
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs


Upon returning home following an extensive day at the library, our first order of business was to visit John's room to offer our greetings, before informing him of our whereabouts and the purpose of our visit. Once Amelia had departed to freshen up, I took advantage of the moment to inquire whether John had successfully conveyed the circumstances to Sonia. With immense relief, he affirmed that he had, resulting in her finding solace upon discovering my possession of a rare elemental substance.

Without any desire to delay or squander valuable time, I proceeded to the living room to initiate my meditation practice. Concurrently, I engaged in careful consideration of the color indicative of my respective element, which, in this case, was black. Though not without its complexities, my aptitude for this endeavor began to manifest gradually, as I experienced a palpable sensation of energy emanating from my heart, akin to the circulation of blood throughout my entire body.

"Reo!" The urgency in John's repeated calls for attention compelled me to promptly rise from my position. Acknowledging that dinner had been prepared, I responded with a smile and made my way to the kitchen, buoyed by the knowledge that my ongoing efforts to regulate the flow of elemental energy were yielding perceptible progress. After reflecting on my meditation session, I questioned the amount of time that had elapsed since I began, for John had not only changed his attire but also commenced cooking, and now he had already completed the task. Subsequently, John informed me that our meal would consist of fish accompanied by Roasted Asparagus, rice, and Sweet Potato. I proceeded to retrieve a fork and joined Amelia, who had already completed her shower, at the dining table. I divulged to her that during my meditation practice in the living room, my intention had been to attain a heightened command over the elemental energy.

Curiosity sparked within her, Amelia inquired about my experience, having already perused numerous informative books on the subject. Suppressing my elation at the progress I had made, I responded with a composed countenance. I conveyed that it had been an intriguing encounter, as I had manifested a sensibility towards the energy emanating from my heart, akin to the circulation of blood throughout my entire being. I suggested she try it herself, highlighting the significance of envisioning the color that corresponds to her own element, which in her case is the shade of gray, resembling a gleaming silver coin.

After completing my meal, I proceeded to attend to household chores, diligently washing the dishes and sweeping the floors in anticipation of Sonia's arrival. The sight of her well-being filled me with immense joy, prompting her to rush towards me, embracing me tightly while expressing her relief at my intactness. Furthermore, she had heard rumors about my possession of a rare and extraordinary element.

In response, I simply conveyed the details of my element and shared my aspirations for the future, which revolved around embarking on a journey to explore the world and unravel its mysteries. Sonia chuckled at my enthusiasm, playfully suggesting that my fascination with the supernatural may have been influenced by an excess of scholarly readings. Subsequently, she made her way to her bedroom to greet her husband, John.

Time swiftly passed, and the clock indicated 9:37, prompting me to retreat to my own quarters to select fresh attire in preparation for a refreshing shower.

The door was firmly shut, and as I cautiously turned the handle, I was taken aback by the unexpected sight of Amelia seated on the floor engaged in deep meditation. After a moment's pause, I quietly withdrew, ensuring the door was shut behind me, and proceeded down the corridor towards the lavatory where I refreshed myself with a shower and a change of attire. Upon entering the bedroom, I noticed that Amelia had already succumbed to slumber. Consequently, I proceeded to open the window adjacent to my resting place, allowing myself a serene gaze at the outside world while expressing my admiration for the splendid day that awaited. Finally, I drifted into a state of peaceful sleep.