
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

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Gallert The White

Freya leaning on the wall near behind the two of them. She smirks a bit hearing Yuina and Hayden's conversation. She is fully aware of Hayden feeling toward Yuina. Her charm that she put on him still not passing his guard even in his dream.

He always wakes up when things start to get hot in his dream. At first, she doesn't want to follow their plan but then, when Kyra call her name to grouped with him, she can't say no. This is a great chance to make him fall for her. No, precisely, to make him hers.

Hearing how insecure Yuina is..she grinning and she already ready to go into a battle. She also doesn't know why she was so attracted to him. There are many men out there who are capable to be her lover, but she only wants him. And she will make him hers no matter what. Maybe because she saw how protective is Hayden toward Yuina and how faithful he is toward her that makes her want him to be at her side forever.

'I'll make his eyes look at me then..sorry, but you'll never win against my will, Yuina.'

Grey look at Kyra which is busy stuffing food and medicine supplies in his bag for his journey.

"Kyra." He calls her name to make her look up to him.

Chup! He locks his lip on hers.

"Mm!" Kyra pushes his body which is now has been hugged by him. The more she pushes and struggle, the tighter he hugged and deeper he kisses her.

"Oh, my eyes!" Zane suddenly turns his body around. He didn't expect to see such a scene between Kyra and Grey. Its been so long since last he's been with a woman, and see this scene make him feel burning inside with the jealousy.

Farrell also diverts his eyes elsewhere. While Zoro just covering Rachael's eyes. He doesn't want Rachael to see how bold Grey is to kiss Kyra in front of all of them. He seems fine and calm, but he's too obvious with his feeling toward Kyra.

After a few trials and fail to resist him, she just let him kiss her. Savoring him before he went on the trip which she also did not know for how long. Even though he is quite savage and do what he pleased, she can't deny that slowly she already used to have him beside her and the way he seduces her affecting her daily life.

Release the kiss, he whispers to her. "And now I fire up. Take care, my love."

Slightly nod her head, she breaks the hug and shoves him the bag that she already stuffed with the food. "Don't forget to eat and stay healthy."

Once Hayden and Yuina return back to the dining hall, Grey took his bag, ready to go. He looks at Freya at the corner of the room who also just enter the room and then leaves the hall.

"Let's go."

Hayden once again caressing Yuina's cheek before he follows Grey from behind.

"I'll see you again."

Yuina nod and smile at him. Freya also took her bag and leave the room, leaving the remaining of them to carry out their plan.

"Mister Zoro, Miss Rachael, and Miss Ning Zhi. Your carrier is ready." One of the palace guard informing them right after Hayden's group left.

Zoro nods his head to the guard and he then turns around to Kyra and Yuina.

"We will be back after we finish our training. We decide to stay at the academy until then." Zoro said. This is their final decision last night. Staying over there will be more convenient for them. At least, they can use the time to train harder.

"Be careful then." Yuina smile at the three of them. She then went to Rachael and Ning Zhi. Hugging them both.

"Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Mm." Both of them nod their head.

Kyra took one backpack which is a bit smaller than Grey's backpack, he handed it to Zoro. "This is the medicine stock it for you guys. If you need anything, just come by the castle. We'll be here to help you out."

"Thanks, Lady Kyra. You're so considerate." Zoro smiling to her.

"Well, that's my job to keep this group healthy and in good condition." Kyra shrugged her shoulder a bit.

Zoro then diverts his eyes to Zane and Farrell. "Zane. Farrell. Take care of Lady Kyra and Princess Yuina."

"Don't worry. You just focus on your training. Then, we can fight together in a battle." Zane pat on his shoulder. While Farrell nod his head, agree with Zane. It'd be fun if they can fight together.

While he and Zane are left in this castle, it also good if he can train his skill with Zane. With Hayden is not around, their training should not be so hard then.

After saying goodbye, the three of them went to the carriage where the King has provided for them.

Rachael and Ning Zhi wave their hand to Yuina and Kyra from the carriage. It feels a bit heavy to leave them. They have been so much help to the three of them. They are the only peoples that they trust when they were abandoned in this universe.

Once the carriage left the castle ground, Rachael and Ning Zhi sit back at the seat. Clasp her hand, she looks at Zoro.

"Let's train our best, Z and Ning Zhi."

"Yes. Let's do our best to stay alive."

The trip to the Magiya Academy takes two hours from the castle. All along the way, they could see Peridot towns and the life they live. Most of them look like a normal human. Except in here, you can see the magic-user is everywhere. It's hard to differentiate their races.

Other than that, the building block in this kingdom also looks a bit civilized. After half an hour, the scenery changed to the valley and villages around them.

The Academy is a bit far from the main town. Last time when they visit the Academy, Freya use a portal, and this time, they use an actual road to go there.

In two hours, they arrive at the huge brick wall which is the school's gate. This is also the first time they see the full view of this Academy.

"Wow..this school just like.."

"Hogwarts, right?" Ning Zhi eye's shone brighter to see this Academy building. She is one of Harry Potter fans.

"Huh?" Rachael scratches her head a bit. In her world, there is one university called Hogwarts, but..it kinda different from this one. That university is quite modern with the modern tech and the architecture itself.

"Amazing." Ning Zhi still in awe looking at the school architecture.

Zoro smiling to see these two girls. He touches Rachael's arm and draws closer to her, whispering. "Maybe in her world, Hogwarts does look like this."

Furrow her eyebrow, Rachael look into Zoro's eyes. "Hmm...I see."

Not long after, the carriage stop. The palace soldier who sends them to this Academy get off from the horse and open the carriage door for them.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived. Your representative teacher will be here soon."

The three of them nod their head and went down from the carriage. "Thank you." They said to the soldier before the carriage went back to the main gate.

They were lead by one man who is in charge of their registration to the private lounge.

Inside the room, there are five other people of different ages. They seem like a teacher in each five class.

"Welcome to Magiya Academy." One man with a long white beard welcoming the three of them.

Again, Ning Zhi's eyes shone brighter like a star. "Ooh...Gandalf?"

"Who?" Rachael nudges her a little. 'Who is Gandalf? She has been talking weird since they arrive. Is she alright?'

Laughing softly, the man with a long beard shakes his head. "No, Gandalf is my brother."

"My name is…"




Zoro already giggling a bit. He then holds Ning Zhi's on her arm. "Calm down, Ning Zhi. He's not a character from a book."

The other five teachers look at Ning Zhi with a furrow on their faces. This is an insult to the founder of this Academy.

Ning Zhi suddenly remembers that she is not in the world of the book from Lord of The Ring nor from a book from Harry Potter either. She lowered his head and say sorry to the man.

"It's okay. My name is Gallert the White. I am the principle of this Academy." He introduces himself.


: )

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