
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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--POV Nagini--

As she watched the express leave the station with Soisen on board, she couldn't help but put a hand to her cheek and ask herself:

Perhaps I was too hasty in giving him that hug?

Looking at his behavior over the summer, I think Soisen only has a very superficial understanding of the relationship a totem guardian has with his master. Perhaps he only thinks I'm something like a loyal servant with the skills of a bodyguard, but that's far from my true status.

I appreciate that he didn't limit my freedom of movement, it was very convenient to investigate what I got involved in out of the sheer desperation of my condition. When a person becomes what I am, it is similar to consecrating yourself to a god, your everything is only for the purpose of supporting its master.

The potion he gave me was much more difficult to research, I got almost nothing useful out of what he explained to me and I am confident in finding information. It removed my maledictus state and rejuvenated me to an almost adolescent state, but I think it has also had a partial rejuvenation effect on my mind as I could not avoid some thoughts that even surprised myself. I know he's still too young for it, but if he were to ask me in the future, I wouldn't be against becoming a lover of his, I think he will grow into someone amazing and his personality is very much to my liking.

And from the attitude of his mothers, it seems that they are not against polygamy....

Although I must admit that he knows how to surprise people. Leaving aside his monstrous talent in potion research and his creativity in transformations, I have never seen a young wizard with so many magical reserves. During exercises and training behind his family's back, he never once had a headache or showed any other symptoms of magical power depletion.

Perhaps this is a trait of his family lineage?

From what I heard so far while accompanying him, the Galegolds are a pretty impressive magical family, too bad what happened to them.

But the real shock for me was when he pulled out a jewel and explained that it was a piece of the philosopher's stone. Yes, the same one that produces the elixir of life, transforms metal into gold and many other properties I don't know about. Although such a powerful object is not easy to handle, after all the summer, he barely understood how to drip some elixir of life, which he very generously shared with me and secretly slipped into his mothers food. If before I had a twenty-year appearance, after taking the elixir I rejuvenated another couple of years, perhaps active remnants of the potion in my body, I do not know for sure.

The parents at the station started to leave and their movements managed to bring me out of my thoughts. I think it's time for me to go back too, I have a lot to do.

-POV Snape-

This year at Hogwarts has been both emotionally frustrating and enriching.

After coming face to face with Potter, I saw that he inherited Lily's eyes and nothing else. Despite growing up in the Muggle world, he shows no interest or respect for magic beyond the lessons and assignments teachers give him. He spends most of his free time playing with the biggest waste of the Weasley family and has revealed no talent in any of the fields.

In fact, it is shameful that Lily's son has such dismal grades and makes no efforts to change the situation. It seems that James' blood has poisoned whatever usefulness there was.

Is this supposed to be the child who will take on Voldemort?

In my opinion, there's a better chance that the dark lord will choke on a potato and die of asphyxiation.

Now, Soisen's unexpected arrival and backstory was... nice.

He may be Lily's adopted son, but he has proven to act with much more sense and skill than Potter. It's a shame he didn't go to Slytherin, but founding a new House is quite meritorious. More so considering he took the House Cup when he is the only member competing with the other four.

After receiving the letter he gave me, I didn't mention anything to the Headmaster and wanted to see his performance. I feared he would include it in his plans for the greater good, which have become a bit murky this year. Since when would he use a student as bait?

A controlled risk, he called it.

It was amazing, his learning ability was through the roof. The theory classes were no challenge for him and his understanding of magic was flexible, but spot on. I found his skill with potions especially striking, he has been the best student I have come across in my entire career.

He even created a new potion in his first year!

Granted, he asked me and Poppy for advice, but that only makes him even wiser and more knowledgeable about his own limits. He's been the only one in his year who hasn't had the cauldron explode once. Or melted.

Looking at Potter and then at Soisen, I really doubt who Lily's real son was.

At least he didn't think I was going to steal the philosopher's stone!

In fact, I was surprised that he stood up, confronted Dumbledore, and defended me in public at dinner at the end of the year, when the headmaster started handing out points for his protégé like lemon drops.

Under the gaze of the entire school, Dumbledore gave in to reasoning, but I could tell the signs, he was not happy with the way things were unfolding.

Later, I learned that his mood was not good from the beginning because he quarreled with Flamel, although the exact reason escapes my comprehension and I refrained from probing further.

It was only when all the students left Hogwarts and I was in my office that a thought crossed my mind.

Should I... adopt Soisen?

It would be like Lily and I having a child together.

As part of the school, I had access to student information, so I couldn't help but do a little research and discovered two things that left me speechless.

The first was that both of his current adoptive mothers were squibs, although their status is irrelevant to me, the contrast is too stark.

The second, I discovered that her home information was magically protected and I recognized the properties at a glance. It was all too familiar.


But that left me with other unknowns.

Who could and did put such an ancient and complex protection enchantment in place?

Who was the secret keeper?

Did it have something to do with the Galegold?