
The Extra of the Exorcist Academy

An Extra? A Magician? An apprentice Exorcist? A brother? A murderer? Who is he? No one truly knows. He only wants to join the most prestigious Academy of Exorcists and he is indeed an Extra among the Elites. The only problem, is that he's possessed... ...and by Villains! ---- *The Cover ain't mine, don't report me to the police I will change it if you show yourself dear artist unless it's AI, I won't care :) *I ain't either Shakespeare, bear with it *My mum always taught me to reply in kind and equal everything given to me including bad things, so sorry in advance :( *2+2=5 *The Mc isn't edgy and starts off very human like any of you bums so don't whin around if he doesn't kill around right away

ChadLord · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Oh, For Fuck's Sake! Not You Girls Too!

"Hey, you."



"Huh?" I blinked twice and looked slightly down at the man sitting in front of me at a desk.

The man, who was middle-aged, looked impeccably neat. He exuded the aura of someone clearly wealthy, with his perfectly tailored suit, precisely trimmed haircut, and well-groomed beard. Everything about him seemed meticulously arranged.

On his suit, a peculiar emblem caught my eye. At first glance, it appeared to be a cross, but upon closer inspection, it was a sword that seemed to almost glow with a platinum sheen, positioned over the chest area of his suit. His left arm bore an armband, which had the word "Emberia" written in white.

A surge of excitement, mixed with slight goosebumps, coursed through me as I read the word.

The Elite Exorcist Academic Institution of Emberia.

This was one of the most prestigious academies in Arcadia, renowned for producing the world's most famous and powerful exorcists. And here I was, about to receive my very first Exorcist Passport.

Two days ago, I had taken the written exam to join the Academy.

Just to take the exam was costly, but I had managed to get a passing mark in this elite test, earning my place here. If I had failed, I wouldn't be sitting here. I was relieved because all the hard work I put in last year, learning everything necessary to pass the exam, had finally paid off.

"Your name, I asked!" the man in front of me yelled, clearly irritated.

I could hear complaints from my fellow exam takers behind me.

"Ha… Sorry, guys," I scratched my head, unable to wipe the grin off my face.

Words couldn't express how happy I was today.

"Fray Duran, sir," I said politely, trying to ease the man's irritation. I might meet him again at the academy, and I didn't want to antagonize anyone after coming this far.

"Duran," he muttered as he opened a translucent screen in front of him, which appeared in front of me as well. I felt a bit awkward seeing my face grinning sheepishly below my name.

No matter how often I saw such advanced technology, I was still awestruck by the level we had reached.

I watched him as he scrolled through my information.

"You aren't an Aristocrat, are you?" he asked offhandedly, his eyes still on my details.

"...Mm, yes. Is that a problem?" I asked, arching my brow.

I knew that most of the students at elite academies like Emberia were from the High Aristocracy of Arcadia. Aristocratic children had access to greater resources and top-notch education. While I wasn't complaining, I felt uncomfortable with the clear segregation between them and us commoners, as they liked to call us.

The commoners who managed to enter Emberia were, of course, hardworking individuals who had gained entry through sheer effort despite having limited resources. I was one of those people and wanted to be treated at least like a normal person.

Did he have to say it out loud?

I already felt scornful glares from the people waiting behind me—most of them were Aristocrats. They had been quite calm until now, but upon learning that I was a commoner, they became agitated and gave me almost disgusted looks.

Well, I was used to it.

The man ignored my question as he finished reviewing my information. He clicked on a specific button, causing my information to filter and disappear upwardly into the void.

From one of the countless invisible pipes behind the receptionist desk, something fell onto a plate with a soft thud. The man turned in his wheel chair, picked up a round, palm-sized token, and handed it to me. 

"Keep this preciously. You will need it for the Practical Entrance Exam," he said.

I accepted the token, noticing the number 477 engraved on it.

However, my thoughts froze when he mentioned the Practical Entrance Exam.


"W–wait. Excuse me, sir, but I heard that if someone obtains excellent marks on the written exam, they would be exempted from the Practical Exam?" I asked, trying to hide the slight panic in my tone. I was not prepared for a Practical Exam right now.

"Are you that confident in yourself?" He asked with a chuckle.

I had worked hard all last year to prepare, and when I submitted my papers, I was quite confident in my success. But seeing me not answering, he scoffed.

"Regardless of how much you scored on the written exam, you have to meet certain physical standards to be accepted into the most prestigious Exorcist Academy of Adrencia," he said, shooing me away with his hand.


"Get away, commoner," the man behind me pushed me out of the line, annoyed.

I nearly tripped but quickly regained my footing. I looked down at my token before sighing and tucking it into my vest pocket. I had been so excited to be admitted, but now I realized I was only halfway through the process of being accepted.


I forgot to ask when and where the Practical Entrance Exam would be held. If I went back to ask, I would gather more unnecessary hate.

I looked around me.

Countless lines of people my age waited with excited faces. At first glance, I couldn't spot any other commoners. Everyone seemed to be from aristocratic backgrounds.

I walked out with the token while looking around me trying to find someone who would be willing to answer me but despite the fact that this splendid great hall was flooded with candidates, they all were with their own groups. 

"Erm… excuse me?" I approached a group of boys with a friendly smile.

They turned toward me, scanned my clothes, then snorted and resumed their discussion. No words were needed; I understood their thoughts instantly.

Looking around once more, I found a group of girls giggling happily.

Let's try with the girls...

I felt quite nervous since I had never spoken to girls my age before. The only girl I could speak casually with was my sister.

Man up a little, Fray!

I approached them with the same friendly smile. "Excuse me, girls."

Why do I feel like I sound like someone trying to pick up girls?

The group of girls shifted their attention toward me. They were rather pretty, and any of them could become my future classmate. Who wouldn't dream about an academic romance?

What am I thinking again?

"Actually, I was asked to take the Practical Exam, but I don't know where and when it's held, can you fill me in?" I asked, showing the nicest smile I could muster.

The three girls looked at me and then lowered their gaze toward my clothes—

Oh, for fuck's sake! Not you girls too!


When I was prepared to receive cold glares followed by mocking words, instead I got a melodic nod.

The three girls parted, revealing another girl.

"Thank you… ah." I let out a weird sound when I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life.

Add my book in your library if you feel bad for Fray :=(

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