
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

A new page

After keeping a vigilant eye on the muffin shop until dawn, Reo came to the realization that Darren had not made a return. This potentially indicated that Darren had either become a target or had deserted the city altogether.

The alarm sounded, signifying the commencement of their daily routine. Reo, abruptly brought out of his meditative state, started the routine alongside Michael. They exited the dormitory, making their way to the shop, only to find it closed. They, thus, proceeded towards school.

Upon arrival, they noticed Amelia and Liam engaged in conversation in front of the school. However, the school itself was shut, attributed to the current hour of the day.

It's a pleasant sight witnessing Amelia form new friendships, as this was the influencing factor encouraging her to remain with John and Sonia rather than venturing off to exploit her abilities at the 'school of elements'.

Next, he approached Amelia and Liam to offer morning greetings. Subsequently, the gatekeeper exited the education facility to inaugurate the recently repaired gates, which were previously damaged due to corrosion.

We advanced into the school infrastructure, anticipating Olivia's arrival. Upon showing up, she greeted the class, announcing the arrival of Reo and Michael, the duo notorious for creating ruckus in the student council. This announcement incited laughter from several students while the pair reacted by lowering their heads onto their desks in mortification. Olivia then addressed Michael and Reo, requesting them to stay back for a further discussion.

Following an extended conversation in our history class, Olivia beckoned us to explain why we had been absent. Rather than divulging details of the event, we fabricated a justification. We indicated that law enforcement had inaccurately identified us as a group of children playing pranks on them.

"Indeed, the two of you are truly intriguing," commented the woman, hand resting on her forehead as she issued instructions to Reo and Michael to proceed back to their respective lessons. Professor Tomiya had just made his arrival. The day's instruction was centered on the significance of managing one's elemental energy and aura, including methods to achieve this control. It was information already familiar to Micheal, Reo, Amelia, and a few others.

Once the schooling session ended, I made my way through the corridor and then ascended the staircase to the second floor. I entered the council room to see Alice accompanied by two students, intent on gaining admittance to the colosseum. Reo proceeded to pull back the curtain situated behind Alice, revealing an isolated view of the night sky while Alice was observing a distinctly contrasting scene of sunlight and clear blue.

Amid the sight of the moonlit sky, Reo asked about Kalyan's whereabouts. Alice replied that he would have to wait for a while.

Reo subsequently seated himself in the silent, awkward room, patiently awaiting. Just as he considered initiating a conversation with Alice, the door suddenly burst open. Kalyan had arrived, prepared for what was to come. Requesting the source item, Reo willingly provided him with a diary page, its age apparent from its old-fashioned appearance. Kalyan placed the page carefully on the large table, placing his hand above it afterwards.

Announcing his unique ability, Phantom Hook, a wave of purple luminescence radiated from the page, extending out the window space. After a brief period, the light dimmed and a single page fluttered into the room. Kalyan swiftly captured the errant page, presenting it to Reo. He announced his inability to repeat the operation, saying, *I can only use this skill on a source once, so I am sorry I can't procure more pages." With his role now completed, Kalyan took his leave, taking along with him the silver coin.

"What is that?" Alice inquired, highly intrigued about the page I invested 50 semi coins in.

In response, Reo stated, "This is the knowledge I will share with you, in return for the information you withheld during our dance."

Without further ado, he bid farewell and promptly headed to the dorms. He was keen on not squandering any more time before arriving and examining the newly obtained diary page.