
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Joining the student council

It's been an incredible journey, these past five months in Lukeburg city. I've been constantly on the move, exploring every nook and cranny, and I've discovered some fascinating secrets about this mysterious curse. One of the most intriguing things I've learned is that through deep meditation, I have the ability to transcend into the real world as a ghost or spirit. It's an exhilarating experience, being able to observe without being noticed by anyone. Additionally, I've come to understand that there's an invisible force at play here, preventing me from accessing certain areas unless I've been there before without the aid of meditation. It's like the city has a memory of its own, guiding my movements and challenging me to uncover its hidden treasures. It's a friendly, albeit enigmatic, relationship between me and this city of secrets.

After a while of dedicated meditation, I was finally able to achieve a newfound control over my eyes, which had long been plagued by a mysterious curse. Through my practice, I discovered that if I meditated for an extended period of time, transforming into a ghost-like form, the curse on my eyes would dissipate, granting me the ability to see the radiant sunlight and the vast expanse of the clear blue sky. However, with the curse lifted, I found myself unable to enter the meditative state that allowed me to become a spectral being. I dubbed this state the "midnight state," as it enabled me to freely wander and explore while maintaining my meditative focus. In this ethereal form, I gained the extraordinary ability to pass through walls effortlessly, silently observing others as they engaged in friendly conversations.

I walked into the museum with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. The curse that had been plaguing me for weeks seemed to have a connection to this place, but I couldn't pinpoint the cause. Alice, my trusted friend, accompanied me as we ventured deeper into the exhibits. As we reached the section on ancient artifacts, I felt a pull towards a mysterious mirror. I asked Alice to look into it, hoping for some answers. To my surprise, she saw nothing, but her research revealed that this mirror was once used by the first elemental user in history. It suddenly made sense why it was displayed in the museum.

As I made my way to school the next day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The curse had been affecting my ability to focus and perform well in my studies. However, today was different. I had managed to pass several tests with extraordinarily high scores, thanks to my extensive knowledge of history. As I finished my morning meditation and began my usual routine, I realized that I no longer needed to wake Michael, my roommate, as an alarm had been set. It was a small change, but it symbolized the shift in my life. With a newfound sense of confidence, I embraced the day ahead, ready to face whatever challenges lay in my path.

Arriving at school, Reo made his way through the familiar halls, passing by the two classrooms: his own and Alice's. As he walked, Alice unexpectedly stepped out of her classroom and called out to him. He turned around to face her, bowing politely and exchanging morning greetings. Curiosity piqued, Reo wondered why Alice had sought him out. She informed him that he had been invited to take the fifth seat on the student council, giving him the choice to accept or reject the invitation. Despite Michael's warning about joining the student council, Reo's interest was piqued by a rumor he had heard about one of the council members possessing a unique skill to attract related objects towards them. In a friendly tone, Reo asked Alice, "What may I help you with?"

Congratulations! You have been invited to take the fifth seat of the student council, an exciting opportunity that comes with the power to make a difference. As Reo ponder over the invitation, a piece of advice from Michael lingers in your mind, cautioning against joining. However, a rumor you once heard about a student council member possessing a remarkable ability to attract related objects to objects in his possession that seemed the same. Intrigued by this unique skill and driven by curiosity, he ultimately decide to accept the invitation and see what lies ahead in this new chapter of your student life.

Reo was eager to join the student council, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to seek help in his search for the next diary page. When he received the invitation, he couldn't contain his excitement. As he entered the classroom, he made sure to tell Alice that he would need to stay back after school. Alice, understanding the importance of his task, assured him that it would only take a short amount of time. Reo nodded and proceeded to his own class, arriving a few minutes early. After the final bell rang, he quickly made his way out of the classroom and turned left down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, he found a staircase leading to the student council room and the lunchroom, where students would often gather in a friendly atmosphere.

Reo, a confident and determined student, strolled down the bustling hallway of his school. As he reached the door to the student council room, he paused for a moment, contemplating the upcoming meeting. With a deep breath, he slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Inside, he found Alice, the dedicated student council president, sitting comfortably on a plush, black extravagant sofa chair placed behind a sleek desk. Adjacent to it, a large wooden desk with four chairs surrounded it, ready for collaboration. A clock adorned the left side of the wall, ticking away the minutes, while a sizeable cabinet on the right held a tempting assortment of snacks. Reo greeted Alice with a warm smile, ready to contribute in a friendly tone.

You're here, just in time as he walked in and was about to close the door. Another person was standing behind him, holding the door open. "Excuse me," he said as he walked over to the cabinet filled with snacks and grabbed a bag of chips. "Wait, I have something to ask you," Reo said eagerly, not wanting to miss out on this opportunity. It was the person he had been searching for, after hearing about their remarkable ability.

He had a funky orange Afro hairdo, with freckles scattered across his face and black eyeglasses perched on his nose. Reo then moved closer to speak softly.

"I have a request," he said, just as Alice rudely interrupted, stating that any personal matters could be discussed later. Right now, they needed to focus on signing the agreement to join the student council and go to their respective jobs.

Not wanting to disturb the boy who had come in for snacks left as Reo continued signing the contract. "Alright, you can go now. I'll contact you when it's time for the meeting," she said, as Reo left the room, heading downstairs. As he descended, he noticed the boy waiting for him.

Finally, you're done! How can I assist you? He asked with curiosity. "So, you have a special ability that helps you find something related to an item you have?" Reo inquired. "Yes, that's true, although I personally find it pretty useless," the mysterious boy responded. Reo face lit up with satisfaction and delight upon hearing his reply.

In a calm tone, Reo then asked if he could help him find something, offering to pay one silver coin. Excited by the generous payment, he immediately agreed, but requested to know the source. Unfortunately, Reo didn't have the necessary materials with him, so he had to postpone the search to another day. In the meantime, he introduced himself as Kalyan Cross. Hearing this name, Reo recalled that Michael had mentioned him before, but his appearance didn't match the description. Before parting ways, Reo assured Kalyan that he would bring the necessary item the next day, bidding him farewell with a wave.

As he walked out of the school building, he glanced up at the night sky, admiring the stars and the moon. The darkness of the night enveloped him as he headed towards the muffin shop. Today, Luna was in charge of making the muffins while he stayed at the front desk to take orders.

*Ding dong!* The sound of the doorbell announced the arrival of the first customers. Two girls, who appeared to be twins, entered the shop. They had long black hair that cascaded down their backs, and their purple eyes stood out in the dimly lit room. They were dressed in black and white dresses, giving off an eerie aura.

Sensing their mysterious presence, I quickly approached them and took their order. They requested two blueberry muffin and left after receiving both after waving bye.

The sound of the doorbell rang out once again as the door was pushed open, revealing a visibly downcast Darren White entering the room. He was dressed in his usual attire and carrying his trusty briefcase. Making his way towards the front desk, where Reo was standing, Darren let out a heavy sigh.

"Can I have a word with Luna, please?" he asked.

Reo nodded and headed into the kitchen area of the shop to inform Luna that Darren had returned and wanted to talk to her. Luna's expression immediately changed to one of concern upon hearing the news. She quickly washed her hands and walked out, taking a seat at one of the nearby round tables, completely unaware of what awaited her.

Meanwhile, Reo excused himself, claiming he needed to use the bathroom. But instead of going there, he closed his eyes and began meditating. In a flash, he appeared in the sky, soaring down towards the shop, eager to eavesdrop on Luna and Darren's conversation