
The Witch Army

Chloe, Seanessy, and Joey were all in the main yard of the base. Joey was meditating he had claimed that mediating helped make controlling the magic easier. Chloe was dueling Seanessy too see who had the stronger magic. Seanessy sent a wave of water at Chloe, Chloe then in defense she casted a fire wall which instantly evaporated the water but it also put out of the fire. Chloe then sent a fireball at Seanessy, but Seanessy couldn't react in time too block, so the fire ball ended up hitting her in the face, knocking her out. The reason it only knocked her out is she naturally has a little bit of defense which kept the fire ball from burning her.

While this was happening Airon and Leo was talking about why the demons were trying to overturn the earth and for the most part succeeding. Leo told him about a natural calamity in hell that was happening and that the others were trying to escape it by taking over the earth. D'Artagnan suddenly walked in and said that there was an attack on the base. Airon roared "Defensive positions now there is an attack on the base". The defense formation looked kinda like this Airon and D'Artagnan was at the front with a katana and the three witches at the back supporting them.

All of a sudden the attacker's eyes started glowing. At this time Leo said "Sh*t mages, get down!". the entire team hit the deck as several different magic types flew past were their heads were a second ago. Chloe and Seanessy put up wall of fire and water while Leo and Joey started a counter attack. Airon yelled "Why are you attacking us we are a mixture of humans and witches". "You have a demon among you" was what got yelled back in response. Airon yelled back "Well this demon has protected us before and not all demons can be horrible plus we owe him our lives so we are going to protect him like we do other humans and witches.""If you don't like it you'll just have to leave after all this is our territory". The witches yelled "You wold have a stronger fire power if you got rid of the demon and joined hands with us". "If we join hands with the other demons like Leo our fire power would be stronger than yours by more than five times after all the demons were actually trained to use their powers, we are willing to let you join us if you sign a blood contract to help us rid the earth of evil demons and witches". The leader of the witches said "Deal". with that all the fighting between Airon's team and the Army of witches came to an end. Airon had Leo write up a blood contract that they all signed and the ones that didn't sign left peacefully. The Army of witches and Airon's team set up living quarter for all of them.