
The Final Player Ends Up In The Marvel World As A Store Owner

A meteor suddenly appears out of nowhere, but it cannot be detected by devices on earth. In the end the meteor fell in a forest, from the chunks of meteor rock finally a man's body was covered with scars. A bald woman appeared out of nowhere, after waiting for a while the man woke up, seeing the figure of the bald woman he first raised his eyebrows before letting out a long sigh. "Ancient One?" The man started the conversation. Note: Alright, before reading take a look at this first, English is not my first language, so I wrote using Translate, so if there is a mistake where the MC, namely Arya is a handsome and cool guy, she wrote that it was an error in Translate, the author wrote this novel to relieve stress, if writing this novel adds stress to the author, then the author will stop, maybe the author will fix it but not in the near future, so if you don't like this story, leave it!

Fabi_Dayu · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

03. Opening a Shop

"Hello..." Peter politely greeted Arya.

"Hey! Come here, let's eat together..." Arya immediately invited Peter.


"Are you two alone? I haven't seen your husband yet?" Arya immediately started the conversation.

"Ah, I'm not married yet..." May shamefully bowed her head, she couldn't find a man to marry, because she was too busy with work and taking care of Peter.

"Ouh, I thought you were married, because you are so beautiful I thought you were married to a man..." Arya smiled broadly.


"No, I'm not married..." May looked away, because she didn't want Arya to see her flushed face.

"How about you, are you not married yet?"

"No I haven't, right now I need to take care of the Shop I own first, hence can't think of marrying someone, but I do want to get married, if there's a woman willing to live with a man like me, I'm ready to marry her..."


Hearing Arya's statement made May's heart skip a beat, she immediately shook her head and threw the crazy idea out of her head.

"By the way Peter, are you into Science and Technology?" Arya asked immediately shifting her gaze towards Peter.

"Yes! I really like Science and Technology!"

"Huh... He's a geek who really likes things like that..." May shook her head with a smile.

"Then this!" Arya immediately took out something from her black jacket pocket, which was a black metallic Rubik's Cube.

"Is this Uncle Arya?"

Hearing Peter's uncle's words, Arya fell silent, he immediately imagined her life with May and Peter, but he immediately discarded those thoughts and returned to focus on reality.

"Well try to touch the top."

Peter who heard that immediately followed Arya's orders, as soon as Peter's index finger touched the Rubik's Cube, immediately the hexagonal shape on it was split in half, then something was visible, which contained a hologram from outer space.

"Wooow!" Peter exclaimed in a loud voice, he didn't expect to see something like that.

"I have a friend who often gives me strange items, he gave me ten such items, that's why I'm giving you one, take good care of it okay?"

"Really I can have it?"

"Of course, I have nine more like that after all..."

"Thank you very much Uncle Arya!"

"Of course..."

May, who saw Arya and Peter's closeness, warmed her heart, she felt happy with Arya's arrival.

After chatting with May and Peter, Arya then decided to return to her house.

The next morning, Arya came out of her house, herself carrying a black bicycle with a black bag and wearing a black jacket.

"Good morning Arya, are you going to work?"

"Right, I'm going to my Shop, I need to get there early in the morning, since it will be the first day the Shop opens, then I'll go first May...!"

"Be careful on the way!"

"Of course!"

Arya took her bicycle to Hell's Kitchen, on the way there, the road was busy at first, but the closer Arya got to Hell's Kitchen the streets became quieter, although there were quite a few passing by.

Finally Arya arrived at her destination, an antique shop, as well as a clinic.

Even though it's weird that the Antique Shop is also a Clinic, but that's not what Arya wants, because she wants to bring people there, even though Hell Kitchen is a den of crime, but it can't be denied that there are also some people who are trapped and can't find it. go from there.

(Note: Give Power Stone)