
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Side effects of the unknown part 2

Upon reaching the dormitory, Reo noticed that dinner was already prepared and set on the table. Michael was sound asleep. Having earned some money from his inaugural day of employment at the muffin outlet, Reo discreetly tucked it away in his drawer. He traversed towards the kitchen through the little hallway, which was a threshold to both the room and the washroom. After partaking in his dinner, he proceeded to brush his teeth in the bathroom. Subsequently, he changed out of his academic attire, into more comfortable clothes for bedtime.

Reo then ascended the rungs of the ladder which led to the upper level of the bunk bed. The room was plunged into darkness when he flicked off the lights. Sleep, however, eluded him. He found himself gazing blankly at the ceiling for an extended duration of thirty minutes. Acknowledging the peculiarity, he admitted to himself that something was off, given his difficulty drifting off to sleep.

Upon descending the ladder that led to his bunk bed, he decided to occupy his time with meditation once more. This time, he resorted to do it in the dark in hopes of falling asleep more easily. He gently closed his eyes, enveloping himself in darkness.

When he opened his eyes, a remarkable sight met him - he was suspended in the middle of the sky, scattered stars twinkling above him. As he surveyed the scene below him, he found the city bustling with human activity. This unusual phenomenon led him to believe he was indeed in a deep slumber, vividly dreaming.

Interestedly, he turned his focus inward, looking down at his hand. It appeared almost transparent, allowing him to look straight through it and his entire form. His physical body, seemingly no longer solid, confirmed his belief of being in the surreal space of a dream.

Surprisingly, despite feeling as if he was immersed in a dream, he also noticed an element of reality to his surroundings; everything felt extraordinarily vivid. He was even able to view certain aspects of the city he had previously been unfamiliar with. Consequently, he made the decision to head towards his dormitory, Amelia. However, his attempt was thwarted when he was physically unable to progress past the walls of the dormitory. The moment he was about to cross the hallway leading to the women's dormitory, he was held back by an unseeable force. Consequently, he gently drifted back towards the outdoors before ascending higher into the skies. From an aerial perspective, he was able to see the king's castle. Yet as he tried to glide towards the castle, the invisible barrier once again hindered his advance.

Roused from sleep by the urgent shouts of his roommate Michael, he jerkily opened his eyes - waking up to find Michael in a state of haste. A sense of worry started brewing within him; he realized he might have overslept and was trapped in a nightmarish reality that had begun with him waking up incredibly late. Hastily dressing without bothering to shower, he hurriedly brushed his teeth and bolted out the door alongside Michael, a slice of bread clenched between his teeth.

He expressed regret, saying, "I should've anticipated that such a situation might arise eventually." Together, they sprinted out of the dormitory, and sped down the street, before abruptly swerving towards the already closed gates.

"NO!" exclaimed Michael, his face reflecting anxiousness. They were a good 20 minutes late, and they would have to endure an extra 10 minute waiting period for the gate to open. Realizing that this was not like the previous incident when Miss Olivia had only issued a warning, a sinking feeling crept over him. He lowered his head, releasing a deep sigh of resignation.

Reo, with resolve in his voice, declared, "At this point, our actions no longer carry any weight." Both he and Michael stood apprehensively at the gate. Twelve minutes elapsed before the green-haired, brown-eyed gatekeeper arrived from the main building to permit their access. Entering through the gate and transitioning into the school edifice, they roamed with dread and pondered their options for averting this regrettable circumstance.

Upon reaching their designated classroom, a minor dispute arose concerning who should cross the threshold first. Persistent disagreement led them to settle the matter via a coin toss. Michael promptly drew a coin from his pocket and lobbed it into the air at Reo's signaling, who had selected heads. Unfortunately for Reo, fate favored tails, requiring him to spearhead their initial entry into the classroom, a move promptly followed by a harsh reproach.

He gradually maneuvered the doorknob, gradually pushing the door ajar. To his surprise, he discovered all students seated attentively with their lessons already in progress. Miss Olivia, notably miffed, turned to him questioning, "Where do you assume you're heading? Running late once again?"

Further expressing her annoyance, she cautioned, "I had made it clear, upon repetition of this circumstance, leniency would be withheld. To ensure appropriate consequences, expect thrice the usual homework load."

Then casting her gaze towards Michael lingering behind the door, she voiced her disappointment, "Michael, as a member of the student council, a higher standard of conduct is expected. Contrarily, you've been more of a troublemaker. As a result, prepare for a stringent curriculum, five times the usual homework load, and expect daily assignments for the remainder of the week."

Furthermore, let's not forget the three assignments you still haven't completed. Begin soon, otherwise, they will begin to accumulate. Upon digesting the teacher's words, Michael cautiously opened the door, then sank into his chair, too fearful to meet Miss Olivia's gaze while the classroom echoed with chuckles.

Presently, as Reo made his way to his desk, he started feeling sick. Due to nausea, he rushed to the trash can and knelt beside it, placing his head over the opening. Concerned, Miss Olivia inquired, "What's happening? Are you alright?" As Reo started to throw up, Miss Olivia swiftly exited the classroom with instructions for everyone to remain seated. Despite this, seeing Reo in discomfort, both Amelia and Michael sprung up from their seats and hurried to check on Reo. They were quick to inquire about his well-being.

As he shifted his gaze towards Amelia, his vision gradually blurred resulting in him fainting. Miss Olivia, visibly concerned, came back with medical professionals who promptly escorted him out of the classroom.