
The Final Player Ends Up In The Marvel World As A Store Owner

A meteor suddenly appears out of nowhere, but it cannot be detected by devices on earth. In the end the meteor fell in a forest, from the chunks of meteor rock finally a man's body was covered with scars. A bald woman appeared out of nowhere, after waiting for a while the man woke up, seeing the figure of the bald woman he first raised his eyebrows before letting out a long sigh. "Ancient One?" The man started the conversation. Note: Alright, before reading take a look at this first, English is not my first language, so I wrote using Translate, so if there is a mistake where the MC, namely Arya is a handsome and cool guy, she wrote that it was an error in Translate, the author wrote this novel to relieve stress, if writing this novel adds stress to the author, then the author will stop, maybe the author will fix it but not in the near future, so if you don't like this story, leave it!

Fabi_Dayu · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

01. Meteors

A meteor suddenly appeared outside the earth's atmosphere, the meteor was quite small, but not too small, more like the size of a grown man.

In the end the meteors began to fall to the earth, as a result the meteors caught fire, even though no one on earth managed to detect the falling meteors.

Slowly the meteors continued to fall to earth, until they finally fell on the Americas, which is located in a certain forest, as a result the meteors moved so fast, making a big enough explosion when they hit the ground.

But the explosion was deep in the forest, and to the outside world came the sound of only a small pop.

The meteor rock slowly began to crack, until it finally split open, then a man was seen with a body that had many scars, and his clothes were torn.

Meanwhile a certain bald woman, who was in a certain room opened her eyes, you could see her eyes were shaking, her body was shaking violently, she was suddenly sweating.

"... Who... Who is it... Why would a being possess such great power?" The bald woman asked herself.

Then the bald woman immediately closed her eyes, then the eye-shaped necklace opened, she immediately floated up, she immediately tried to see the changes that were about to happen.

But no matter how much he tried to find a change, no obvious change occurred, leaving him at a loss.

The woman then immediately summoned a portal before entering it, not long after that the woman reappeared where the man had come out of the meteorite.

Staring at the man the woman was confused for a moment, before finally sitting next to the man waiting for the man to wake up.

After a while the man finally woke up, seeing that the woman smiled faintly.

"Uh... Where is this..." The man asked with a confused face.

"Are you awake?"

Hearing a voice, the man immediately turned his head away, seeing the woman the man became very surprised, to the point that he raised both eyebrows, before finally letting out a long sigh.

"Ancient Ones."

The man's name is Arya Black, a man of Indonesian and American descent, the man comes from an earth where there is a very advanced game.

Virtual Reality games are so booming, to the extent that they are played by half of the human population, namely 3 billion people.

The name of the Game is The Second World: Magical Fantasy, but who would have guessed it would be a death game.

The players who play it are stuck in the game, the only way to get out of the game is to defeat the final Boss of the game.

Which had a level of 1000, while the most powerful players at that time were only at level 489, as a result the players tried hard to level up, on the way to becoming stronger many players were gone, but in the end 2.1 billion humans survived and there was one players who reach the highest level that is level 999, then the final battle to face the final boss arrives.

The huge battle took a heavy toll, as a result 1.6 billion humans were only able to survive, but in the end the humans managed to defeat the final boss.

Players who reach level 999 after defeating the final boss manage to level up and reach the maximum level, Yep level 1000.

The players immediately left the death game, leaving only the strongest player alone, but who would have thought that a problem would arise, where the world began to be destroyed by a black hole that appeared suddenly.

The player chose not to leave, because in the real world no one would wait for him, as a result he was sucked into the hole.

Yes, he is Arya, the last remaining player who ends up entering a black hole, and is stranded in the Marvel world.

(Note: Give Power Stones!)