
The Fallen Rise

Ever since the death of her Ex-boyfriend, Lin has been struggling to move past the day that changed her life forever, cursing her to be a Fallen Angel. When a job goes wrong and forces her to call on her old demonic friend Luc, Lin finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and betrayal that could not only change her future, but the future of the entire world.

Yasmina_Iro · Fantasy
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105 Chs


I knew my awe had to be plain on my face as I stared at the Angel, trying to come to terms what I was seeing and feeling. Evan… the angel I had dated, the angel who had used me and betrayed me, was a vessel for the Creator. Just as I was a Virtue, an Angel who inherited a fraction of Cerviel's power, he had inherited a fraction of the Creator's power. 

"How?" I finally repeated, flapping my wings to follow him as he moved higher into the air, clearly wanting to pull me away from the Seal. It seemed that my endeavor to temporarily strengthen it had him wary of me getting near and relief filled me as we stopped further in the air. The further away we were from Trorith, the less likely it would be that he would sense Luc and realize the true reason I had brought the hybrid with me. "How did you inherit power from the Creator?"