
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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55 Chs

Interesting proposal

Reo awoke with a sense of delight, as it was Saturday, offering him a respite from the routine of school. This was particularly relieving as the daily task of rousing himself and Michael at an early hour can be overwhelmingly taxing.

He descended from the top tier of his bunk bed and proceeded towards the bathroom to attend to his oral hygiene. Subsequently, he navigated his way to the kitchen, where he encountered a covered plate. Upon unveiling it, he discovered that it contained food which essentially signified Michael's usual routine of procuring breakfast before departing.

With the premonition that I might owe him a repayment in the future, I consumed my meal. I then slowly navigated my way towards the library. On my journey through the hall, I could sense the pleasant sensation of sunlight reflecting off my face as I walked past an array of rooms. Upon reaching the library, my mission to sift through the books began; I was searching for any diary pages potentially hidden within.

As I stepped into the library, my eyes landed on Peter. He was casually seated at the front desk, one leg positioned on top of it, his face concealed behind a book. Despite greeting him as I walked by, the lack of response suggested he was fast asleep. With this observation, my quest commenced in earnest. Conscious of the potential that someone else may already have discovered the hidden diary pages, I diligently examined every book I came across.

I thoroughly scoured the first floor of books before approaching the front desk, then took to the winding staircase that led to the second floor adjacent to it. Despite hours of rigorous searching, my efforts bore no fruit.

"What are you searching for?"

Turning, I realized the voice belonged to Alice, who was in company with Amelia and Emma. A sense of surprise reflected on my face as I responded, "A book about history."

Alice then directed me towards the uppermost, third floor. This floor she mentioned was home to most historical books.

"Books that encompass historical events are largely located on the third floor" she informed.

We previously discussed the idea of embarking on a city sightseeing tour. Would you be interested in joining us? Unfortunately, my planned visit to the city's top sights is currently hampered by a lack of funds. Thus, can we merely amble around, or do we intend to pay visits to certain places? The response was that we would be engaging in both activities, and I was assured not to worry about expenses as the funds were taken care of.

Subsequently, Reo acquiesced to participate but asked if it would be agreeable to bring along Michael, pending his consent. Although there was initially some hesitation, approval was given and meeting details were shared - at the dormitory entrance, 3:20 PM. As everyone departed, I noted that it was 1:19 PM as per the grand timepiece above the reception desk. This provided me with a little over two hours.

However, as time passed, I regrettably realized no significant progress in locating the succeeding page. A separate approach must therefore be sought.

Upon my return to my room, I noticed the light was on. As I turned the doorknob and gently pushed the door, I spotted Michael exercising. "Would you like to accompany me on a sightseeing trip?" I asked. "Why would I consent to that?" He responded quizzically.

Having anticipated this question, I previously inquired Alice about Michael's preferences. She had suggested Aurora Grace as someone he liked. I reassured Michael it would not just be Alice and me, but also Aurora and Amelia participating. As expected, upon mentioning Aurora's name, he instantly agreed.

Before leaving, I freshened up with a shower, then dressed in a combination of black and red suit, paired with red herring shoes. A black top hat, adorned with red flowers, added to my ensemble. As I was getting ready, I heard Michael taking a shower. Afterward, he dressed in a black and blue suit, accented with a blue tie and blue herring shoes.

Reo retrieved his pocket watch and stowed it in his pocket before departing with Michael. They reached the entrance and found Amelia, Aurora, and Alice awaiting them at the gate. Amelia was donned in a short white dress paired with a short black blazer. Aurora wore a yellow dress adorned with green flowers, her outfit was complemented with yellow heels and green emerald earrings. Alice, on the other hand, sported a long light blue dress, accessorized with a white belt and blue earrings.

Before setting off, a reference to a worthy associate who proposed this initial suggestion was made. It was indeed her brother Liam, who was impeccably dressed in a full white tuxedo, a yellow bow tie, and shoes in a matching hue.

Reo, seemingly in disbelief, began to smile with an odd mixture of pleased surprise and somberness. His confusion arose from the unpredictable nature of Liam, her brother, who wasn't known for his amusement value.

Following this, we proceeded outside, flagging down a carriage upon reaching the sidewalk. We utilized this carriage to travel to a renowned museum. This establishment is known for its vast collection of historical artifacts, tracing back to antiquated time periods.