
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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The Scarlet-Haired Girl!


Kyra unlocks one of the cage bars. She looks at a few children who were locked up inside it. They look shabby and also skinny.

"Hey, kids. Listen to me, okay? You need to follow me. We gonna out from this place together. All that I want is, you need to keep silent and follow behind me. Got it?" She asks the children with a low voice. She doesn't want to alert the guard while she helping those unlucky children out of this place.

This is supposed when Hayden already open up the path for them to get out of here.

The children inside nod their head. Their eyes gleaming with hopes that they can get out of here alive. They have been lock up here for a few days. Not only that, they only are given leftover which already rotten from the city's waste food. And because of that, most of them suffer from malnutrition and diarrhea.

"Good. Now, come on. We need to get out of here fast." Kyra stands up and looks at behind her. Hoping that Yuina could wait a little bit longer.

A moment after the man on the stage start to speak, Hans turns to General Abi at his left side. He leaned over to him and whisper to him.

"Lord Abi, would you mind if I take all of these people to put in the main castle dungeon?"

Abi turns his head to look at the King. Even though he wants to refuse it, the man is the King. He actually had no right to refuse him. But, even so, why'd he ask his permission?

He then nodded and says. "You're the ruler. How can I say no?"

"Hmm. But these are your people. That is why I ask your opinion first. You know this kingdom rules. Once they are my prisoner you can't question my sentence to them anymore."

Abi turns silent for a moment. After full of consideration, he said. "They do an illegal act. Even though they are my people, once they do wrong, they need to get punished for that. I'll give you my full consent to arrest them and sentence them as to what you see is fit." Abi lowered his head accepting the King's assistance.

Satisfied with his reply, Hans then signaling Lord Albert to do the next move.

Nodding his head, Albert then raises up his bid number. This is the signal to his shadow team for them to execute their mission.

All around this city is actually is already surrounded by the King's soldier who put on the disguise since this morning. They all in a standby mode for their next order.

Never that Hans thought that Yuina is also to be put on the auction for today too. He didn't know that Hayden and Yuina are at this province, looking for a Skylark Dragon's guardian.

"Captain Grey, Lord Albert has raised up his signal. What do we do now?" One young man who dresses all black asks the chief of their squad.

Grey Hudson, one of Hayden's companion in a secret base at the main castle turning his head to look at his subordinate. "Do as the plan. Leave the girl with the exposed-belly dress and two other men from before." He said firmly.

He has been in this town for eyeing this place more than two weeks now. He was not in the castle when the bloody tragedy happens at the main castle. Thus, he did not know what happens to General Hayden.

Not until last week when he got an official order from the new King. That is when he knows what had happened to his friend. The rumor said he was dead when he decided to jump off the ravine with the princess, but his guts told him that Hayden is not dead yet.

And to his surprise, a few days ago he already spots Hayden with the princess and a new girl beside him wandering around the town. He did not alert the higher up because he knew there must be a reason to why Hayden do such things.

When he wants to approach them, he then suddenly got a duty call from the camp told him about this mission. Who would have thought that he meet again with him today? He still keeps his figure hidden. Still not the right time to expose himself in the middle of the operation.

"Yes, Captain." The young man leaves his captain hidden spot and does their job.

"It's good to work with you again, General Hayden." Grey smile while he stands up and walks to the hanging room above the behind stage.

There is where the real culprit hid while busy collecting money from selling people and force them to work non-stop.

His people already helping Hayden to open up the path for them to go out of the place. Outside, at the back of the town, the army from the main castle already waiting for the prisoner to go out and give them treatment and shelter. While at the front of the so-called bar, there's also an army in disguise, ready to arrest the buyer and the team who work at the front line to taken them back to the main castle's jail.

While walking at the narrow space to reach up to the hanging room, Grey notices the girl who is with Hayden. She unlocking one by one cage for the prisoner to get out. He's a bit impressed with her bravery.

"Very brave girl." He smiles a bit and diverts his attention back to the room.

"Okay." Kyra turns around and stretching her neck a little. Looking if there's still a cage that she did not open it up yet.

After she was sure there's no more cage, she then leads them all to the supposed exit path from what she remembered on Zane's maps.

This auction has a stage where they sell the rare item first before they sell humans, organs, and animal. That is why Kyra help the prisoner to get out first before their turn.

All of the cages she opens up, she can't find Yuina at all. She starts to feel worried and went to ask the prisoner if they've seen her before.

Hearing the description from what Kyra said, one of the children say she saw Yuina was taken to the different place inside the glass box. Kyra decides to let them out first before she went back to find Yuina.

Hopefully, she manages to find Yuina.

Went she arrive at the meeting point with Hayden, he looks at her with a questioning look.

"Where is she?"

"Still at the backstage. They say she was taken into a glass box but I couldn't see her."

"Lead them, I take over from here. If I'm not mistaken, there's an army waiting outside of this place. Wait outside and do not get caught by them. If they insist, request a meeting with Grey Hudson. They will release you later."

"Wait, what?" Kyra's eyes widen a bit.

"Trust me. He is a trusty friend of mine." Hayden pat on her shoulder.

Sighing, she nodded her head. "Fine then. Hurry up and save her. She might be scared by now."

"Got it. Thanks, Kyra." Hayden runs back to the where the backstage is while Kyra..she continue to walk out of the place. She notices not only the prisoner from the cage that she release earlier going to the exit direction, but there is a lot more of people who she thinks is the slave are also being released. Most of the guard has been knocked down and that makes her wonder.

Is this all Hayden's doing or he also gets help from someone just like her? When she unlocked the cage, she could sense there are a few people who help her by tackle down a few guards. But, she never saw who it was. It happens so quickly like they are professional.

At the hall.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Now is our favorite phase. We have special item today. A girl. Who still a virgin, has the sexiest figure and I bet, your manhood will be hardened by just looking at her. Very rare to find a girl such as beautiful as this one. The price will be starting at a hundred and fifty gold coins." He grinning to all of the audience.

Most of the male audience straighten up their body and ready to look at the said girl. Including Hans, Lord Albert, and Zane. General Abi did not give a damn about it, he already had a wife. A very beautiful lady from his tribe.

While Zane, he was curious. His guts telling him that it was the princess while the other two, King Hans and Lord Albert, they did not expect they will put such a bounty price for a girl who they claim rare.

"Presenting!" The man shouts with a side grin when six big-size men carry the palanquin to the stage.

On the palanquin, there's a glass of box but was covered by the black cloth. The audience can't see who is the girl inside the glass box.

After the six big-size men put down the palanquin on the stage floor and the men went downstairs, the speaker grabs the cloth with his finger ready to pull it off.

"The Scarlet-haired girl!" He reveals the girl inside the glass box to the audience.

Yuina was shocked as the cloth was removed from the glass. All of the audience eyes on her. Looking so shocked, lewd and many more expression.

Her tears roll down when she knows this is her doom.

"H..Hayden.." She trembling call out Hayden's name while wrapping her both arm on her shoulder, covering her exposed cleavage skin from the audience's eyes.

: )

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