
The Father Of Superheroes[Wise Wind]

That night, when a Kryptonian spacecraft with a baby fell onto Mike Kent’s farm, and he decided to adopt that child, his Golden Finger gained through his transmigration was activated. In that moment, he realized that his life was about to change. Superman - Clark Kent, Professor X - Charles Kent, Magneto - Eric Kent... When he became the father of these individuals, the most powerful family was born! ** Not mine all credit goes to the original author 2 chapters per day( For now, atleast) 10.00 AM IST 17.00 PM IST https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-father-of-superheroes/

Dear_Comrade · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 29: Face

(sorry for the delay))D_C((

Chapter 29: Face

"Clark is a little uncomfortable today, so don't disturb him," Mike said.

Hearing Mike's words, worried expressions appeared on the faces of the two little guys.

Mike nodded in agreement.

No matter how noisy the three brothers are, the relationship between these three is always very good.

"Dad, is Brother feeling unwell?" Charles asked worriedly, and Eric touched his head anxiously.

Mike nodded, and then said, "yes ,So don't disturb him today."

The two nodded obediently.

"When Clarks school is on vacation, before you guys go to school, I plan to take you on a tour," Mike said, sharing the plan he had prepared a few days earlier.

"Dad! You are so kind!"

"Wow! Hooray!"

The two cheered.

Mike raised his hands and pressed them down, and the two immediately stood up obediently.

"But if you don't behave well this time, I won't take you there."

The two's faces tensed up.

"Ahem!" Mike cleared his throat lightly, lowered his hands from their heads, and said, "So, come on."

After the words fell, Mike left the room with a smile on his lips.

At night, Clark's spirit recovered a lot, and his control over his newly awakened ability also became a lot stronger.

After dinner, the family watched TV for a while. After Eric and Charles obediently went to bed, Clark carefully came to Mike's room.


Mike, who was sitting at the desk, turned to look at his son.

Clark's eyes shifted: "Dad, I don't want to go to school tomorrow."

"Give me a reason."

"I, I need to rest..."

"Clark." Mike got up and walked in front of Clark, bent down, rested his hands on Clark's shoulders, looked at his shifting eyes, and said, "You are not a child who is good at lying."

Clark lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Dad."

Mike walked to the bed and patted the seat next to him: "Come on, let's have a good talk."

Clark dawdled over and stood leaning against the bed, swaying slightly, as if waiting to be scolded.

"Clark, running away won't solve anything."

Clark remained silent.

Mike ruffled Clark's hair, looking at him with concern, and said, "Are you afraid that your classmates will look at you with unusual eyes? Afraid they will laugh at you?"

Clark looked up, looked at Mike in surprise, and then nodded.

When he ran out of the classroom like a lunatic in class and locked himself in the utility room, his classmates would definitely laugh at him.

Mike placed a hand on Clark's head and said, "You don't want to go tomorrow, what about the day after tomorrow?"

Clark shook his head hesitantly.

"You see, temporary escape will not solve the problem."

Clark nodded.

Mike said, "The problem can only be solved by facing it."

"No matter what happens, our family will support you, and I'll always be there for you."

Clark nodded and said, "yes, Dad."

"Okay!So It's not a big deal!"

Mike smiled and said, "Remember what Dad said. You can handle it yourself. And if anyone's parents have anything to say, I'll handle it."

Clark smiled.

"By the way, after your semester ends, our family will be going on a trip."

"Yeah!" Clark nodded and said, "Thank you, Dad."

Mike gently kissed Clark's forehead and said, "Go, go to sleep."

Clark turned to leave, his footsteps noticeably lighter.

Growing pains. Nice...

Mike sighed and sat down at the desk again.

An hour later, a card was created and disappeared from his fingertips.

Glancing at the system's progress bar... 98%.

Scratching his head, Mike felt helpless.

He thought that in the past three years, he would be able to upgrade to the next level, but in fact, in the second half of this level, the progress was getting slower and slower.

In six years, there was no promotion to the first level.

Mike is desperate to increase the speed at which his ability can be upgraded.

No more distractions, time to sleep!

The next day, with Mike's encouragement, Clark plucked up the courage to go to school.

Mike began to plan this travel route and travel destination.

Eric and Charles were thinking about travel, and they were very well-behaved and didn't make a fuss.

All is well today.

Except for Clark...

As he had feared, he encountered many stares at school.

Curiosity, doubt, and even malice filled the gaze.

Although the children are still young, they already have their own circles and groups, and have their own ideas and behaviors.

But while some admire him, others feel jealous or even resentful.

Mickey, the notorious bully among the kids, was the teachers' number one headache.

Clark frowned, glanced at Mickey, ignored him, and headed towards the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, Mickey continued to pursue him, blocking Clark's path with outstretched arms. He mocked, "Come on, spill it. What were you doing in the utility room yesterday? Stealing someone else's snacks?"

Clark said angrily, "I never steal!"

Mickey smirked, rolled his eyes, and declared loudly, "I heard your old man's a thief too! Must runing in the family!"

Clark said angrily, "Don't speak ill of my father!"

Mickey laughed and shouted, "Hey everyone, come check out Clark the thief!"

Mickey suddenly felt like a star, raised his chin, shoved Clark, and jeered, "Thief, are you chickened!"

Clark raised his fist but remembered his father's advice and lowered it silently.

Watching this scene, there was a chorus of boos all around.

Mickey felt like a king, raised his chin, and pushed Clark again, mocking, "Thief, coward!"

Clark remained calm, and Mickey, feeling emboldened, swung a fist at him. But before he could connect, their teacher intervened, dispersing the children.

The teacher grabbed Mickey's collar and said, "Come to the office with me, and... Clark, you too!"