
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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Strike Some Thunder Into Someone's Brain.

Hans' eyes turn wider while Lord Albert's jaw dropped a bit. General Abi was also dumbstruck by what he just saw. But only for a moment before Hans pulls out the small dagger he hides under his sleeves.

With a speed, he throws the dagger straight to the man's head on the stage. And at the same time also, a big thunder strike the glass box, shattering, before a man with all black clothes jumps down from the attic making all the audience went havoc.

A moment Zane's eyes caught a glimpse of the girl, a voice comes out from his back of his mind.

'Zane Damien, I am Skylark Dragon. I will lend my power to you to protect a true heir of Red Demon Dragon. With this, you're bound to protect her with your life.'

Like electricity run through his body, his hand immediately raise up upon seeing the glass had been shattered by Hayden. His eyes turn into golden yellow in instant.

The supposed shattered glass should have been drop on the floor or hit Yuina's body and face. But in light speed, all of the glass seems to change its direction to each of the guards at around the hall.

This two supernatural event has made all the audience turn more scared. This also drew attention to King Hans, Lord Albert, and General Abi. Hans' lips twitch a bit.

He knew precisely what power is that. Clenching his jaw, he turns his body around glancing at Lord Albert. "Let the army in, arrest all of them."

General Abi also turns his body around. All of what he sees today is already enough for him to noted that General Hayden and the princess is still alive. Even though they're still alive, there's nothing can he do as Hans already crowned as a King. It is obvious that he needs to obey the King's order.

Lord Albert nodded his head and signal his men to ambush the front entrance.




Hayden kneels with one leg bend on the floor while his one fist also hit the floor. Kyra gives an idea about communicating with the dragon to change its form.

She did give the best idea. Hayden tries to persuade Black Thunder Dragon to change its form as something that he can walk pass by the guard in the entrance. It changes into his iron arm guard. With this, he still can use his abilities. It just that he can't slice up people like before and his movement is a bit limited.

Yuina was so surprised by the sudden attack. She was glad, sad and angry. All mixed into one.

"I'm sorry I'm late, my princess," Hayden said and looked up at her.

"You almost make me cry, idiot!" Yuina holds her tears back.

Standing up, he takes off his cloak and put on Yuina's body. Lucky too that Zane immediately got his power and act before the glass touch Yuina's skin.

Looking at Zane, he then said. "Zane, do not hit their vital. We have a rule for that."

Zane's lips twitch a bit. "Man…we can just kill them all." He whimpering a bit before he moves his finger into a grasp.

All of the glass pierce the flesh of the guard. Even though it's not in a vital place, he still manages to cut their vein so that they can't move anymore.

Yuina hides her face into Hayden's chest. Not wanting to see a violent scene Zane put on.

"Princess, we need to go. The main castle soldiers already surrounding this place." Hayden holds both of her shoulders for her to look up at him.

"Mm." Yuina bobbed her head.

Lift her up with a princess style, Hayden look at Zane.

"Zane! We need to go now."

Nodded his head, he follows Hayden from behind. Trying to escape using the back exit. While passing the backstage, Hayden looks up at the hanging room above him.

He could clearly hear a banging and thudding sound coming from that room. He knew it must be Grey inside it fighting with the leader of this gang. Feeling a bit unfair if he did not beat up the man, he looks at Zane.

"Bring princess out from here. Don't get caught." He passing Yuina on Zane's arm.

"Wa..wait, Hayden. Where are you going?" Yuina jumps down from Zane's arm and staring Hayden with teary eyes. She doesn't know this man. Because of what happened to her yesterday she becomes trauma to let any man touch her except for Hayden.


"Hayden, we run out of time," Zane told him when he sees a bunch of soldiers start to ambushing the backstage.

Hayden holds both of Yuina's hand and said, "Go with him first. Trust me. He's not gonna hurt you."

"But Hayden."

"I promise I'll come back to you. Now, go!" Hayden said with a firm in his voice. He never raises his voice to her. Not once.

"Zane! If you lay your finger on her skin, you'll die. Got it?" Hayden also raises his voice to Zane. He blinks his eyes a few time before he salutes at him. "Yes, Sir!"

Without waiting, he wrapped Yuina's body with the cloak first before he lifts her up like a bag of sand. Well, Hayden did say to not touch her skin, so this is the safest way for him to bring the princess out.

"Let me down!" Yuina already cries over Zane's shoulder.

"Come on, princess. Don't cry. I'm not a bad guy." Zane tries to calm her down while running.

A few minutes earlier.


Grey throwing his dagger inside the room once he kicks the door with his feet.

Thud! The dagger stuck on the wooden wall behind Lord Kaza's head. A line of blood dripping from his cheek.

"Bastard!!!" He shouts while wiping his blood on the cheek.

He was in the middle of joy counting the gold coin he earns inside his office. Not only him but a few of his top-notch bodyguard also there including Maria. He was just about to ask Maria to give him a head while he counting the gold when suddenly a dagger fly targeting his head. Lucky he able to dodge it.

"Seize him!!" He cried out loud to his bodyguard.

With a speed, all four of his bodyguard start to attack him. Grey did not wait at the same point as he also starts to move his legs and kick one man on his torso.

Then he bends his body low and when one of the men want to kick him, he pushes up the legs and breaks it with his bare hand.


Lord Kaza also did not wait any longer as he put the gold coin on his table to the black sack under the table. Once he was done, he retrieves Maria hand and ready to run away from the hanging room.

"Dammit!" Grey cursing while hurrying beaten the man who still in the room.

Once all of them were lying unconscious on the floor, the door once again flung open kicked by a man.

Grey almost throw his punch on that man's face but that man was fast when he grabs his punch in a full grip.

"Venting your anger to hit me, lad?" Hayden smirk a bit. Grey is his friend who is younger two years from him. But he enters the military camp five years ago and went training under Hayden's supervision.

"Huh... General Hayden. Or Just Hayden Black?" He retrieves his fist and kicks the man on the floor. Checking whether he still conscious or not.

"Where is the leader?" Hayden asks ignoring Grey's sarcasm.

"Oh right! They escape!" He snapped his finger and run to the exit of the room followed by Hayden.

He really needs to beat that man pretty hard. How dare he do something like as selling princess to the auction like this.

His hand already itching to strike some thunder into someone's brain.

: )

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