as he was still smiling, before leaning back as he had his hands on his suit and fastened them. Before once again looking at Leon, "You're not from my universe are you?"

Leon laughed, "Well duh, was it that hard to guess?" he said as he shrugged, he then looked around, "And this is one fucked up universe you've got. It's all over the place, it looks like someone has even broken some laws set by the oh so "mighty" beings we have up there."

"People time traveling, galactic warlords fighting over bullshit and what-not, pretty interesting things you've got here."

Lucifer simply looked at him inquisitively studying him, before sighing and letting up his act as he slouched a little, "So… Father sent his condolences?"

Leon nodded, "I'd assumed that was what you were here for… indeed he did. He had a lot of things to say about you, well you's. But in this case specifically you."

"You see, there's two Lucifer's. One of them, my younger brother, and the third strongest being in existence, Lucifer Morningstar, well the blond-haired one with Nigh-Omnipotence. And then there's you… the well. Very much weaker version of him, and…" Leon looked at him once more, before turning his gaze away, "Yea…"

Lucifer threw his head bad slightly as he turned his head a little offended, "What do you mean "yea", I'll tell you right now that I'm one of the strongest beings here.."

Leon yawned, "Yea… "here"… where I come from, you're the bottom of the barrel, perhaps if that barrel had a hole in a bottom you'd be situated there. Below that barrel."

Lucifer blinked rapidly, even more offended, "And your supposed to be stronger than" he then visibly cringed, "The other version of me"…

Leon laughed aloud, "Ha, vastly stronger. I'm stronger than Father himself, way stronger. I could just snap my fingers and he'd die, but I like to restrict myself a little. It's no fun, so that's why I like to toy with my opponents,"

At that point Lucifer's arrogance and confidence shattered, "So your saying you weren't even trying in our fight? You weren't using any of your powers",

Leon nodded, "None of them, at all. They were just my pure combat prowess that I've gained over the years, and might I add a lot of years, and I think you skipped the part where I'd said I was stronger than Father,"

Lucifer sighed in sadness as he slouched even more, "So… older brother, why are you here? What are you doing on my Earth?"

Leon simply laughed, "I won't take the only thing that makes you… well you. This Earth, I guess it's yours.." Lucifer this time rose his brows, "But I'm just here to visit you little Luci, you see I'd never gotten the chance to meet this version of you. Seeing as I was enjoying my time in the Void, vibing and all you know?"

"The Void?"

"Ah yes, you see… while you got sent to hell, I decided to fall along with you. Except in this case Father sent me to the Void, it's like I was naturally accustomed to it, or attuned. And no, Father never hated you at all. He did it for your own benefit… as I guess you've already assumed. You didn't want to be restricted by Heaven's laws, so he sent you down here, where'd you eventually end up on Earth."

"Fancy right?" Leon said as Lucifer eyes widened as he looked down at the table in sadness and realization hitting him at the same time, "H-he truly did it for my own benefit?"

Leon nodded, he then sighed. "Ah I hate it, you and the other Lucifer are all the same, crying and shit and making messes. It seems as the Older Brother I always have to clean them, do you know how many times you've farted and pissed on my face?"

"But it's my responsibility for you, so come here…" Lucifer looked up at him in confusion and awe, 'I pissed on him as a baby?' and he chuckled and Lucifer got up and walked over to Leon, who proceeded to get up and hug Lucifer, as Lucifer buried his head onto Leon's shoulders and let out his tears.

"It's okay Luci, the same thing happened to the other-you when I revealed it to him, déjà vu huh. As an Older Brother, and I guess your Babysitter/Caretaker, I'm here for you little bro.."

Chloe watched on as her eyes even widened, she'd seen Lucifer do many things… but crying? That's something entirely different, the Devil can cry? Not only that but in a man's arms… this seems very unrealistic,

Once Lucifer had calmed down, he sat back down, grabbed a little handkerchief from her chest pocket and wiped his eyes, and fastened his suit, "Well… I would like to apologize for that" he then turned his head slightly as he sighed "nasty display of emotions. You know I never react like that?" Lucifer said as he chuckled, he then stopped after a while and looked seriously at Leon, "You think I would get the chance to apologize to him, perhaps before the other me?" he said as he laughed

"Well the other you is a little stubborn bastard but," Leon laughed a little, "I'm sure you could do it before him, you want me to Thanos snap him here?"

