
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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End Up With Losing Her

Two days have passed.

After making sure all the supply is enough for them until they reached the next town, they start their journey.

Hayden decides to go to the Emerald Province. It is a greenery province in the Zirconia Kingdom. Their people are known to be very good at handling and producing food supply to all the four other Province.

In these two days, Hayden injury is half healing. He can travel, however, he needs Kyra to change his bandage and keep on treating on his wound. This is also another reason why Kyra was with them this time. She went on the journey with Yuina and Hayden.

They can't take a normal road where commoner use to take to go to the Emerald City. It's too dangerous if their identity is exposed. Thus, they had to use another road where there not many people use it nowadays. They also need to use both of their legs to walk, because Kyra left her pegasus under Kaji's care. Well, they're not rich like another researcher since her brother was kicked out from the castle. Kaji will need the pegasus to do his routine chores later.

Hayden keeps on guard behind Yuina and Kyra. All along the way, he can see Yuina's smiling face. She must be happy to have one more companion on this journey. At least, she can learn more with Kyra's knowledge.


Yuina walks beside Kyra. She listens to Kyra's non-stop talking but her mind was wandering around. She remembers the discussion she had with Hayden and Kaji a few days ago.

"Wait, you want me to find these dragons? But, what if I'm not the Red Demon King?" She stated. Her face shows a bit worry about it.

"It depends on you whether you want to get your crown back or not. If you're not the Red Demon King, why Hayden bow down to you? Why he can use his sword to create a thunder blast?" Kaji says with seriousness. He believes she is the reincarnation of the Red Demon King. And because of this, he lost his job in the castle a few years ago.

"But.." She turns to look at Hayden who still composed, sitting not far from her.

Turning to her, Hayden smile. "Princess, It's not gonna harm us if we find these people. If they agree to help us then, it's an advantage for us. If not, you still have me, no matter what, I will use all my power to make sure you get your crown back. You have my word."

Yuina then lowered her gaze. She knows Hayden will do anything to make sure the task is completed. But, with his condition right now. No matter how strong he is. He surely will die fighting alone just because of her.

She doesn't want to lose him. Enough with only her father died that day. She can't put Hayden life at the brink of the death just like the other day. It's better if she can ask for help from these legendary dragons.

"Hm. I agree to find them. We leave once Hayden's heals."

"Princess, I am okay. You don't have to worry about me. I can…"

"No. You can't. at least, until Kyra said so." Yuina turns to Kyra.

Shrugged her shoulder, she said. "Maybe another one or two days from now."

"Okay. We leave after that." She decides it and went to the backyard. Trying to calm her heart down. When she heard about these dragons, her heart seems couldn't stop drumming inside. She somehow feels likes she missing something. Something that she longed for.


They walked through the wood until it almost dusk.

"Princess, we should stop for rest tonight. It's not safe to walk in the midnight through the woods." Hayden said and Kyra nods her head in agreement.

"Okay. Let's find a place to sleep tonight." She looks at both of them. After they find a suitable place, Kyra makes a tent for them while Hayden went to gather firewood and hunting their dinner.

While Hayden was away, Kyra could see Yuina keep glancing into the direction that Hayden went. She could sense that Yuina uneasy with his disappearance. Its only just fifteen minutes he was away.

"Yuina," Kyra calls her name. She was preparing some of the ingredients for their dinner tonight.

"Hm?" She replies without looking at Kyra.

"Did you…still in love with that prince?" She asks out of blue. To be honest, she wants to know her heart more. She looks like she really cares about Hayden. But before, Yuina tells her that she was in love with another man. So, how comes she act unknowingly like she was in love with Hayden if her heart is at another man?

Shocked by the question, she turns to look at Kyra, blinking her eyes a few times.


"I ask you, did you still in love with that prince?" Kyra repeat her question.

Blushed, she turns her head to the side. "I..I don't know. Even if he killed my father. It's hard for me to forget about him just like that. Indeed, I feel hatred toward him but at the same time, the feeling that I had before seemed so hard to go away too. He's my childhood crush." Her voice sounds so mellow and there's a bit hint of miss in her voice.

Kyra sigh slowly. She feels sorry. Sorry for Hayden. She could see how Hayden loves this girl. But his loves never reach Yuina's attention. And this dumb girl…how can she did not know her act toward Hayden is more like she loves him? Not just a simple love, but more like crazily in love.

At behind the tree, Hayden lowered his gaze on the ground.

He unintentionally heard the conversation between those two girls. He wants to approach them when he suddenly heard Kyra's question, he stops his pace and hides behind the tree.

He wants to know what Yuina's answer to that question. Once he heard it, he already knows, regardless how much she said she hated Prince Hans, she still loves him deep down inside. She will forgive him once her hatred toward him subsides. By the time, he also needs to bury his feeling and be ready to obey the new King's order.

He needs to forget about her and do his job properly if he still had the qualified to be her knights again. Or maybe he will be executed by King Hans. Who knows what his future will turn to?

He inhales for a moment and exhales before he walks out from behind the tree. He put on his normal face like he did not hear anything.

"Kyra, I brought you some wild rabbit. Can you make something delicious with this?" He handed her the rabbit on his hand and put down a few firewoods.

"Wow! Amazing. I can make something with this." Kyra smiling upon the dead rabbit. She would love to cook something with this fresh meat.

"Err...Are we gonna eat that?" Yuina's eyes squinted a bit.

"Yeah. Why not? It has better taste than the wild boar." Hayden replies to her and Kyra nod her head.

"Yeah. This is delicious meat." Kyra added.

"Urm…can you..not do it in front of me? Just call me when you're done, okay?" She hurriedly stands up and went inside the tent.

Kyra looks at Hayden.

Seeing Kyra's confused face, he says. "She never eats anything like this before. All the cuisine in the main castle is cook with her favorite food only. And…it's all chicken and duck. No rare meat on the table." He explains it.

"Oh…so, when she was with you the other day…"

"She did not pick at what I provide for her. To stay alive she just swallows it all. But, like now. I usually cook a bit far from her and not telling her what meat did I give her." He chuckles a bit.

"Did she ask after that?" Kyra also feels its a bit funny.

"Of course she asks. But then, she did not have any energy to throw it up after she knows it. She only makes a disgusting face and holds the urge to throw up."

"Hahaha...I can't imagine it. She's so spoiled, huh?" Kyra laughs.

Smiling, his eyes turn soft and gentle. "She is." He put the firewoods to the fire.

Kyra can see his soft eyes and she could only shake her head after that. Before she stands up to go to the river bank, she said to him, "You know..if you keep your feeling down inside without telling her, you might end up with losing her. Why not you tell her the truth?"

Hayden was a bit surprised, but only for a moment before he replies to her.

"I'm afraid she will abandon me if I did so. I like the way we are now. As long as I can stay at her side."

"Hahhh...There is an easy way to communicate, but you guys so dumb to do so…So, I can only be cheering you from the side. Don't give up." She patted on his shoulder and went to the river bank. Cleaning the meat and cut it for her to cook after that.

Hayden keeps on guard at the fireplace.

: )

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