
The Extra's Weight.

A handsome, young college student reads a webnovel his friends recommended him to read. After completing it, he goes to sleep. But when he wakes up... he finds himself in a bit of a pickle. And by that, I mean, a reality-bending, butt-clenching, heart-wrenching problem. Follow the story of Samuel Francis, an extra character that the original novel never mentioned as he steals opportunities from future villains to strengthen himself and ensure survival. But, will he ever be able to return back to Earth, to his family and friends? A few points to note before you read: 1) The main character(the reader who gets transmigrated) is a GRAVITY MAGE. Meaning, he can manipulate gravity and attack opponents with it. (That's why the name, The Extra's Weight) 2) He can also use one other type of magic, called 'Energy Magic', which is basically null-magic, or non-elemental magic. 3) This novel DOESN'T have a sentient system. Actually, the system very rarely even makes an appearance. 4) NO HAREM. 5) Actual, slow-burn romance. 6) Main Character isn't some emo villain who uses people and avoids social contact. 7) If you don't like things like entire chapters dedicated to grinding materials or rare artefacts and talismans, you won't enjoy this novel. But if you do, you'll love it. 8) There's a lot of info dump in the first few chapters. And there will be more later on. This novel is inspired by 'Novel's Extra' and 'Author's POV'. But keep in mind, the story of this novel is nothing like the two of them.

Xeanos · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Info Dump(Skippable)

--- A bit about the Staff of Undeath ---

A weapon so strong that it could bring the entire world to its knees if given to the wrong person.

Its height was about 6ft.

Its handle was made of ancient draconic bones. The terrifyingly black crystal that seemingly absorbs all the light it receives is actually a shard of a meteor that fell onto the world of the Undying Archmage millions of years ago. Its name is 'DreadStone'.

The 5 draconic skulls that hold the tremendous DreadStone in place were the 5 heads of the Dragonlord Theseus, who was killed by the Undying Archmage when he was conquering his own world.

The skulls were magically processed and shrunk to fit the staff.

--- End of the Staff of Undeath ---

--- A bit about the Undying Archmage ---

His original name was 'Theodore Eldric', a legendary sorcerer that once stood at the pinnacle of magic back in his world, Aetheria.

One day, he was desperate to find the secrets of Immortality and become eternal, when he found the ancient ritual to become a Lich.

After a lot of hardships and mistakes, he finally succeeded in the ritual and emerged as a new being - A magician of Death, a Lich.

From there, his insatiable hunger was itching him to conquer and dominate. He had let go of his humanity entirely and went on a planetary conquest to dominate the world.

Within 50 years of his grand conquest, Aetheria was under his feet, trembling, begging for mercy.

He had no mercy to show, however, and all life on that planet was exterminated.

The once-beautiful planet, so full of life had turned into a ball of miasma with no life whatsoever. Only zombies and skeletons roamed the surface of the planet.

Even though he conquered Aetheria and destroyed it, his hunger still didn't end. And so, he researched magic for centuries and finally opened up the portal to Earth. Planning to bring the same fate to it as it did to Aetheria.

--- End of the Undying Archmage ---

--- A bit about the {System} ---

The {System} is a tool unlocked by humanity simultaneously when the dungeons started appearing.

It isn't sentient and has no intelligence.

It does have a powerful feature, however - the {Quest Feature}.

A being with enough power could gain {Authority} with the help of the system and make {Quests} to put on certain places or objects. These Quests would have certain {Activation Requirements} which were coded into the quest by its creator.

For example, {The Trail of Requiem} was a quest created by the archmage 'