
The Extra Wants Control

Our protagonist, once a homeless child navigating the city's harsh realities, clawed his way towards a better life. He stole coins to buy knowledge. However, the prestigious university scholarship he craved was a rigged system, awarded to a politician's son who needed the name, not the education. Descends into a life of crime.After being forced to taint his pride his death is ordered with his own making the final blow. god "congratulations you're given a chance at a new life..." him " why?" god "cause you had a tough life so im being generous... and making you reincarnate in a mana world..." him " bullshit..." On the brink of oblivion, a dubious offer arrives – a second chance from a strange god. Haunted by the shadows of past 'generosity', Rei struggles with suspicion. Accepting means becoming a pawn, rejecting means eternal damnation. With no good options, Rei plays along, unaware his role thrusts him into a cosmic conflict. NONHAREM.

Kas73_ · Fantasy
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161 Chs

Battle Royale 4

The desert wind howled, carrying a fine grit that stung exposed skin. Astrid, the Dwarven Blessed, stood firm against the sandstorm, hair waving like a battle flag. Her opponent, Kim, the lithe Tigerkin Blessed, crouched low, her amber eyes narrowed in a predatory glint. Both women pulsed with an aura of vibrant blue, a testament to their status as chosen of the ancient spirits.

The air crackled with unspoken tension. The exam had pitted them against each other, a clash of wills on the burning sands. Moments earlier, the ground had trembled as Astrid charged, her warhammer, "Grudgebringer," a blur of whirling metal and dwarven fury. Kim, with the agility of a desert cat, had dodged and weaved, deflecting blows with bursts of concentrated aura.