
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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He's Strong And Too Fast.


Clearly, the three of them seem a bit surprised. They thought that no need to meet the principal in person. Who knew, the principal itself welcoming them.

"So, the King has told me about your circumstance and he pleads me to allow you three to enter my school without taking a special exam." Gallert rises up his finger and a book and a quill flying to his hand. The book opens by itself and shows the principal about their information.

"Hmm.." He still looking at the book pages. "Mister Zoro choose to take a forging course, huh?"

Zoro nods his head. "Yes, Principal Gallert."

"Then..before that, let Master Kei acknowledge your talent first." Gallert glance over to the man with a big build body who sitting on the sofa calmly. Even though he had a big body, his face looks gentle though.


Master Kei is the head of the forging department. He standing up and took out an empty scroll from his pocket. He handed the scroll to Zoro.

"Draw." He said.

"Pardon?" Zoro scrunches his eyebrow a bit while taking the scroll. He doesn't understand by the word 'draw' that master Kei just said. What he want him to draw?

Looking at the guy, he said again. "Draw something that you had in your mind. The useful one. If you are talented in drawing, I'll accept you as my student in my department."

"Oh. Okay." Zoro takes a quill and brings the scroll to the table near them. He spans out the scroll and starts drawing.

He's a genius tech guy in his world, how can he not know how to draw, right? He chooses this course because he feels like this is his forte. Using his talent into a magic school, for sure he can gain more knowledge and use it to survive in this world.

He starts drawing a gun. Within three minutes, he able to draw it perfectly. He smiles looking at his drawing. Seems like ages since last he draw. He usually uses his AI assistant to create a weapon back in his world.

"I'm done." He handed back the scroll to the Master Kei.

Took the scroll, he looks at it. "What is this?"

"It's a handgun, sir."

"Hm.." He draws an emblem with his finger before he touches the scroll using his tip of the finger.

Yellow light with an emblem starts to form and slowly a handgun was pulled out from the scroll.

Zoro eyes blink a few times. He didn't think that this forging skill can do something like that. Once the handgun was created in one piece, Kei handed the handgun to him.

"What this thing does?" He asks.

Smiling at him, Zoro took the gun and shoot at the glass window. Bang!

The window glass hole up and cracked before it scattering on the floor.

All of them look at the window glass which just has been shot by Zoro. They're a bit surprised but still remain composed.

"So, it's a small weapon?" Gallert extended his hand to him, asking to look at the handgun.

Give the gun to the white beard man, "Yes." Zoro glance a bit to Rachael. She seems a bit relax. And then he diverts his eyes to Ning Zhi. Yup, she looks a bit shocked.

Rachael also turns to her side. Nudge Ning Zhi a bit, she whispers to her. "He's a tech god."

"Oh…" Ning Zhi feels a bit proud to have known that Zoro is someone who is actually had a unique talent.

After inspecting and put the gun on the tray, Gallert looks at Kei. "So, your decision, Master Kei?"

Nod his head, he said. "I accept him as my student."

"Good. Now, we go to the next." Gallert looks at the girl who tied up her hair with a ponytail and dressed in a leather pant and long sleeve clothes.

"Miss Rachael, am I right?"

"Yes, sir." Rachael voice out.

"You choose a combat course." He paused a moment. "Hmm. Are you sure?" Gallert looks at her with a bit worry. Combat class is for someone skilled and tough. If a girl like her who look a bit fragile and docile to joining the course, of course, she can't keep up with other students.

"I am very sure, Principal Gallert."

"Very well." Gallert turns to look at the mysterious guy who wears a mask to cover his eyes. He looks dangerous and his aura seems like a grim reaper to her.

Oh, speaking of grim reaper..her grandfather used to have the same aura as him. Somehow this aura she felt, bring back her the memory of her family in her world.

"His name is Heath. He is the head of the combat department." Gallert continues, making Rachael back to reality.

"He will test you first, but the test is not in here." Gallert continues again and snaps his finger. The atmosphere and surrounding them change to the inside of the colosseum.

Heath uses his emblem which starts to forming in front of his palm to take out a rack full of weapons for Rachael to use.

"Pick one and strike me with your best attack." He said and went to the ring after that.

The principal and all other teachers including Zoro and Ning Zhi went to the bench area.

Without any delay, Rachael went to the weapon rack that Heath put at the side. There are a sword, crossbow, dagger, knife, ax and so many weapons from this era.

Sighing, she took a two-edged blade spear. Back in her world, she also uses a spear in her each mission. She is very skilled in this type of weapon. Except, it was a high tech spear which can change its shape to a various deathly weapon.

She went to the ring and close her eyes. Taking a deep breath before start attacking.

From the bench row, Ning Zhi clasps her hand together. Her heartbeat beat faster and she looks so worried.

"Will she be okay?" She asks Zoro at the right side.

"She will be fine." He replies it short.

"How can you so calm? Aren't you afraid your girlfriend will be defeated by that scary man?"

"Of course I am afraid if that happens. But, I have faith in her."

"So..if you are the tech god, what about her? What is she in your world?"

"She…she is an elite soldier. In a special force. I once see how she slice a giant phyton you know." Zoro curled up his lips. Remembering the day they met for the first time in Borneo.

Ning Zhi dumbfounded a moment. "Sol..soldier? Wow..she look nothing like a soldier. I mean..she's so beautiful and look so docile too."

"Is that so? She is trained by the greatest family in the soldier's history. So, no worries. She can pass this."

"Hmm..now, I worry about myself." Ning Zhi muttered slowly. If both of them is skilled in this field, then she is the weakest among them.

Rachael closes her eyes and listens to the wind.

Trying to locate the guy and predict his movement. She already memorizes the ring structure and she needs to use every possible sense she can to at least get the acknowledgment from this person.

Once she was positive to start the attacking, she raises her spear and starts to runs to him. Heath standstill when Rachael already start her movement.

In the middle of the ring, Rachael jumps her body a bit before she throws the spear to the man with the speed, Heath took a step back aside calmly.

He took the spear that she throws, and throw it back to Rachael which is just landing on the ring floor.

With that speed, she could only lean her body back as she swiftly holds a grab of her spear before she swings it to take control of her weapon.

Meanwhile, Heath already moves to her side and kick her abdomen making her fall on the floor and she immediately blocks the next attack using the spear's rod.

'Dammit! He's strong and too fast.'

: )

voiletevergardencreators' thoughts