
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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164 Chs

A revolutionary beast!

Nico Ravenheart! New star or cheap imitation?

-You're the cheap imitation! -Soisen spat as he glared in annoyance at the article about his illusion's performance the next day, written by none other than the infamous Rita Skeeter. It was nothing more than a bunch of unsubstantiated claims and general criticisms meant to stir up the hornet's nest as the unscrupulous journalist liked to do, seeking unhealthy attention- Did you find who I asked you to?

-Yes, attorney Ted Tonks accepted the case to sue the Prophet for malicious libel and also Rita Skeeter for an additional sixty-six counts, under the request of Nico Ravenheart's representative," Nagini assured her, amazed at the number of charges and legal technicalities her master found to teach Rita a lesson -The trial is scheduled for two weeks from now and I gave her the Felix Felicis vial.

-Well, if she doesn't behave, we will expose her directly as an unregistered animagus," said Soisen leaving the paper on the table without feeling the slightest sympathy for this leech or sorrow that the lawyer would use such a valuable potion on the very day of the trial.

If he were ever personally victimized by this witch and wanted to write about him, who knows what he would write about his family, past or present. By then, the exposure of his secret as an animagus would be the last thing he should worry about.

-Standing aside, how was the reception yesterday?

-We ran out of stock in less than half an hour and had to use the option to receive orders, mostly t-shirts, posters and pins for the most part -Nagini informed him as she handed him the paper with the summary- The figures were moderately successful, because despite their quality, their price is higher.

-It doesn't matter, the figure was exclusive to this debut and I won't make it again. I will bring out the others and start a collecting fever," Soisen replied as his eyes went line by line.

-Do you intend to do another concert soon?

-No, I'm going to take the mystery route. There will only be "clues" using crow feathers as to where the concerts will be and I will do two of them every month until the school year starts, using the hunger market. How are the cards I asked for going?

-Nico Ravenheart's exclusive animated cards will begin to be attached to some of the products in the store in a week. There are seven levels of rarity and each has a higher level of detail as you designed. It's just that the wizards who make the cards are exhausted from making so many in such a short time.

-Give them a bonus and hire more people, just make sure the quality is maintained and there are no defects. When everything is ready, I want Nico Ravenheart's raven writing pens to be promoted along with the magic soap," Soisen replied as he finished reading everything, "The Muggle butterbeer hasn't sold too well, but that's to be expected, they're too used to the magic version. No matter, any surplus will go to the Muggle market.

Since chocolate cards existed, Soisen saw no reason not to have cards of the magical idol he made, thus increasing his popularity and fame. The rarer cards even taught you the dance steps to a particular song as you cheered, a bit a la Just Dance.

As for its design, it was inspired by popular games like Yugioh, Magic, Hearthstone, etc.

Only instead of beasts, spells and items, the different cards are dance steps, songs and different outfits.

He received letters from Ginny and company, where they excitedly explained the concert, lamenting that Soisen had a bad stomach and missed it.

What face will they make when they find out that he is the creator of Nico Ravenheart?

Let's see how long it takes them to find out....

He had to refuse her request to meet under the excuse of being busy with business and gave a different date to meet, one several days after the transformation.

Also, to her surprise, she received a letter from Hagrid.

She knew it was from him just from seeing it, as there is no one else who uses letters four times the normal size.


-What's wrong? -Soisen read the letter with so much interest that Nagini couldn't help but come closer and take a look at it.

-That's right, maybe Hagrid didn't realize it, but this will give a big boost to the magical world," Soisen smiled, "He wants to meet at the Leaky Cauldron in two hours.

-Couldn't he have picked a cleaner...place? -Nagini complained.

-Well, he seems pretty excited in the letter, so I guess he just wrote the first place that came to mind. I just hope he knows how to be quiet.

-Didn't you have a magical contract for that?

-He's a half-giant, it's not clear to me that restrictive magic affects him as much as it does others," he waved his hand, "In any case, let's hurry. Although I don't like the hygiene of that place either, it's better to be early and book a room so we can talk in private.

And that's exactly what they did. After their arrival at the Leaky Cauldron, they spoke to Tom and asked for a room key. After ordering a drink each, they sat down at the table without touching said drinks.

They couldn't help it, they saw with their own eyes how they were washed down and it takes away any appetite or thirst.

Hagrid seemed to have a similar idea to theirs, as he also arrived in anticipation with a fur coat and greeted them with obvious good humor. But before he could begin to talk out of his elbows, Soisen pushed him into the room they reserved and once inside, he and Nagini threw up enough shields so as not to be spied upon.

Hagrid looked impressed at the safeguards around him.

Was so much secrecy necessary for an adorable, defenseless little critter?

-Well, Hagrid? -What are you waiting for? Show us!

Hagrid forgot about the protections and remembered what he came for.

-It wasn't easy and I had to be very convincing, to get the necessary creature crossings. But I did it! -He put the leather sack on the floor and reached in, rummaging around. Frankly, I must say that if it wasn't for your idea, your book, your money and everything else, I wouldn't have had a clear path to follow. I got it!

Hagrid pulled out his clenched fist and opened his palm upward to reveal several small snails resting next to a larger one.

-Have you tried them? -Soisen asked.

-I wanted to, but I have very few and I don't want to spoil the surprise," Hagrid scratched his beard helplessly.

He really held back a lot.

Nagini, Soisen and Hagrid each took a snail and left the large snail on the table to test them together. Several minutes later, the initial tests were successful.

-It's a success! -Soisen exclaimed as he looked at Hagrid and promised, "Don't worry, Hagrid, I assure you, people will love these little guys! And when they do, more and more people will understand how cool magical creatures are. Who knows, maybe you'll become the inspiration for the next Scamander!

-Oh, you're exaggerating," Hagrid blushed like an apple.