
Chapter 73

I woke up all of a sudden in a place I don’t know. It felt like it was a dream but also real. I looked around. There were plants all over the place, decorated with red cloth. Combined with black cloth, they also had skulls all over the place. I was chained at the site of the weird place, which made it look like a shrine. There were calabashes and a lot of weird stuff around the place.


I wondered why the place was empty. I tried getting the chain off my hand. I howled angrily while I kept struggling to get it off with my super strength, but it didn’t work.


All of a sudden, some women wearing red and black clothes appeared. They were all behaving weirdly. Their eyes were big. On the other hand, the way they were moving, it was like the wind was blowing them.


They were all speaking in their traditional language. There was one person who was standing separately from the rest. I guess that was the leader of their coven.


She had something on her head that looked like a crown, and when she speaks, the rest give responses, showing that she’s the most respected among them.


She walked out of where she was standing and started walking towards me. I assumed this was the witch’s Lydia and Esther were talking about how they are from Nigeria.


She came to a halt in front of a large calabash placed on a stone and rapped with a red and black rapper, who was also adorned with cowries.


She looked into my eyes. Her face was really scary. I believed my powers couldn’t work in their world, because it was already time for the spirit to take over my body.


But instead, I felt like I was just a human being. I was covered with fear. ** Flashback** Esther took my hand and put a ring on my middle finger.


I wondered what it was for, so I raised my hand to take a look. "I guess you are wondering what the use of the ring is," Esther cooed. I got a glimpse of the ring.


It was black in color. It looked really cheap, but I assumed it possessed a lot of dark magic in it. I dropped it back after I had checked. I turned my face at Esther, "What is the work of the ring?" I asked curiously.


"It’s going to stop the spirit from taking over your body tonight," she replied, and worked away. I whispered to myself, "Wow that’s cool. I wish I had the ring with me since." ******


I guess it's the ring that’s stopping the spirit from showing up, but what about my own powers? I should be able to transform and make use of my powers.


I have been trying to get this chain of me since I woke up in this weird shrine, but it all didn’t work. "Are you wondering why your powers aren’t working here?" she said. I wondered how she knew what I was thinking about.