
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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164 Chs

Hasty conclusions

Soisen said goodbye to his two friends at the station and after searching around the entrance a bit, found his mothers waiting to smother him in their arms with a simultaneous hug.

-We've missed you so much! -Ann rubbed her cheek against Soisen's cheek.

-Mom! -Soisen protested weakly.

She doesn't mind being shown affection, but still in public it's embarrassing!

-Let her be, Ann's been looking like she's been drinking a pot of extra strong coffee all week," Ingta said as she stroked Soisen's hair, "Since when do you wear your hair like you've been applying dye?

-Believe me, it's quite a story," said the boy as he pushed his trunk.

-What happened to the trunk you left with? -asked Ingta, curious about the change of luggage.

-I'll tell you all about it when we get home," promised Soisen, "We need to have a long talk.

Ann and Ingta looked at each other and shrugged.

...Back to their home in the village of Lacock...

The first thing Soisen did was to release Rada, who was happy to be back and ran to check the garden. When their mothers noticed the ample space inside the trunk, their eyes widened in surprise.

-How did you get the money to buy an extendable trunk? They're not cheap and I'm sure you didn't ask us for money!

-I started some business with magic soap, invented a potion for the eyes, some entertainment games, etc. I already sent you some samples by owl, remember? Besides, it's a pretty small trunk, it's not as expensive as you may be thinking," Soisen expressly reduced the circumstances.

-My enterprising little wizard," Igta gave him a smile, "I really liked the strawberry-scented soap you sent, do you have some more in there?

-I have something else, but not soap," Soisen smiled back a little uncomfortably, "But don't jump to conclusions, okay? Everything has an explanation.

-Soisen, what have you done? -Ingta looked at him for a long time and Ann joined in the stare. They knew their son very well, those micro gestures betrayed nerves.

-Well, I think I should introduce you to someone first. Nagini, come on up!

When a beautiful young woman from East Asia revealed herself, Ann and Ingta's expressions were... Anyway, the same expressions any mother would put on when her child goes away for almost a year and returns with a young girl in the suitcase. And the fact that Nagini seemed a bit nervous about meeting them didn't help the whole situation, rather it skewed reality even more.

-By Merlin's beard! -Ann covered her mouth with her hand when she reacted, "Are we going to be grandmas?

-What? NO! -Soisen jumped decisively to cut off that train of thought before it rolled downhill with a snowball effect, unstoppable and dangerous- What part of not jumping to conclusions did you not understand? -He said in exasperation as he pointed to himself, "Think about my age! Besides, am I that kind of person in your eyes?

I had just finished my first year at Hogwarts and I was barely twelve!

-She's right, sweetheart -Ingta calmed her partner while holding her by the shoulder- You know how our son is, he wouldn't commit such irresponsibility. Still. And you think he could only get one girl with how handsome he's growing up?

-Yeah, I guess we'll have to wait until he finishes fifth grade at least," Ann sighed with relief and sadness at the same time.

-Exactly! -Soisen nodded gratefully that the misunderstanding was cleared up quickly, before frowning a few seconds later.

Why does something feel wrong?

-Are you not going to introduce us yet? -Ingta interrupted her son's musing, waiting to meet the newcomer.

Soisen introduced Nagini and explained that she was now his totem guardian, what that meant, how it happened, her intention to put under Fidelius the house, etc. He then went on to explain his entire year at Hogwarts, omitting small details such as the confrontation with the troll or an out-of-control Dumbledore.

-So you established a new House at Hogwarts, gaining ownership of the castle when you come of age.


-You got top marks for your year, and you single-handedly against the rest of the Houses collected enough points to win the House Cup.


-All that while simultaneously doing several businesses while creating an entirely new potion.

-Of course.

-You also made some friends and watched a little dragon hatch from its egg.

-It was actually a female dragon, and I still have the eggshells!

-Your Herbology teacher can visit us this summer to see the garden.

-I think she felt challenged when I made it clear that Hogwarts gardens were not up to par with our garden, that's a fact. And I don't hear a negative?

-And your DADA teacher, who taught you all year, turned out to be possessed by the greatest dark wizard after Grindelwald?

-That's crazy, isn't it? I think Dumbledore is starting to lose his faculties, they should find a new headmaster for Hogwarts. One who doesn't repeat "for the greater good" every three lines of dialogue.

-Well, it's clear that your first year has been anything but boring," Ann sighed as she took a sip of tea.

The conversation had taken longer than expected and they were sitting in the dining room with drink and cookies.

-Do you still want to go back to a place like this next year? -Ingta asked, "I know it's like your birth mother's inheritance, but from what you've told us, they don't even have a fence to block the passage to the Forbidden Forest," he shook his head, "The school's administration leaves a lot to be desired on several fronts.

-Angta is right, son," Ann looked worriedly at Soisen, "Wouldn't you rather we transferred you to Beauxbatons? Although the ratio of males to females is one to ten, all the girls there are pretty and polite!

Soisen frowned sharply at the last piece of information.

Do you care about my magical training or the date of birth of your grandchildren?

And his French was very rusty!

Too much female presence might be unhealthy for him years from now, when puberty hit him with its hormonal bat. Besides, from what he understood, the French community was too uptight and still strongly advocated monogamy.

-Maybe for the last few years I considered something like that, I still want to take out all the inheritance my mother left there before anything else -Soisen shook his head, it was something to think about down the road.

Wait, because he feels like his train of thought has strayed at some point?

Mmm, these cookies are great. Tangerine, maybe?