
The First Fox Primordial

This is the first book that I'll be writing and my natal language is not English so please have a Little Bit of patience if you see some errors etc. But you can comment on them and I'll correct them if I see them. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SINOPSIS: Matheus Berlins is a normal man, a normal human who would define himself as someone not very normal, but all you can see about him it's a normal human being??? He is not some kind of human experiment, or has any type of disability, nor is he considered out of place or with mental problems by others... So... Why does he describe himself as an abnormality? Maybe he is saving some kind of secret deep inside his being that nobody except him knows? Could it Be something different? BUT!!!!!!! One day he himself who doesn't understand all the reasons will know the truth. Although first... 'Hmm…? Something feels different? Why do I feel like something is wrong... Or right?' Thought Matheus /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Discord: https://discord.gg/26vkgA7qDH ...

QID_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Just let me understand what is happening!

I just couldn't stay focused, there were too many things I needed to focus on, I can't understand the language and it all confuses me but... At least I know that I reincarnated... as a fox.

Yes, as a little cute fox.

I don't know why but the uneasy feeling that has been following me all my life when I was human has disappeared, and the weird part is that not only have I changed the race from human to an animal, but I got transformed into a girl too!

And then there is that weird holographic blue screen that is quite similar to the classic status pages of games.

But if the language of this place is different from the one I know why is that screen in English? I can't understand that, maybe it shows in a language that the one seeing it can understand?

If not I don't know what could it be. Because all the people around me seemed to understand it too.

Well, at least I could acquire some information from that little event.

It seems that I've been reincarnated as a baby girl fox in a fantasy world with a game system-like power level.

And I could see that I have some abilities that I don't even know how to use and if I'm not wrong something that was sealed and unawakened...

Why would I be sealed? I don't know but all the other foxes around me seemed to be talking about what I saw, it must be something very strange to see...

I even saw things that were between square brackets and others that were not between them. Does it mean something?

Or it just runs that way? I can't know that, because I haven't seen anybody else's status if that is truly what I saw about myself and I don't even understand what they say so it is impossible for me to understand them...


What was that???? Why did my head hurt so much, more or less in a second? And why did it feel like an hour? Something is wrong...

I feel sleepy... Something is wrong I can't fall asleep or something will happen, I don't know why but I know it.

If I fall asleep I will suffer some type of backslash from something or even die.

It's like an instinct, I just know it. And I won't be testing my luck without following what my instincts tell me to do, so I MUST stay awake at all costs.

But... I feel so sleepy that I feel like I could sleep for years...

I need to be awak... Uh...? Who is entering here? Oh. It seems to be my mother...

I need to wake up, let's try to approach her and see if in that way I feel better...

I approached my mother but I nearly couldn't even walk because I have just been living one day so my strength in the legs is not the best in the world.

My mother seems to see me struggling and that something is wrong because she comes to me running and starts seeing what is happening to me. I just can't accept my new parents because I've been living with others all that time till now but she is the only one here and is my mother in this life... So I should get used to it...

But why must I be a girl? And a fox?

Well, now I need to focus on evading sleeping.

I was feeling worse the more time that passed and my urge to sleep got away but I still can't relax because I am feeling ill. I feel like I've been hit by a truck or something! This pain is not normal, but I must resist it.

I may be showing that I'm in pain but I will resist it at all costs.

I was curled up near my mother, it seems that she called for help because I heard her saying something and no there are three more foxes surrounding me. One is my father, I think he is my father because he lives with us and is always with my mother, at the same time something tells me that he indeed is my father but I can't know it 100% sure.

The other two I think are the first time I see them... Since I woke up in this world I've been able to differentiate between foxes so I can tell that it is the first time I see those two foxes.

They are looking at me and they seem to be doing something but I just can't tell what it is...

Oh, the sleepness has returned, but the pain doesn't let me sleep, well, better like that, it will be easier to stay awake. I'll have to deal with the pain.

Cough cough cough

I suddenly felt even worse and started to cough blood, it hurt a lot!

Am I going to die again just one day after my reincarnation?

It is not a long time. But I still want to survive and I WILL survive, I don't want to die like that.

I will stay awake and resist all the pain till I get better. This is the unique thing I can do, and something is telling me that it is what I have to do, I can't fall unconscious or sleep or I'm dead!

I can tell that my instincts are yelling that to me!


[Rose Pov]

I was going to the cave where my daughter resides after finishing revising that the ilusion barrier was still running and that it had no problems as for example lack of energy because that could kill all of us.

But, suddenly, I started running, I had a very bad feeling, something is wrong with my little Alice!!!

I could feel a lot of mana surrounding the place where alice is, but this mana doesn't feel like it is good for her... It is similar to...

I couldn't follow with my thoughts because when I entered the cave I could see that she was wrong, I don't know what is happening to her, but I know that she is suffering.

I can see how she gets up and approached me so I walk till I'm with her and start revising that nothing is wrong with her.

