
The fight against fate!

After a long fight Sasuke and Naruto defeat Kaguya and they finally face each other for their last fight. Hoping to finally bring Sasuke back Naruto pours all his chakra in a final rasengan and so does Sasuke in his chidori. A few seconds before the clash Sasuke whispers under his breath "Kaguya, help me finish him."

Imperial_Leaf · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Phase one

Phase one

Hearing my words Sasuke stayed silent. It seems that the influence of overtaking my former self affected my personality more than I believed. E left me neck once he made sure I wasn't in danger and went outside the house to explore.

"Sorry, I didn't want to say it this way. Anyway, drink some tea. Even though its cold its quite good."

I sipped my tea while caressing Kaguya hair. Her presence made me feel at ease. Sasuke also drank a little tea before talking again.

"What do you want me to do?"

"There are two phases of my plan. The first one will be for you to locate all the other tailed beast and link their chakra to a kunai that contains my chakra. After that I will call them here and decide what to do with them. I will need to know their general location before calling them here so I need you to give me a report after you finish finding each one of them. You will leave in six months. During this time you will learn to use your nature chakra better and I will train you to do so. Rely less on your sharigan or rinnegan unless you need to act under the watch of others and have to fool them. Some people might be already on the move to catch them so you need to get stronger. Tsunade is planning to create an arm for you using Hashirama cells. But we don't have that much time. When the first phase finish we will talk about the second."

He nodded.

"What do I have to do if I met other people?"

"Kill them. Don't leave even a single rat."

Sasuke was a little surprised at my words but didn't ask anything.

"Sasuke, I am different, and I will change slowly to my real self. Before that happens I will need to finish all preparations. I will only act when it's completely necessary."

"Alright, but what about the former members of Taka?"

"You can keep them. They will be useful for the second phase."

"What about Sakura?"

"Honestly, I couldn't care less about her."

"… It's strange to hear this from the one who followed after her all the time."

"I didn't think too much. In a way, I'm sorry for you. I am actually surprised that you didn't kill her before leaving Konoha. You should have known that we will follow you faster because of this."

"I didn't want to leave Konoha after doing something similar to what Itachi did."

"Oh well, anyway, now she's somewhat better. For me, she is annoying and seems like an obsessed stalker. But she is your stalker so it doesn't concern me."

"What about your stalker?"


Kaguya asked before me.

"If you are awake say so."

Rubbing her eyes she slowly raised her head putting it on my shoulder. Sasuke was still feeling a little scared but he calmed down fast.

"I'm talking about Hinata. She is even worse than Sakura. Even when I was in the village her shadow was following you everywhere. I guess one of the reasons she has such a little presence is because she got used to hide everywhere and follow you. She's an expert."

I started laughing while Sasuke smiled.

"Yeah, that's true."

"Master, introduce me to that girl."


"If she loves you enough she could come here and live with us."

"Won't you be jealous?"


"… Sorry, I forgot that common sense doesn't work with you."

"Naruto, how come Kaguya calls you master and also changer her appearance so much?"

"About the first question, don't ask anymore, it's her hobby I think."

"That's rude master, I have given you my life and body."

I smiled at Kaguya after hitting her forehead slightly.

"It's true that she gave me her life, to do it she had to kiss me. When she did so she also got a part of my chakra which now finished her merging with the part of the shinju fruit that she ate. Because of this she looks a lot more beautiful and also less scary."

Seeing how I treated Kaguya Sasuke asked.

"Do you love her?"

"I'm not sure, but I enjoy her presence a lot. So it's possible."

Kaguya suddenly raised her head and kissed me on the lips.

"Should we try and see what you feel for me master?"

I was a little embarrassed. I forgot that even though she acts childish sometimes, Kaguya still knows the human heart a lot better than me. I tried to act composed.

"Stop joking and go bring some more tea and a few snacks."

"Very well, we will try and see tonight."

She left before I was able to say anything.

"Is this her real personality? I didn't expect the cold blooded killer that was known as Kaguya to be like this."

"Kaguya is acting childish to forget about her past. She is tired and because of this she tries to get close to me. Keep this a secret from her, but I am quite sure that I love her."

"If you say so."

He gave me a strange look.

"What about you. Do you think you can lie to me? I know that you have a soft spot for Sakura so you are as weird as me."


"My eyes contain rinnegan which allows me to see all that is hidden. And even without them seeing how easy you accept her presence it would be abnormal to think otherwise."

We looked at each other for a few seconds before laughing. After that Sasuke suddenly looked serious.

"Naruto, can I become your friend?"

"You are my friend."

"You said that you didn't forgive me. For me to be your friend I first need to be forgiven by you."

"Your mistakes come from the fact that you are unable to look around you to see how other people are affected by your actions. Because you never care about them things always go wrong. And also, are you sure? I'm not the same Naruto you knew before.

"That doesn't really matter. You are still Naruto, you are just no longer childish. I will also try to correct my mistakes."

"Yeah, this is why I'm sending you on this mission."

He nodded accepting my words. After thins got calmer we both felt like we could understand each other better.

"Also, could you not read my thoughts?"

"Why, are you worried that I will ask you about your meetings with Sakura?"

"W-what, no, of course not."

"Pff, no need to lie. Anyway, I will not use it while you are around. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Kaguya came back with the tea and we talked about everything each other did in the time before the war. Time passed like this and night came.

"I will take my leave. When should I come back?"

"Whenever you want, Kurama will be here all time lazing around."

Kurama made a dissatisfied noise but still continued sleeping. Sasuke looked at him while smiling before turning back to me.

"Then I will try to come every day."


Before he left we shook hands and we both accepted that now a lot of things had changed.

That night Kaguya attacked me. Of course, if I wanted I could have stopped her, but I didn't had any reason. In the morning when I woke up she was sleeping next naked. Feeling her body next to mine I suddenly got embarrassed thinking about we had done. Kaguya's peaceful sleeping face relaxed me but also made me think how hard it was for her to stay trapped so long while seeing what was happening to this world because of her actions. I hugged her body and fell asleep until Sasuke came. Kaguya was already dressed and told him to wait on the porch. I went to him and after talking for a while started the training.

In the following months he was almost killed by either Kurama or Kaguya and I always had to heal him. E only talked to him a few times but never fought with him. Sasuke asked me once how strong he was and I just told him he wouldn't want to find out.

In the meantime I found out that Kakashi became Hokage and thought how long it will be before I will have to succeed him.

After the six months passed Sasuke left the village leaving behind Sakura crying face and a worried Kakashi. My former self which didn't knew about my plan believed Sasuke's words that he was leaving to see the world and just saw him off. Now I only had to wait.