
The fight against fate!

After a long fight Sasuke and Naruto defeat Kaguya and they finally face each other for their last fight. Hoping to finally bring Sasuke back Naruto pours all his chakra in a final rasengan and so does Sasuke in his chidori. A few seconds before the clash Sasuke whispers under his breath "Kaguya, help me finish him."

Imperial_Leaf · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The gift – part 1

The gift – part 1

"Sasuke, I will always believe in you … "

"Sasuke, you will always be a member of team 7…"

"Sasuke, you will always be my friend …"

"Sasuke, lets end this and go back to Konoha together…"

"Sasuke …. Why?"

I woke up suddenly from my dream. Pain jolted through my right arm and right eye. Using my chakra I felt a change in my right eye as the chakra was not the same as before. Trying to calm down, I looked around and saw that I was in a cave. I turned my head to try to see the exit when at a few meters from me I saw Hinata leaning on the wall with a pool of blood around her.

"Hinata! What happened? What is wrong with you?"

Maybe because of my scream or because she waited for me to wake up she also opened her eyes.


Her voice was weak, her skin was pale and the light from her eyes was slowly becoming dimmer and dimmer.

"Try to remember Naruto .. remember his betrayal."

When she said this she lowered her head as in shame. What does she mean by "his betrayal"?

Suddenly in my head a flood of memories attacked my brain. I gasped and then I started to remember. I killed Kaguya together with Sasuke or so I believed. While fighting with Sasuke to bring him back to Konoha suddenly he smiled at me before our last clash and then he said something ..

"Kaguya, help me finish him."

In that moment his chakra became a lot stronger and his chidori went through my rasengan destroying my right arm and eye. Before fainting I saw him smiling at me with in a wicked manner and his last words sent chills on my back.

"Everyone forgot about my brother, about his sacrifice, about everything he has done. Because of this I shall punish them. I will become their god and show them how wrong they were to underestimate the Uciha clan."

He started to laugh as madman and tried to get close to me. I closed my eyes and lost my conscience. Wait, something is wrong, if he destroyed my right arm and eye, why can I see and why do I have my arm?

"Hinata, I remember now… but what happened after that?"

She raised her face so I could see her better when something got my attention. The right part of her face was covered in bandages.

"N-No way… Hinata, why did you give me your eye?"

"Naruto… don't worry, I gave you my eye because it was needed for both of us to not be affected by the infinite tsukuyomi. Because of this I put my eye instead of your left one."

Every word was said with a lot of difficulty. It felt like with each word she got closer to death.

"Then what about my right eye? Where is Kakashi? Where is Sakura, Tsunade, everyone else?!"

I started screaming my last words, I couldn't understand what happened. I believed in him, in my friend. I hoped he was the one to truly understand me. But in the end he betrayed me and still wished to end my life.

"Calm down .. Naruto, after you were defeated all the kages together with the rest of Konoha's ninjas fought against Sasuke to save you. During the fight Kakashi managed to pull out his right eye that received the gift of the sage of six paths. His eye was put instead of your crushed one. After Kakashi gave me the eye, he was stabbed by Sasuke's sword and died without being able to at least say goodbye. Tsunade understood Kakashi's intention and came to you and recovered your arm using Hashirama's cells but she used her life force and died. After that Kaguya suddenly revived and gave Sasuke a new eye, a new sharigan. With the help of Kaguya, Sasuke killed everyone while I barely escaped thanks to Shino's bugs that hid us from his chakra."

Her words were like a cold rain that chilled my bones.I finally understood. Because of me, of my relentless chase after Sasuke, everyone died. Everyone, everyone, everyone! ... I let my head fall on my chest losing all hope.

"Hinata .. I'm really useless. Because of me so many of my friends died. Why do I have to live when they died?"

After a few seconds of silence I was slapped. I raised my head to see Hinata crying while grabbing my collar.

"Why do you think everyone sacrificed? Why? Because they put their trust in you! Because they think you can still change something, because I think you can save this world… Naruto, never wish something like this" her words were almost choked by her crying "never.. don't forget that you are my most precious person."

She was afraid. She was scared. But she still put her trust in me enduring the pain. What am I doing? I slapped my checks and then smiled at her.

"Sorry Hinata. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Please tell me the rest. By the way, where is Shino?"

Seeing me smile calmed Hinata and she stopped crying."Shino is dead, after Sasuke understood what we were planning he searched for the bugs chakra. Shino felt it and left with the bugs while evolving a few ones to protect us for a while. After he died, the bugs left, so I used my chakra to create a barrier around us. After I created it I understood that your chakra was still going outside of my barrier because it didn't recognize my chakra and tried to escape. Sasuke could feel it so I gave you my right eye. There is a technique that a few of the Hyuuga clan can use that allows them to pass their eyes without any danger of rejection and together with them their special chakra, skills, and the ability to use the Byakugan even if the eye is destroyed and replaced. After I left the eye for a few days I changed it with your original one so that you would still be able to use what the sage of six paths gave you. Now you have rinnegan, sharigan, byakugan and the six paths nature chakra control. Please, Naruto, don't let Sasuke … end this … world."

Her words became fainter and fainter. It was almost impossible to hear her last words.

"Hinata, what is wrong with you? Hinata? Hinata?!"

"… Naruto, when I gave you my eye the technique that I used needed my life force in exchange. Because I was already injured by Sasuke I can't recover and I lost too much blood." Her eyes were slowly closing and her body was also colder." Take care of yourself Naruto and live, live and defeat Sasuke. I believe you can do it."

She leaned on my chest after which she raised her face while smiling and kissed my lips. I felt the taste of blood but suddenly she lost all her force and fell on my shoulder.

"Hinata wake up, Hinata!"

No matter what I said she didn't move anymore. I raised her beautiful face and kissed her once again. I finally understood how much I loved her, how important was she for me. I regretted everything. But it was already too late. I looked too much at Sasuke's back. I paid too much attention to Sakura's needs. Because of this I forgot about Hinata even though I always knew she wanted to be near me. While hugging her dead body I made a vow.

"Sasuke, I will kill you. I will erase your existence from this world!"