
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

maturenovels · TV
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Kingdom Wide Infrastructure Development II

I had no qualms about establishing many large infrastructure projects simultaneously because workers were plenty and I had golds and foods.

I did not mistreat the workers. I supplied enough foods and meats. Yup, fishing was never hard job for me. Besides, the royal navy became one the largest maritime force in the surrounding regions with more than 1500 warships.

Stannis was busy fighting pirate around the Westeros. Many died fighting but the recruits turned elites because of the constant fights.

Maintaining such large standing navy was expensive. Stannis was willing to share the burden by fishing from time to time. It was king of self funding.

In the Sunset Sea, the Iron Islands never ceased to attack passing by ships. It became more of a nuisance.

At first, I was planning remove this gregjoys before even they started any rebellion. But on the second thought, I decided to keep them.

Iron Islands were necessary evil. Constant fight with pirates were kind of training for the navy and their sole purpose.

If I removed the Iron Island problems, there was no need for a large standing navy.

There were also reforms in the King's Guards. I divided them into four divisions - guards, rangers, patrols, and scouts.

Guards were responsible for the security of the royal family, court officials, and royal properties. It included the schools, colleges, factories, trading company, etc.

By sending out the kingsguards for the security of royal properties, I was able to penetrate my army into all of the seven kingdoms.

As you have heard, I had established many factories and shops in the towns and cities. It meant that I had my army at every corner of the westeros.

Numbers were not much, about 5 or 6 teams. A team was made of ten kingsguards.

Rangers were responsible for hunting criminals outside of the forts and fighting bandits.

Patrols were responsible for the law enforcement of the King's Landing. They were managed under Master of Law, Renly Baratheon.

Scouts were responsible for spying and intelligence collection. There was at least one scout member in each team.

Increasing of royal powers did not go unnoticed. It attracted attention of many players, many noble ladies had flocked to King's Landing trying to get my attention.

Speaking of noble lady, Lysa Tully Arryn was about to go down the track of original timeline. Petyr Baelish, the childhood friend of the Tully sisters was in contact with her. He was trying renew their romance. He wanted to be part of the ever increasing power and wealth of the Iron Throne.

He was no longer satisfied being a pimp. He wanted more. Lysa was just a means to an end.

I'd never allow that. Jon Arryn was a very good man. I respected him. Even though it had not been long I knew him, he was very supportive and helpful.

Eating those healing pills made him very energetic. I hoped that he spent his energy to sire a heir for himself. But he was work addict. He was running around King's Landing to supervise the the construction of drainage and sewage system.

The introduction modern toilets and plumbing system had increased sanitation and personal hygiene but King's Landing was still smelly. That's why I ordered the construction project.

Lysa was jealous of Cersei for all the romantic things I had done, how good I was at bed, all the wealth I had given her to mange, etc.

She was little lonely and depressed. Petyr Baelish took the chance.

But I could not allow it. I wanted to follow a well known Buddhist Teaching "If I do not go to hell, who will go."

Since she needs a companion to relief her lonely and depressed heart, I wanted to be one. Honestly, I had not have sex for months because of Cersei's pregnancy.

After having intense sex for some time and to go hungry again was not a good experience. Besides, sex was the only entertainment I had in this medieval world.

If I did not sire few dozens of children to rule the whole world, it's be waste for the reincarnation and all these superpowers.

But I had not decided yet.

For the Crownlands and Stormlands, road construction was not limited to King's Road but to all the roads interconnecting the noble houses and towns.

Since two regions were directly under House Baratheon, I took the responsibility.

Oh, I almost forgot. Inns were also constructed on the King's Road to provide security and shelter to the travellers and merchants.

After road construction of highways, I was planning to start irrigation canals project connecting the major rivers of Westeros. It's to provide irrigation for agriculture and to have better waterways to transport. Through the canals, ships would be able to navigate from east to west or north to south without going around the sea. Time consuming sea navigation would end soon.

Another upcoming project was animal husbandry and horse ranches. The demand for cattles and horses was ever increasing due to better roads and agricultural tools.

Poor peasants could not afford the cattles or horses. So, I wanted to lease them for a payment of goods in return.

Better road condition made travelling in horse carriages very enjoyable. It also increase demand of horse carriages.

Moreover, this project could generate continuous supply of milk, honey, meat, fur and leather.

In short, it's a promising and profitable project.

Like every banks which asked the rich if they wanted to borrow money, Iron Banks sent an agent asking me if I needed money for the construction projects.

I did not denied their services. I borrowed five million gold coins. They were happy to provide, it was delivered within a week.

With this money, my next projects could be started.

The slogan of House Baratheon was "Ours is the fury". I thought it was highly inappropriate.

Can you imagine a stag in fury?

So, I changed it to "Make our friends wealthy"

Wow, I was the most popular person in the known world. I was the most generous king they had ever known.

I was the sage king.

I am indecisive about the harem. Do you want a harem story or not?

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