
The Portal to Hell

Airon was walking around the camp and making sure that everybody had everything they needed. He had organized the army of witches into raid groups of four, one of each element, there ended up being around 20 new raid groups. Then he tested each of them to test what their strong points are, turns out the water witches were the most strategic ones while the fire witches were the ones with the most explosive power, wind witches had the fastest movement while the earth witches could sense the enemy's movements the best because the could sense the smallest vibrations of the earth.

Airon then sent them all on gathering missions hoping that they wouldn't betray his team. Before too long a group returned and reported seeing a strange structure. They described it as an arch with glowing red vines growing on it. They also said that they saw a strange creature step out of it. At me this point in time, Airon was almost sure it was a portal to the underworld. He immediately decided to take his force of Dar and the first couple of witches and Leo. the reason the team was like this was Airon and Dar were the best fighter plus the first couple of witches were the strongest of them. On their way to the portal, they met a couple of demons which the quickly sent back to hell Leo would stun them then Airon or Dar would quickly deal the death blow, but as they got closer to the portal, the more and more demons they ran into. soon the witches were dragged into fighting as well. Joey was using the earth to block demons and make it harder for them to reach the others, Seanessy was using the water in the air to drown the demons, Chloe was using fire to incinerate the demons, and Leo was just straight fist fighting them. When they finally got to the portal all of a sudden they were sucked into it. The first thing they noticed was the brimstone the second was the hundreds upon hundreds of demons moving towards the portal. That was when they were captured.