
The fight against fate!

After a long fight Sasuke and Naruto defeat Kaguya and they finally face each other for their last fight. Hoping to finally bring Sasuke back Naruto pours all his chakra in a final rasengan and so does Sasuke in his chidori. A few seconds before the clash Sasuke whispers under his breath "Kaguya, help me finish him."

Imperial_Leaf · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Returning to Konoha

Returning to Konoha

"Crap, it hurts. Having half of your arm blown off is not that easy to deal with as I thought. It seems Sasuke will also wake up. It's better to let the normal Naruto do the talking."

I broke the link between me and Naruto conscience and went inside the white room where E was waiting.

"Are you alright Naruto?"

"Yeah, I came here to stop my chakra from running berserk and heal my arm."

"Good. Seems like Sasuke is satisfied with this ending. And even if he is not by destroying his arm he is no longer capable of using any jutsu because of the blood loss and incapacity of forming seals."

"Yeah, it seems my plan went well. But we still need to make a few adjustments. How is Kaguya?"

"She was sulking. I don't have a form so she didn't knew I was watching her and because of this I saw her practicing how to kiss you once again by using her hand. She had a serious face."

"Seems like you had your share of fun."

"I can't say I didn't enjoy it."

We both laughed a little.

"Oh, it seems my body is losing conscience once again and I think so does Sasuke. Stop our blood loss or it will become a little dangerous and also block his memories about Kaguya. If you see some suspicious movement from Sasuke … kill him."

"Alright, get some rest."


Once again I fell asleep. When I woke up it was morning. Sasuke also woke up and I let Naruto continue to talk to Sasuke. After a while Sasuke finally accepted his arguments and relaxed his body.

Sakura and Kakashi came to us. Two seconds after she arrived Sakura started crying. Now this is annoying. I didn't fix everything just to see this woman crying again and again like a victim. Somehow I felt sorry for Sasuke having to deal with her. The former me acted like a moron and apologized to her and so did Sasuke. I can't understand why I had to apologize but my mind from before never thought too much about anything. Kakashi had a face like a parent finally seeing his children making peace. Strangely one of the children tried to kill everyone and once managed to do so. Another idealistic person it seems.

After we recovered a little from Sakura's healing by doing a seal together Sasuke and I dispelled the infinite tsukuyomi. After everyone talked for a while we each went towards our villages. Before leaving I went to Tsunade to tell her I needed another place for me to rest, a house a little farther away from the village. She wanted to ask me a few questions but I used a little of my chakra to awaken my sharingan and make her accept my request easier. After that I went to Sasuke and told him to meet me two weeks later.

When I arrived in Konoha I was put inside a hospital for two days before an Anbu came to tell me that the house was prepared. I was tired from all the visits even though I let Naruto do the talking so I told the Anbu to just tell me the details and I will find the house. I left the hospital and arrived at the margins of Konoha where near the other big houses of the most important clans was another new one for me. I found the room next to the yard and put a futon inside it. When the anbu came I had already swapped places so for the first time since I passed through time I fully controlled my body for a longer time than a few moments. I went inside my conscience where I put Kurama to sleep. Each time I took over I couldn't let him feel my presence or things would get complicated. I decided to create a new body for Kurama first before using his other self. After that I went to E to ask him something.

"E, tomorrow I'm going to create a body for you. What kind of body do you want?"

"Why do I have to leave this place and have a body?"

"Because it's a pain to not talk to you normally."

"Then what are you going to do when you have to switch places?"

"I will just recall you inside or if you wish I will give you a seal so you could use the flash to teleport somewhere else."

"You are not going to let me live here?"


I smiled at him until he gave up on opposing my idea.

"Very well. Create a small white snake. It's easier to hide my body like this."

"No problem. But are you sure? Don't you want something like what Kurama had?"

"No, and the body will change easier if its smaller after it reacts to my chakra."

"Alright. Could you tell Kaguya to come here and wait till I wake up?"

"Yes. Good night."


Even if I didn't need the sleep, it felt better to rest like this. The next day when I woke up I felt something heavy on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see Kaguya sitting on top of me.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Master, you forgot about me?"

"No,calm down."

Her eyes were getting teary.

"You are just scaring me. Now that I'm back in my former body I have stronger emotions, so seeing you like this it's a little scary."


"Horns, a third eye, long hair falling everywhere around you, a huge kimono. You are the definition of a demon."

"I'm not a demon."

She pouted. It was a little cute and a little creepy. She let her body fall over mine and almost stabbed me with her horns. I wanted to first create the body for E but I have to change my priority or either I will die stabbed or because of a heart attack.

"Get up, I will lift the seal on my power and recover my normal body and then I will change your body."

She sulked for a while before accepting my proposoal. She left my body and sat next to me in a seiza position. I got up from the futon and went inside the yard. Because I didn't want someone to feel my chakra I sealed the space around the house. This barrier also prevented others from entering without my permission. I undid the seal on my power and I felt how the immensity of the chakra of origin was flowing inside my body changing it slowly. The dark chakra created a dark sphere around my body so that there won't be any interference. After a few hours I was finally able to feel that my body adjusted. I opened my eyes and the final doujutsu manifested itself allowing me to feel every chakra around Konoha. The cloak made from the amaterasu flame appeared over my kimono. From inside floating around me were the nine truth seeking balls and in front of me was the sword from the tenth ball. I retracted the orbs and sword inside the cloak and then dispersed it. This body was a lot stronger, almost indestructible and at the same time a lot easier to move. I made a step and arrived in front of Kaguya that looked at me with eyes that were asking what I was waiting for. I approached her face and kissed her. Once again her soul connected to mine and her body changed to her younger appearance. I felt a little relived seeing her going back to a normal body. After that I created the body for E which was easy to create. After E went inside it, the white snake had eyes like me and a small horn in the middle of its head. Small black flames also covered his body. Seeing his appearance I wanted to ask him how strong he is but he just brushed me off and found a place inside the house to completely fuse with the body. I let him leave after which I made Kaguya take care of the home while I returned Naruto to his normal house planning to come from time to time to create Kurama's body. After that I needed to finish the things that would at least prolong the peace for this world.