
The Eye Of The Moon Plan

Erik Saltzman was a young man, a normal student who spent his time studying and playing games. Enjoying his time with his family, annoying his little sister, singing songs and much more. His life was plain and simple but he didn't have any complaints with it. He was happy with what he had. Unfortunately, his simple life came to an end when he died at a young age of 17, courtesy of [Truck Association]. Upon his death, instead of finding peace, his soul was abducted by an Outer-God. The dangerously powerful entity was able to "convince" Erik Saltzman soul about the world being riddled with pain and agony. He asked Erik if he wanted to end this "Cycle of Eternal Damnation". Outer God:- I will grant you strength, to end this all, no more suffering and everyone will be happy. Erik:- What is the price? True Paradise is just a fantasy which can't be achieved no matter what you do. Outer God:- It is true that a thing such as True Paradise can only be dreamt of but what if we change the reality into a dream? After all, everything is possible in a never-ending dream. Erik:- What do you propose? Outer-God:- To create a True Paradise, you must first make the "Impossible" into something "Possible". Erik:- Swapping reality with an everlasting dream..? Outer-God:- The "Eye Of The Moon Plan" Erik:- Madara wasn't able to succeed, and I don't need to tell you about his capabilities. What makes you think that I would succeed in doing something that he couldn't? Outer-God:- Firstly, You aren't affected by Plot-armour and secondly, you don't blindly believe in anything, you're caution and decision making sets you apart the rest. Erik:- Hm...How do you propose to even start this "Plan for Salvation"? Outer-God:- You will be sent to a dream world, [Irregular at Magic High school]. You will need to successfully put everyone in that world into a dream. That world is heading towards its destruction, so begin from there first. Erik:-Irregular world? You do know the danger that infests that world right? Not to mention the broken protagonist and his sister, how am I even supposed to survive there? Outer-God:- That where I come in, I will grant you a few abilities which shall help you in your endeavour. Erik:- Hmm..... Outer-God:- You would ask about your family? How they are? Erik:- Unfortunately, I can no longer affect that world and from my observation, you too can't....otherwise you would have chosen someone with a higher success rate. Outer-God:- On-point observation indeed. Erik:- I can only pray for them to have a happy life and move on. Outer-God:-Indeed... ----------------------------------------------------------- •Cover:-Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. •Release rate:-4 chapters worth 1000 words per week. [We have created a server °•The Coffee Shop•° with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server. The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server which welcomes more authors to join. Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN]

Legendary_Person · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter:-120 The Opening Ceremony pt-1

"True peace is just within my grasp, I can feel it!"

"The end to all this pain and suffering would come soon!"

"Till then, keep reading [Eye of the Moon plan]!" (Lol)


After taking a quick nap, Erik wakes up with a wobbly head as he moves towards the bathroom.

He approaches the sink with unsteady steps and places his hands on the sides of the sink to support himself.



He takes in a deep breath to get rid of the residual weariness in his system.



He turns the faucet as water flows into the sink; he then proceeds to collect some water in his hands before splashing it at his face.

After washing his face, he closes the door behind him and undresses before entering the bathtub.

He spends a good 30 minutes taking a bath; as much as he would want to deny it.

Having long hair wasn't always fun.

Especially when you had to clean it using shampoo.

No matter, he simply stimulated his body to release some psion which evaporated all the water from his body; he proceeds to grab the towel and walks out of the bathroom.

Moving towards his suitcase, he opens the case; immediately spotting a well-maintained school uniform neatly folded into his suitcase.

"Courtesy of Sebastian, of course!" (Erik)

He quickly wears his school clothes before taking a "beautiful pocket-watch" and "black gloves" from within his case.

Following after, he moves towards the dresser and picks up a comb to straighten his hair.

Erik combs his long hair before picking up a black-colored cloth-tape; wrapping it around his hair to keep it from getting dirty.

Looking at his handsome reflection in the mirror, he let out a satisfied smile as he moved towards the door.


He turns the doorknob and pushes open the door without any effort.

"It's time." (Erik)

His "chartreuse phosphorescent eyes" displayed an unusual calm and utter confidence!


"Onii-sama, your jacket's isn't of proper size!" (Miyuki)

Miyuki had a worried expression on her face as she looked at the wrong sized jacket that her brother wore to the opening ceremony.

