
The Extra of the Exorcist Academy

An Extra? A Magician? An apprentice Exorcist? A brother? A murderer? Who is he? No one truly knows. He only wants to join the most prestigious Academy of Exorcists and he is indeed an Extra among the Elites. The only problem, is that he's possessed... ...and by Villains! ---- *The Cover ain't mine, don't report me to the police I will change it if you show yourself dear artist unless it's AI, I won't care :) *I ain't either Shakespeare, bear with it *My mum always taught me to reply in kind and equal everything given to me including bad things, so sorry in advance :( *2+2=5 *The Mc isn't edgy and starts off very human like any of you bums so don't whin around if he doesn't kill around right away

ChadLord · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Can I have your number?

"Thank you… ah." I let out a weird sound when I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life.

Her hair was the brightest shade of blonde I had ever seen, neatly tied back with a few strands framing her flawless, perfectly symmetrical face. Her eyes were like shining amethyst stones, sparkling as they peered at me.

If her face wasn't enough to indicate her aristocratic status, her off-shoulder white dress and skirt, perfectly fitting her and exuding luxury, made it clear. She was breathtaking, and indeed, I found myself momentarily breathless.

"Hello? Are you here?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Ah, sorry," I quickly recovered, realizing I had been staring.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to mind. She merely smiled while her friends gave me curious looks.

"Well, I will help you. Beth, can you hand me the pen?" She asked one of her friends.

Beth, who was as pretty as the other three girls, nodded and rummaged through her bag, pulling out what appeared to be a very expensive black pen.

That pen alone might be enough to buy everything Amy wants…

I thought with a bitter smile as my cute niece's face flashed in my mind.

"Oh my, what a blunder. We don't have any blank papers here," the amethyst-eyed girl said, covering her mouth with her hand. 

Then, muttering something like, 'Can't be helped~,' she grasped my arm suddenly.

If she hadn't been wearing gloves, I might have felt more nervous, but she was indeed wearing white gloves. 

Even though it was hot outside…but I suppose she was living in a different world compared to me.

As expected of a young lady from the high aristocracy.

She was the perfect model of what I imagined a high lady of aristocracy would be.

Then, she rolled back my sleeve and started writing on my arm.

Under any other circumstance, I might have protested and asked for blank paper. But with this girl, my heartbeat raced faster. Her intoxicating perfume, coupled with her unreal beauty, made me slightly dizzy.

This is what happens when you stay enclosed at home to study without meeting any girls…

The touch of the black felt pen's tip against my bare skin sent a ticklish sensation through me, but I fought the urge to let out any embarrassing sounds in front of the beautiful girl writing on me. Her handwriting was exquisite, with each letter flowing gracefully.

Wait a minute—she's kind, beautiful, educated, and writes perfectly. Isn't she the ideal girlfriend material? Maybe I should ask her name. Just in a friendly way, of course.

Don't trust her.

"Huh?" I spun around abruptly, startled by a voice that seemed to whisper right in my ear.

"Is something wrong?" The girl with amethyst eyes looked at me, her head tilted slightly in concern, having just finished writing down the address and time.

"Ah, no, nothing, ahaha," I laughed awkwardly, scratching my head. 

I let out a strange sound. 

Damn it all. 

Asking for her name had seemed already hard before, and now it felt impossible. If she were an ordinary girl, I might have managed, but she was undoubtedly a Lady from High Aristocracy.

"Thank you, Beth," she said with a gentle smile, capping the pen and handing it back to Beth.

I could hear her three friends whispering and snickering among themselves, but I was too captivated by this beautiful girl to pay them any mind. If I couldn't even ask her name, my academy years would be unbearable and awkward.

I can do it!


"Yes?" She looked at me with curiosity.

Summoning all the courage I had, I spoke up. 

You just want her name to thank her again later!

"Can I have your number?"

Add my book in your library if you think he's getting rejected like most of you guys

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