Lucifer was laughing at him for a while, "Thanos? What's that haha?" and Leon nodded, "Don't even worry about it Luci" Leon said,

Lucifer then spoke up, "I think I'll speak to dad my own way, " and Leon had a deadpanned face, "You'd rather go the long route rather than me just snapping him right here?"

Lucifer nodded, while Leon sighed and muttered, "Stupid fucking plot" while Lucifer looked up, "Huh?"

Leon motioned his head as he said no, while Leon got up finally, "Well I'm going to leave little Brother and go on a little trip, maybe I'll bring your other version with me, or my baby brother."

"I'll see you, and make sure you apologize to Father, even though he wasn't crying he was definitely saddened that you blamed him," and Lucifer nodded while Leon pointed his finger at the camera and the camera went out.

He then aimed his palm towards the wall and a purple portal appeared while Lucifer was in awe, "Damn, I wish I could do that. It'd be easier to get to hell",

Leon simply smiled as he was halfway through, "You can do that… goodbye Little Brother" and then Leon popped up in another bar. This time though, there was a Golden-Haired lucifer with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other, and he had a bloodthirsty grin. Until he got slapped atop the head and turned around ready to kill whoever did it, "Brother?.." Lucifer tilted his head and inspected Leon, "BROTHER!" then Lucifer jumped up on Leon and hugged him tightly.

Leon patted his back as his smile deepened, "Little Luci how are you today?" and Lucifer smiled while he still hugged on. Lucifer had an astonishing pure white-suit on, hell he'd gotten the suit fetish from his Older Brother of whom he still loved dearly. Lucifer's brotherly love for Leon was beyond realms, Lucifer was almost child-like in the presence of his brother, he always wanted to be like Leon, hell he still does even though he's the third most powerful in this Multiverse. He's almost the second most-powerful because of the training he received from his Older Brother.

"I'm doing great brother!" Lucifer said as he finally released because the Crowd was starting to notice Lucifer hugging someone, then Leon spoke up. "Would you want to travel the Omniverse with me little brother? Fight powerful beings, become more powerful, be villainous" Leon said with a bloodthirsty grin as Lucifer grinned also. "I'd gladly tag along brother, it's not like I'm leaving anything back here. These people are boring, and what do you mean by Omniverse?"

Leon then looked at Lucifer, "Your telling me you don't know about the other Multiverses, or just Universes in other reality, realms? Such as the place called Marvel, Naruto all of that?"

Lucifer shook his head in confusion, "Ah, it's probably this reality restricting your thoughts possibly. Or it's just plot… well whatever brother your coming with me to explore the reaches of the Omniverse, hell those star wars people that we have in our world? Those books"

Lucifer eyes widened, "Wait they're real! THEY'RE REAL I KNEW IT!" he yelled as he laughed along with Leon who joined,

Leon then opened a portal, "Before we go to any super-powerful universe, we're going to some low-level ones to see how you react and see if you can grow accustomed to it, and adapt to the Universes laws", Leon said as he thought for a moment, "Wait, I wasn't planning on doing that? Di-" he then looked up directly at a person typing on their keyboard. The man felt like someone was watching him and turned around, but saw no one and kept typing while Leon kept staring before sighing. "If it's what he wants…" he thought.

"Well let's go fuck some bad bitches, maybe make some girls fall in love on the way." Leon said, "You ever though about having a wife Luci?" Leon said as he looked at him as they were almost through the portal and Lucifer simply laughed, "Wife… perhaps, I've lived such a long li-", "Oh don't get all depression on me you old fart" Leon said as he laughed aloud and Lucifer laughed with him, "But you were alive since like the beginning of crea-", "Don't even think about saying it Lucifer" Leon said as he stopped laughing and looked at Lucifer while Lucifer just kept laughing his ass off.

Lucifer rapped his arm around Leon's neck and hugged him dearly, "I love you Brother" Lucifer said while Leon immediately reacted with, "No homo" and they started cracking up.

And this is the start of a beautiful journey of Leon Nighstar and his younger brother Lucifer Morningstar the blond-haired DC Comic Devil, and Leon Nightstar the Omni-versal Comic, Novel written guy.

And to the Lord I pray, for whatever destruction the DC Comics Lucifer and Leon will cause said the Author,

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[AU: Hell there's multiple multiverses where beings are created where they aren't supposed to be so you can think of Leon like that. And for me, as a Christian I truly believe I'm the Son of God. Which of course would mean that, I'm Lucifer's younger brother. The actual Devil, so we should actually be close. But this is about the Novel and I hope your enjoying it. If it's any bad I can just rewrite it, not difficult. ]