
The Famous CEO

she's dead but look at her Hu-go getting marrie d to CEO Qin

Ebimoboere_James · Teen
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6 Chs


How my God I can't believe what I heard.

"look at her chen song , shameless, as always you defended her. She still didn't say anything not even a thank you,she is an arrogant girl." Does words created a thausan cut in my heart.

Out of first rating I ran strate into my room and closed it with a loud 'POUND'.

I lay on my soft and worm bed. I cried for a while before I heard a soft knock on the door of my room, 'who could that be?' "who is there", I asked In a haorse voice, I hurriedly clean my tears, I do that want any body to see my current .

The door was opened slowly , it was my mom.

of course it's her chen Anne, She came in and pull me for a hug. I hug her back while crying in her harms.

"Chen Anne you know your father your father would never support you. you could have also wanted for the right timing,now look you are sobbing you would have waited for the right time before you said that ", "but mom do you still think that Mr. chen Ling would still support me even if the timing was right you heard what he said he hated me, with or without the timing he would never support me. mom can I ask you something?".


I took a deep breath and said "mom am I really Mr Chen Ling's daughter" "Chen Anne !!! how could you altar such nonsense. we did not adopted you nor picked you up in the street. Anne you're our Fletch and blood" she said "Chen Anne wake up, I know it would hard for you but you have to do this on your own, don't let what your said to discourage you. Chen Anne I believe in you but you also have to believe in yourself and your dreams . there would be many storms ahead and this incident is also part of those storm and in the near future you would face more but what's important is how you face those storms, it's either you would face it calmly and over come those storms OR you would give up and your father would laugh at your face ,Chen Anne wake up, stop depending on some one to come and save your a*s".

I was totally shocked , 'who knows the truth is really beattar ,but she is totally right , I should not always depend on someone'.

after saying those words she worked out without CV saying another word or even spearing me a glaze.

I feel really grateful for those peace of advice.

After steering at the closed door for awhile. I ran to my laptop, when the laptop was done booting , I clicked on Google and tipped 'desperate acting industry's '. It only came with only one result, 'shine star entertainment industry'. with out thinking twice I asingn for an ordition . I waited for another hour while steering at my laptop screen without blinking before I knew it they accepted. "yes yes yes yes yes!!!" I said while I ponch happyly . I switch off my laptop and took my purse ready to celebrate the success of the first step of me becoming an actress. Just as I reached the door I stopped a d a smirk appeared on my face " you would all be surprised very soon, I have woken up at last." I murmured to myself before opening it, I stepped out before closeing

the door.