
The Famous CEO

she's dead but look at her Hu-go getting marrie d to CEO Qin

Ebimoboere_James · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter TWO :you can't be an ACTRESS

I just imagined a coach shouting at me , yes I need to man up and tell my family about my dream of being a Singer and actress.

"Dinner is ready, sir" said Aunty Peilin

it's time to tell me them .

we all went to the dinning room , aunt Peilin served The food , everybody started to dig on their food , there was an awkward slience which felled the room. Chen song finally broke the slience"Dad the shine stars Entertainment is bringing out a new movie called slow down and I am planning to go audition as the main character which is going to be a thief. Dad don't I look good for this ?" she asked smiling .Dad smiled too and answered " yes, Chen song you you look great for the job."

it's time for me to tell them, come on Chen Anne you can bo this, "mom, Dad I always wanted to tell you guys something". I took a a pause to see there reaction, my mom and dad faces looks clueless while my elder sister be still have that happy face on, I was so novors, here I go,

"mom, dad I want to work in an entertainment industry. I want to become a Singer and an actress". I took a look at my mom's happy's face and then I knew this was my only hope. But my dad he looks like someone that is about to explode, he looks like a ticking time bomb that was about to blow. "So this bastard child thinks she can come to this word and still my daughter's dream, well she should keep dreaming". he said while looking at my sister and Mom then after I heard my dad speak, his voice sounded like he was going to unlish hell on Earth. "you bastard, you think you can become a Singer or actress like my daughter Chin Anne,oh! you are saying all of this because your sister talked about the other audition. you want to disgrase her in public. you want to show the world you are better than her right wel..."

He was not done talking when my mom cut him short,

"chin ling don't say such a thing, the list you could do is to support her pls! and ..."

" Then woman tell this bastard daughter of yours that she is not going to become a Singer nor an actress, Anne you can't be a Singer!!". be It was then I realized really hates me.

But this wasn't the right time to tell them but still told them now look what have happened.

I saw my sister's evil smile through my tears.

wait did she just gave me an evil smile,

what just happened?!!

she did that unpurpose, just to make my dad ,no, not dad Mr. chin think I just want to distroy her carrier. How could she do that?, or maybe I was just imagining things, right I was just imagining?.

Tears kept on flowing from my eyes but that wasn't enough for Mr.chin, he still continue to trow insults at me ."

Anne you are planning to distroy my daughter's Carrie ! well just to make things clear I hate you! Anne because you are not my dau... " " Chen Ann is your daughter Chen Ling! don't tell her that you hate her ". yelled at my mom. Chin song also supported by saying " father mom is right you can't tell Chin Anne you hate her even dough yourself do you would have keep it to yourself, she is my sister and your daughter". Chin song said in a soft manner.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hi readers if this chapter is too short please give a notification.