
Chapter 45

As I was pleading with her, Rachael approached her. "Mrs. Kate," he softly said. "Yes," she said as she turned back to face him, "what do you want, Rachael?" "Return to your seat," she advised. "Your period is almost up; why don't you talk to him in your next class?" he asked, his gaze fixed on her. 

"That's correct," she said, nodding, then returning her gaze to mine. "See you in my next class, Adam," she yelled as she walked back to the front of the room, while Rachael returned to his seat.

I took a look around. Nobody seemed to notice what he was up to. That was so simple for him. I'm not sure why he helped me. Vampires do not offer their assistance for free. They return, demanding something in exchange. 


"Why were you so rude to Mrs. Kate in class?" she inquired. "I had no intention of being rude to her," I explained. "Go thank him for assisting you," she said, turning to face someone. 

I turned to see who she was telling me to thank; it was Rachael. I stated, "That's correct. Thank you; I'll be right back "I left to meet him before he got into his car, I said. "Hello, Rachael," I said as I introduced myself.

He came to a halt and turned to see who had called him. "What do you expect from me?" he demanded angrily. I was irritated by the way he had responded to me, but I would simply say thank you and walk away. 

"It will be useless if you come here to thank me for what I did in the classroom," he added. Okay, I guess I'll just go back to where I came from "Turning back, I said to myself. "I was enraged by the way he had spoken. He was a snobbish brat vampire. I wanted to cut out his heart right there, but God had saved him because we were in public. "Are you done thanking him?" Elizabeth inquired. "Yeah, I did," I admitted.

"Hey guys," Lydia said, interrupting. "Hey Lydia," Elizabeth said. "Are you guys occupied?" Elizabeth replied, "Nope, I was about to leave actually." She pressed her lips against mine and gave me a light kiss. 

"Bye," she said softly as she turned to walk away. "Goodbye," I said. "That was disgusting," Lydia exclaimed, a disgusted expression on her face. I burst out laughing. "Why are you so envious? Find yourself a boyfriend, "I stated. 

"Do you think Rachael won't be a bad influence on me?" she asked softly. Hearing her name irritated me. "Do you believe Rachael will be good for me?" I tried to imitate her. "Fool!" she yelled angrily.

"Did you want to tell me something?" I inquired. "Can you give me a ride home?" she inquired. "That's why I told you to get a boyfriend," I said, pulling out my keys. "Whatever the case may be, just get me home. I'm completely exhausted "She muttered something. 

"Take the other helmet," I said as I slipped the helmet over my head. While waiting for the helmet to be finished, I hopped on the motorcycle. To start the engine, I inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it clockwise.