
The Fake Heiress and Deceitful Duke

Abigail Florence only wanted a good job when her mother became sick, hoping that she would be of help for the family and save her mother from the rage of her father. But she was caught by a wicked and crazy nobleman and was forced into an unlikely partnership of marriage in exchange of wealth and power she could never fathom. What else could go wrong? When Dion Burke had visited the small bar in the Grothem town after his carriage suffered an accident, he had cursed his luck. But who would have thought that goddess was blessing him with treasure. The previous duke had died with no blood children but the position and all the wealth was still left for the lost daughter and her.. Husband. So when Dion found the woman living as guttersnipe, a strange and wicked plan took place in an instant. He would claim power and wealth and share it with her. But what if… the woman whose mouth could be compared to the sailor turned out to be more tempting than the wealth she offered?

Fallen_meteor · Fantasy
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171 Chs

A Compensation

"You look exhausted, my lady. Perhaps we end our lessons here." Earnhardt looked at her with a polite smell when she yawned without covering her mouth with her hands.

Her eyes had dark circles beneath them and she looked hazy. When it comes to politics, she had shown no progress but she had learnt the art and culture of the empire well. At least she would recognize the famous painting and popular music if played.

"You have already learnt about all the plays on display. How about you take a break and visit a theater to see one tonight. After all, play is not learned by books." he offered but she shook her head.

It was not that the idea did not tempt her. She had never been to a theater before but she had read a lot about it recently. The thought of going to one and seeing people portraying someone else would be entertaining. But then, she had to ask Dion about it.