
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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55 Chs

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As Alice and Reo strolled through their local neighborhood, Reo found himself entranced by the twinkling stars overhead. There was a certain allure to them, almost as if they were beckoning to him, especially after he had glanced at the mirror.

"The beauty of the stars is quite remarkable," he remarked. "Did you know that the typical star's lifespan spans between 1 and 10 billion years? Interestingly, the larger stars tend to have shorter lives in comparison to their smaller counterparts. It's fascinating, given the scarcity of elemental users across all three worlds. If I were to hazard a guess, there are probably no more than one hundred and twenty such individuals."

Surprised by this revelation, Reo turned to Alice, his facial expression clearly indicating his astonishment. "That's a fascinating insight. How on earth did you come to learn this information? Furthermore, why is it that there are so few elemental users?"

As they strolled down the street, both Alice and Reo were deeply engrossed in their conversation. Alice inadvertently stepped into a puddle leftover from recent rain. Once she realized the hem of her dress was drenched, she paused and jestingly proposed a dance while standing in the water.

Reo responded appreciatively, saying, "It would be a privilege," before taking her hand and beginning to whirl her around on the deserted street.

During their dance, Reo questioned, "Alice, how did you find out there aren't many elemental users across the three worlds ? And what's the reason behind this scarcity?"

It's simple to understand that the world is recognized for populating elemental users. However, in recent years, such users have become increasingly rare. Take for example, out of a thousand births, it's conceivable that only a single child or perhaps two, would carry an elemental trait, and such was our prevailing situation.

What situation are you referring to?, inquired Reo, his curiosity piqued by the unfolding conversation.

In the municipality of Netherwick, a formidable individual emerged and wreaked havoc using a unique form to obliterate not only Netherwick, but also Rivergate and Whitecrest. This peculiar event spurred Father to dispatch an investigative team, which was an oddly proactive step for a king known for his tendency to disregard most matters, but apparently the devastation of three distinct towns couldn't be ignored.

The repercussions from this chain of events were dire as non-elemental individuals began to either view those bestowed with elemental abilities with fear or turn against them. This marked a rather unfortunate twist in our shared history.

"Reo replied with a shocked expression, 'This is indeed terrible news.' He was flooded with new information that he might never have discovered otherwise. As recollection dawned, he realized he had read about a similar incident in one of his three books. The narrative seemed connected to their current predicament, where a character had used a form named 'Zeus' to wreak havoc upon three towns.

Her tone turned serious, 'However, this story involves certain sensitive details that I can only divulge once I trust you. If you're curious about my sources, the truth is, I've gathered it by exploring father's castle and unintentionally overhearing his chats, paired with newspapers articles to connect the dots.'"