And then I saw it, her mana was going berserk, but that shouldn't be possible! The mana in the body of someone can only be berserk if the fox is trying to use it and loses control over it but if the mana is unawakened it is impossible for nobody to acces it so how can her mana go berserk?

She can't try and control it because it is still dormant in her body, and even if for some reason she awakened it by force it would be very harmful and with a hight possibility of it going berserk but I can feel and see mana thanks to my special mystic eyes. The mystic eyes are a special characteristic that some people has, they let the user perceive the mana in their surrounding without as much dificulty as people without them, and they let you see the flow of mana. If you can see the flow of mana you can predict the power of enemy spells and even what the spell will be, but they can be usefull too for other things as for example now.

I can clearly see the dormant mana in my daughter going berserk and I can't do anything.

"I need to ask for help!!!"

I start preparing for casting a magic mesage for my husband when I lose focus. My daughter was yeling! It must be hurting a lot! I need to help her quickly or she might die!

When your mana goes berserk you have to endure the pain because the moment you fall uncouscious your body will lose the capacity to regulate the mana and control it bit by bit to stop it. When that happens you lose all hope and you can only face an unavoidable death.

I can't let my daughter die from that!

I quicki finish casting the spell for sending magic messatges, and send it to my husband.

Now I can only wait and try to make my daughter feel better.

It's been five minutes since I warned Loki and I can see him running here with two healers, I hope we can make her mana stop going berserk, if not... It will be all up to her.

If she stayes awake she may survive, if not she will die.

I wait and see how the healers are casting speels to make the mana in her body relax, but it all is useless.

It is the first time we see dormant mana going berserk and it is rejecting all outside interference making healing magic completely useless.

"We... We can only wait and hope she survives." Says one of the healers bitting his lips.

I can see that he is hating his inability of doing anything about that. I know him and he is the type of fox who does everything possible to heal others, so being this useless to help a fox who has just lived during one day must be very taxing for him.

"Yes, we can only hope she survives this and stays alive." Says the other healer.

"I suppose there is nothing we can do to help her except staying near so she is not alone." Said Loki

"Yes..." I answered.

We stayed looking at her suffering for three long hours and I could see her mana starting to stop and going dormant another time. But I can also see my daughter loosing consciusness.

"Just a little more... Just don't surrender and evade falling uncosncious..."

"What do you mean a little more... Is her mana better now?" Loki hears my whispering to reasure myself and looks at me with worried eyes while asking that.

"Yes, I can see her mana going dormant another time. But I can see she is loosing consiusness." I answered "Oh, wait. Her mana is stoping faster."

"Yes, now I can feel it, her mana is going dormant..."

"LOKI!!!!! We have problems!!!!" Someone entered runing to the cave shouting and made all of us become startled, but if he is coming with such urgency something must be really going very wrong...

"Relax! What is happenig." Loki askes.

"A human army is approaching our location, and there are other 2 armies surrounding the forest so nobody can scape..."

"This! How can that be, we have been hidden for a year and they haven't attacked but they attack now of all times! Quicly, prepare all for an emergency evacuation, make all the barriers run at their maximum output and make sure nobody falls behing. We must scape!"

"Yes!" The intruder got out of the cave running while we took our daughter who was now relaxed and whose live was no longer in danger.

"I'm going to help the others, Rose, go and prepare for evacuation we must leave and survive this for our daughter, we must help her and make her future better."

"Yes, Loki" I answered and changed to my human form to carry Alice and started running to one of the emergency scape routes prepared in advance so we could be prepared if humans or any other race discovered where we where.

"Loki, Rose! The other two fox groups have been dicovered too! They want to wipe us out of existence!" Someone stops us before going out of the cave and tells that to us.

"Shit! They have prepared this from long before, they wanted to kill all of us today so the prophecy coulnd't be accomplished... We must survive, we have already started our emergency plan so prepare to scape!" Loki answers with urgency

"Yes!" The informant runs away to prepare for the evacuation.

We have already prepared all, so we have to survive now...

[Alice Pov]

I was half aseep after nearly dying from the pain I suffered just now. I don't know how many time it's been but I would say that I've been suffering for hours!

And when I was going to sleep I hear a shout. I don't know what they were talking about but from the tone they are using I can understant that something very bad is going to happen.

The next thing I know is that I can see all the foxes packing and preparing to run away as fast as possible so I suppose my assumption was correct...

We arribe to a place where there are a lot of foxes, some in human form, others in fox form, and after my father said something all of them started running and scaping from something.

Suddenly I fell lightheaded and feel that my sigh is strange, I start seing far away, every second I can see farther away from where I am and see through the trees as if they weren't there to begin with. What I didn't know at the moment is that this ocurrence was one of the effects of the 'world's eye'.

I can see some foxes making barriers and defending our scape from an army, yes a human army!

At least they seem human... But why are they attacking us? What have we done to them if we just live peacefully without disturbing other species? What have we done that they need to send various armies just to make sure we all die?

I... I just can't understand...