"I did choose the right size while selecting it from the school stash, I have no idea why it isn't matching my size." (Tatsuya)

Tatsuya had a confused expression on his face as he contemplated if he had messed up while selecting the right size.

"Nevermind, luckily it isn't all that obvious if one wasn't paying attention to Onii-sama." (Miyuki)

"Onii-sama can always choose not to wear the jacket if things get awkward or uncomfortable." (Miyuki)

Miyuki wasn't satisfied but she didn't want to trouble her brother any more than necessary.

Currently, the brother-sister pair were attending the opening ceremony organized by the organizers; each year.

An introduction speech was taking place which both of them listened attentively.

"Hey! Both of you are looking good!" (Erika)

A familiar voice was heard by both of them; causing them to stop paying attention to the speaker and look towards the source of this voice.

Erika wore a waitress's dress as she moved towards the Shiba Siblings while sporting a grin on her face.

She wasn't alone in any case; behind her stood Mikihiko who wore similar waiter clothes.

"Hello, Tatsuya-san, Miyuki-san." (Mikihiko)

Usually, Mikihiko wasn't the one who would start a conversation but in order to strengthen himself; he had to change!

"Hello, Mikihiko-san, Erika-san." (Miyuki)

Miyuki returned their greeting with one of her own before asking a question that had been plaguing her mind from the moment Erika first entered her vision.

"What are you both doing here? Especially in these clothes?" (Miyuki)

Erika expected Miyuki to question her thus she had already prepared an answer for the latter.

She spoke with an awkward smile.

"Well, we... are kinda forced to stay here." (Erika)

Both, Erika and Mikihiko ended up in the hotel because they were forced by their families to do so.

Apparently, their families wanted both of them to get to know more people and seize this opportunity to make contacts.

"Oh! Also, Leo and Mizuki are here too! They are working behind the scenes; in the kitchen!" (Erika)

Erika was happy to talk with Tatsuya whereas Mikihiko would also join-in on their conversation from time to time.

All this while Tatsuya had no change in his expressions whatsoever.

Miyuki, seeing this, sighs at her brother's inability to see other people's goodwill and affection toward him.

She knows very well that both of their parents did not love him, and removed his ability to love.

She would always despair at his inability to understand her feelings and return them and would scold him, knowing that his inability would be a stumbling block for his developing social relations.

As Miyuki was thinking this, she didn't notice the attention on her; specifically that of Third High students, including Ichijou Masaki.


"Beautiful isn't she?" (George)

Kichijouji Shinkurou, also known as "George" was a young man of small stature, although due to Third High School's emphasis on martial abilities, he didn't give off a weak impression.

He is one of Third High School's primary representatives in the Newcomers' Division, this year.

He is referred to as "Cardinal George" for discovering one of the Cardinal Codes.

Beside him stood his best friend, another handsome looking redhead who seemed to have a rather strong personality.

Unfortunately, even his strong personality didn't seem to protect him from a certain woman's charms.

"Indeed George, but the question remains... Who is she?" (Masaki)

Ichijou Masaki was someone with a charming visage, a handsome aura that stood out and, perfectly matched the description of a "young and handsome warrior" in the archaic fashion.

He stood near 180 cm in height with a thick set of shoulders, a compact waist, and slender legs.

He is a man whose physical appearance was popular with the ladies. Nonetheless, he rarely showed interest in the opposite sex and usually, the females would be the ones that try to approach him.

"That girl is Shiba Miyuki. She is the first year ace from First High." (George)

"A potential rival? I wonder how talent she is to be considered the first year ace." (Masaki)

He glanced towards Miyuki with warmth as he felt naturally attracted to her.

"Just make sure that you aren't too distracted by her when the competition starts." (George)

George lightly teased his friend who seemed to have lost his composure for a couple of seconds while looking at the genetically engineered woman.

"You—" (Masaki)

"Shhh! Look's like he is here!" (George)

George had an excited expression on his face as he looked towards the stairway.

The expression on his face resembled that of a starstruck fan who was about to meet his idol.

"Behold Masaki! Here he comes, the one and only!" (George)

"...Erik Saltzman" (George)


(A/N:-The server °•The Coffee Shop•° was created with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server.

The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server that welcomes more authors to join.

Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN)