
The fight against fate!

After a long fight Sasuke and Naruto defeat Kaguya and they finally face each other for their last fight. Hoping to finally bring Sasuke back Naruto pours all his chakra in a final rasengan and so does Sasuke in his chidori. A few seconds before the clash Sasuke whispers under his breath "Kaguya, help me finish him."

Imperial_Leaf · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A new companion

A new companion

After I killed Sasuke I erased his body.

"Naruto, what are you going to do with Kaguya?"

"If she wanted to run I'm not so sure that I would be able to catch her. So she had that option. Instead she is waiting. I'm a little curious about what she wants to say."

I used the wood element to create two chairs. One beside her and one beside me. I sat down on one of them.

"Kaguya, raise your head. I don't blame you for anything that happened. I want to talk to you if you also wish so."

"If you allow me to raise my head and sit I will do so."

I couldn't understand why she was speaking in such a manner but I allowed her to do so without asking about it. In a dignified manner she raised her body and sat on the chair. I felt like I was watching a true lord not like those old man that controls the fire nation. I had stopped breathing while looking at her. I tried to not act flustered so I asked her about what I had on my mind.

"So, why did you chose to not run? I'm sure that you know what abilities the chakra of origin has. And also I don't see Black Zetsu. Where is he?"

"First, I will tell you about Zetsu. It will be faster to talk about this first. Black Zetsu was my only creation by using the chakra of life. Without having a substitute creating a new being is very difficult and he was created using almost all my chakra. He adored me as his mother and he did everything for my revival. When I consumed the fruit of shinju I understood what kind of power it contained but it didn't tempt me. I only tried to gain that power after I saw how easy it was for humans to have their heart swayed by power. They grew greedy on that power and I was afraid that once I will no longer try to keep them under control they might destroy this world. When I used infinite tsukuyomi I hoped I would be able to use the collective chakra to reach the chakra of origin and by using that chakra I would be able to create protectors for this world that wouldn't let them do what they wished. My sons were trying to protect this world so I thought they might understand. But instead of this they attacked me when I was at the weakest point. Seeing that they were unable to destroy me they sealed me. To take revenge for me black zetsu started a war between them and at the same time tried to find a way to resurrect me. The path he chose was full of blood. So after I revived I destroyed him."

"Wait a second, you know that by using infinite tsukuyomi all humans are trapped in a cocoon and transformed in white Zetsu."

"That is right and also wrong. Those that are trapped by the infinite tsukuyomi are exposed to strong chakra that affects their body. I only learnt this now. My sons believed that my plan was to trap them forever in that state. But there was no reason for me to do so. All the white zetsu are made because of my chakra and all of them retain some of my personality. They are peaceful and try to do their best for humans, but because the high amount of chakra affected them they no longer can think on a higher scale so they are easy to control."

She stopped talking to give me time to understand. Thinking about her actions it was easy to see that many things are how she said they were. Still, I didn't have any proof so I couldn't be sure.

"In the end, what is your plan?"

"I didn't die, so I just watched the world. When I was about to be killed by Sasuke and you I gave up. Shortly before you were able to kill me Sasuke used his sharingan to create an illusion that I was hit by your attack. Because of this I helped him."

"If you are trying to protect the humans why would you follow him?"

"Do you sincerely believe that peace would be so easy to attain? In the end even if I had died sooner or later someone else would try to gain power and rule over all humans. Sasuke wanted to use me to make all humans feel the pain Itachi felt by using infinite tsukuyomi. He was simply blinded by revenge. I had planned on using that power to help him finally attain peace and maybe start helping the humans."

"Why would I believe this?"

"There is no reason. But there is a way to create one. You should be able to know if I lie or not so are you willing to try?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I will bind my soul to yours so that you will be able to kill me anytime and have access to all my thoughts."

"And how will you do this?"

"By kissing you."

"… say again?"

"I have to give you my blood, chakra and breath of life. This is the only way."

Kurama that was laying next to me suddenly snickered.

"You heard her, and in the end it's not your first kiss. You have had your first kiss with Sasuke."

"Oh, so you have that kind of interest."

"Kaguya, don't listen to this brat."

"That really happened so I'm not lying."

"That was an accident. You have too much fun teasing me."

"Sorry, sorry. Anyway, if she is not lying you have no reason to refuse unless you want to kill her."

"Very well, I give up. Kaguya, I accept, but what will happen to you if you do this?"

"I would also receive a little of your chakra and because of this my body might change. But that's all."

I nodded at her.

"Alright, go ahead."

She bit her lip and thin trace of blood could be seen. I closed my eyes and waited until I felt a warm sensation on my lips and a thread of chakra connecting to my soul. In that chakra I felt Kaguya's life core. After it connected to my soul, in my mind Kaguya's thoughts appeared.

"Now I hope you will be able to trust me."

I tried to answer but I still felt her lips on mine.

"Send your thoughts trough the my chakra tread."

"Like this?"


"Good, now I finished. You can open your eyes."


I opened my eyes and I saw Kaguya standing a few centimeters from my face. From her forehead the sign of her incomplete chakra control disappeared along with her third eye. She seemed younger and more beautiful with beautiful red eyes.

"You are starting too much at her Naruto, but oh well, if I had to compare her to all the humans I saw all this time she is certainly the most beautiful."

"Is this how you looked before eating the fruit?"

"Yes my master."

The way she was addressing me made me feel weird.

"No need to call me that."

"It's my choice." She smiled saying this."What are you planning to do from now on?"

I sighed and waited a few seconds before answering her.

"I don't know… I could revive everyone but, they already died. If I revive them everything in this world would change. Everyone would force themselves to be different and always live in fear believing they could die once I'm angered. That is not the life I want all humans to have. I can't do anything now."

Kaguya pondered a little before saying.

"What if .. there is a way to change things while something like this won't happen?"