
The First Fox Primordial

This is the first book that I'll be writing and my natal language is not English so please have a Little Bit of patience if you see some errors etc. But you can comment on them and I'll correct them if I see them. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SINOPSIS: Matheus Berlins is a normal man, a normal human who would define himself as someone not very normal, but all you can see about him it's a normal human being??? He is not some kind of human experiment, or has any type of disability, nor is he considered out of place or with mental problems by others... So... Why does he describe himself as an abnormality? Maybe he is saving some kind of secret deep inside his being that nobody except him knows? Could it Be something different? BUT!!!!!!! One day he himself who doesn't understand all the reasons will know the truth. Although first... 'Hmm…? Something feels different? Why do I feel like something is wrong... Or right?' Thought Matheus /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Discord: https://discord.gg/26vkgA7qDH ...

QID_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Human attack

[unknown POV]

Today is the day when those damn foxes will perish. I won't let any of them survive.

"Commander!" a soldier entered my tent in our headquarters and asked for me.

"What happens?"

"Commander, the army is ready for the attack, we've separated the army into various groups as you have asked, as we advance we can cover all the forest."

I love that news, with those news we can be nearer to our objective and kill all those fucking foxes!

"Perfect! Now advance, but do it without making noise, so we can catch those insects out of guard and evade any possibility of them scaping! I can't let survive anyone of that race. As the church has always explained and as it has been demonstrated in the last survival war, they are the spawns of evil! I won't let them escape and let that evil race expand the evil through the world without a fight!"

"Yes, sir!" answered the soldier

"Oh, and if some team finds their base, don't attack. Inform the headquarters so we can surround their base and catch them all."

"Yes, sir! I'll inform all the teams and we will wait for your order in the front!"


I was going to dismiss this soldier and prepare for the advancement of our army but I remembered something important that must be confirmed.

"One last thing before you go, soldier."

"What is it, commander? I'll listen and accomplish all your requests!" The soldier answered.

If I'm not wrong, and I doubt not being right in these case, this soldier is starting to think about the reward after we finish the mission instead of making his best to accomplish it, well, I can understand the feeling, the reward we'll be receiving from this is quite the huge one.

But it is important to not lose our focus and finish it without any faults, I don't want any of our objectives to leave the place without being tied and jailed inside our carriages. We can't be merciful with that race.

We need to make sure any of them escape under any situation, so this is why we need prisoners. We need to try and get all possible information from them so we don't need to treat them very well...

Still, it is good to have some people of that disgusting race suffering without stopping under the torture of our interrogators and if it doesn't work, we will just sell them as the slaves they should be!

Having a new supply of slaves could be a good thing. We will make sure a lot of them gets sold as a slave to the worst possible owner for every one of them! Maybe I should get a family as slaves so I can torture them myself...

With that, I could do some things to the mother or daughter while I torture the father or son and make them suffer all the time without any way of defending themselves. It should be funny.

Well as I said before it is not good to lose focus on our objective so we should be very careful.

"Before that, you should remember to not be overconfident, it isn't the first time these disgusting animals have escaped and found a new hiding place. So we should be very focused and don't let any of them run away. Instead of thinking about the rewards, you should think of the better way to get them all!" Said the commander.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier answered with an annoyed face, it was obvious that this soldier was angry about the possibility of this happening and that he has been advised about that same reason because of the possibility of being careless.

Or that was what the commander thought, being happy with his soldier's reaction, The truth, instead, was that the soldier was angry because he was thinking about why he would need to be careful because of a hateful and inferior race like the foxes.

"Well, returning to the point, I need someone to start the magical communication with the second army that will be attacking from the other part of the forest so we can have a better coordination. That will make it easier for us to get them out off guard and kill or enslave them easily." Said the commander, he wanted it all to run smoothly so he had to make sure all was running well.

As well as having a constant contact with the second army sent to this forest, they will be attacking from the other part of the forest, which means that we will be attacking from two different parts and we will surround it till getting to the center so a good coordination is essential for the plan to work well.

Good communication between generals and the army was essential for this operation!

The captains of every team also need constant communication with the headquarters so they can always get actualized information about the mission and the objectives.

"Yes, sir! I'll go to contact the experts to set up the formation and make the communication possible as soon as possible!" The soldier answered and run away from the commander's tent to finish his job as soon as possible.

The commander stood still looking at the exit of the tent during some minutes till he whispered something and turned around looking for something.

When he found it, it was an old sword, he looked at it as if it was an old lost friend and saved it.

"I shouldn't be asking that because of your identity but... Wish me good luck and success..." The commander started leaving the tent but when he was going to get out he first looked inside one last time.



[Loki's POV]

As my daughter and wife were running into one of the evacuation points I got out of the cave and went directly to the distraction team.

As the leader, I won't get out till all the evacuation points have had the time to run away and escape, so I will stay with some other foxes.

Our job? As the name of the team says we will distract our hunters and make as much damage as possible, at the same time try to make them go to a different place and don't find our teleport formations and different escape routes.

We can't let them catch any of us!

As I was leaving I saw another fox running towards me and I got a bad feeling... But I couldn't let it unattended so I went near him and asked what was happening now.

And when I got the information... I immediately knew why I was getting that feeling that something was off and it wasn't going to be as easy as it seemed.

It seems that the humans we discovered were just one of the different groups surrounding us and that they have not only sent one but two armies.

We need to adapt to this as soon as possible so I started running away after telling him to run and fasten the evacuation.

When I arrived where the distraction team was waiting for me I could see that all of them had gloomy expressions.

It was clear as day that they have already been informed about our bad odds and they are quite worried, but I couldn't let this bad mood hinder us so I needed to upgrade the gloomy state of the team.

"I know that the odds aren't in our favor, but we can't let that hinder us. Our race has been always hunted as an inferior race for our lack of a primordial or a god. We have always been hunted and at a disadvantage, but, have we ever surrendered? NO!!! We have never let it stop us from surviving and seeing another day! We have always fought with nearly zero winning possibilities, but we still survived, we never surrender! And we will never surrender! We can't let those that want to harm our family to leave unscratched! So at least we will make some of them return hurt home before surviving ourselves and joining our families at the meeting point! Nobody has permission to get captured or killed! So I don't want to see any of you getting caught or killed! We all need to survive and join our family. Have you all understood?!?!?!" I said shouting and getting the attention of all my subordinates.

As the leader of this group of foxes and the leader of the distraction team, I need to make sure every one of us gets home without any inconvenient and help them all survive till the end.


"We won't let those stupid humans hunt us down without repercussions!"

"We will make time for all!"

"We can't let them get what they want!"


My subordinates on the team started answering and talking about what they will do after we survive. I know it is important for us to focus on what we are going to do, but it is also important to have a high morale so we can fight with all we have and till the end without regretting anything.

"Ok, so are you ready?" I asked after some time.

"Yes!" Answered all of them at the same time.

"Perfect, so we will be dividing our forces into three groups. Every group will be formed by one third of our forces and will have a responsible that will lead them. Kevin, you will lead one group, and Jake you will lead the other, I will lead the last group. Divide yourselves between the groups and prepare to take action. The group that Jake leads will go north and make a commotion, after some time I will lead my group and make a commotion in the south-west while the group led by Kevin prepares some traps in the north for the retreat of Jake. While Jake is retreating, Kevin will make a commotion in the east and after exactly 10 minutes we will all go to the reunion point at the south-east in the central part of our camp so we can activate de teleport and self-destruct system of the teleport formations. Lastly, before we do that we will also activate the defensive array at full power to make it hard for them to find anything and get some heavy blows from that. All understood?" I asked

"Yes!" All of them answered and started working.

I went with my group to my position while I waited for the plan to start when I remembered I forgot to activate the illusion array.

"You all go to your position! I'll go to activate the defense illusion array, it will give us some advantages so the enemy won't know from where we attack or where we are situated so we should activate it quickly. While I'm on it send a magic message informing them of this while telling them to start with illusions till the array is activated so we can evade any losses."

"Ok" answered one of my group.

I went running to the center of the camp where we have situated the illusion array and the defense illusion array.

You could think that they should be the same but no, the illusion array is specialized in making an illusion that will make people get disoriented and hide our living place from outsiders, meanwhile, the defense illusion array is a more complex one specialized in identifying allies from foes and making illusions in a way that the terrain gets altered continuously for the enemies but it lets the allies unaffected, it also creates fake allies through illusions and earth magic so the enemy never knows our number or our situation.

Meanwhile, we see how many enemies we have and the situation they are in we can hide in the illusions and trick them so they can't identify our forces.

Information is one of the keys to winning a battle, so if we cut their means of getting information it will greatly help us.

When I arrived I activated the array and connected the self-destruction system to the one situated on the emergency teleport so we can't destruct this one too and leave zero clues about us behind after leaving.

When I return to where my group is we started making a fuss invocating a pillar of fire between their troops to scare them while we made some illusions creating more of them so they can't know which one is real and which one is fake.

Well, if they look carefully the fake ones don't produce heat but it still makes the trick and will make them get disoriented because they can't know when they will get caught in a real one.

After making that entry we started moving in different directions and attacking random soldiers that we found near us or made magic attacks for the farther ones to break their formation so they can't pinpoint our numbers.

If we can make them confuse our numbers it will be our win! They will be warier and won't attack as much so we can get a breath with the illusions made with the array tricking them.

After fifteen minutes of battle, we started retreating. When we arrived at the meeting point the two other groups were already there so we stayed there a little bit more there fending off the enemies while waiting for them to be nearer so that with the magic explosion after the self-destruction we can make as much damage as possible.

When we saw that they were approaching too much I activated the self-destruct formation connected to all formations and arrays on the base and we had 10 seconds to run away so we all stepped on the teleportation formation and activated it.

And just two seconds before the self-destruction we were teleported.


When I opened my eyes I found myself and all the other 29 foxes of the distraction team in a forest at the peak of a mountain.

We were not in the best condition, two of us were in a near-death state so we prioritized their healing but the others weren't any better...

We all had heavy wounds so we couldn't move a lot or we won't be able to get better.

We will have to be here for at least two days to heal ourselves and recuperate before joining all the others at the meeting point for the next base...

Well, time to heal...