
Hylos The Holy Centaur

After Rafaela almost died, Hylos a half body of human and horse save her and bring her to his village. Hylos cured her by his mighty staff. Then Rafaela woke up and she thanked him and asked who is he, Hylos introduce himself then he asked some question. Rafaela borrowed Hylos' soldiers to help and find Argus; Other village was destroyed by Argus' unstoppable power and darkness control, many cops and castle guard were afraid and called the highest empire to take down the darkness forces. Hylos and Rafaela goes to the Moniyan empire and borrowed army of troops to fight Argus. The army of Argus and Rafaela with Hylos met at the Jade path, the two empire at the path is bloody;Argus fight Hylos face-to-face but an evolved predator's stinger hit Hylos' head and causing of Hylos to become weak. Hylos retreat and Rafaela cured his wound, meanwhile the empire's army came that they are to less than the other army, Hylos and their army have no mercy and to stop the bloody battle Hylos try to stop the enemies by sacrificing himself until he died and resurrect in his village. Rafaela promised that she will remember him til the death has come