
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The history of Rivergate

As they left the dormitory, Reo and Michael strolled down the street. The invitation was still three days away. Michael, while walking, broke the silence, "Well, three more days to go." Reo answered in a soothing voice, "Yes, one more day and we're already prepared."

On the verge of making a left turn, the duo halted abruptly, noticing people working on the ruined shop. They walked towards the site where a brown-haired, brown-eyed man stood supervising the reconstruction of the shop.

Reo greeted the man warmly, "Good morning, sir." Michael echoed him, "Good morning."

"Good morning, young men," the man responded before introducing himself. "I am the new owner of this shop. However, I am uncertain what to do once it's rebuilt. I'm in need of some business recommendations. My name is Dane Dire."

"I am Reo Vermont," Reo introduced himself, "and this is Michael Stone."

Mr. Dane Stone expressed, "It appears I stand in the ambit of a promising young lad." To this, Michael ambiguously responded, "Well, I am not entirely certain about that. But, it is pleasurable to meet you, Mr. Dire Dane."

On the topic of his surroundings, Dane asked, "Are you a local resident? I've heard tell that this place used to be a retailer that held some acclaim in the community." Michael confirmed, adding, "Yes, that's correct. Reo was actually employed at this establishment back when it was a muffin shop run by an individual named Luna. However, due to complications, she departed and the premises remained vacant until it succumbed to a structural failure."

Looking for potential entrepreneurial advice, Mr. Stone queried, "Do either of you have any recommendations regarding the initiation of a business? I recognize it's unusual to solicit advice from youngsters, but I am open to suggestions." The pair responded that they unfortunately had no advice but encouraged him to persevere in his course until he discovered a suitable plan.

Reo concluded, "Okay, till the next opportunity arises. It appears we've exhausted our available time and we cannot afford tardiness. Farewell," He offered a farewell wave and departed, with his departure reciprocated by an amicable wave from the young pair.

"Michael commented on the apparent pleasant demeanor of a person, with Reo concurring in agreement," articulated Michael. "I share your opinion."

Upon reaching their school, both proceeded to the classroom where Miss Olivia had arrived early. "Good morning, Miss Olivia," they greeted together as they moved towards their allotted seats.

Miss Olivia initiated the day's lesson, emphasizing its significance. One clouded by curiosity, Reo inquired, "Could you quantify its importance, Miss Olivia?"

She answered mysteriously, suggesting the importance would only be revealed after the lecture. "The extent of its importance will become apparent after you've listened to the lecture," replied Miss Olivia.

Justine Stone, the famed conqueror from days long past, journeyed extensively across our world, documenting his discoveries in numerous diaries. There is universal agreement regarding the existence of monsters on Earth - it's likely not a notion foreign to any of you. However, an elusive piece of history unknown to many is that Stone was responsible for the division of the world into two distinct continents.

An expansive sea separates these continents, notorious not only for its resident monsters, lurking beneath the waters but also for its ceaseless, horrifying storms. Many explorers and pirates have ventured into this ocean, endeavoring to reach the other continent, but none have yet succeeded.

Speculation abounds regarding what secrets could lie on the other side. Some posit it could be an entirely new world. However, these are conjectures born of curiosity, as none have managed to successfully navigate through the treacherous ocean so far Stated by Olivia.

"Do you have any information about the golden tree?" Olivia asked. Reo lifted his hand and responded, "I read about it in a book yesterday. It is widely believed to be a myth. Nevertheless, numerous people have traversed the continent in a bid to find it. While a majority of them couldn't locate it and eventually gave up, there are some who are confident that it can be found on another continent."

"That's correct," Olivia affirmed, before explaining the background of the town named Rivergate. "The town was established near the ocean by an explorer who had aspirations of discovering the other continent, but opted to settle by the ocean instead. He hoped his decision would inspire others to undertake the voyage themselves."

"That's fascinating," remarked Reo. Olivia, the teacher, added, "Although the kings wield great power, they don't dare to venture to the other continent. The reason being, it is guarded by formidable storms. They suspect that the storms across the sea, which shield the continent, are the doing of an incredibly strong individual."

Reo wondered aloud, "So there is an entity mightier than a king?" Meanwhile, Miss Olivia expressed her uncertainty, responding "Perhaps, I can't confirm for sure. The king himself is the source of the claim, yet he stated that he never encountered anyone in person. It could just be that the island is perpetually besieged by storms, blocking passage for all."

Subsequently, Aurora sought clarification, by raising her hand and asking, "How is this relevant to historical studies?" to which Miss Olivia responded, "Well, it tells the tale of a town's establishment, which is presently in ruination."

Concluding the day's lesson, she added, "That concludes our class for today. We'll delve into more historical narratives related to today's discussion in the next class." Miss Olivia neatly secured her documents in her suitcase, bid her farewells, and exited the classroom.

As Reo mulled over the possibility of an undiscovered continent, Mr. Tomiya stepped into the classroom, greeting, "Good morning, class. Today's lesson will be intriguing as we explore the topic of elements."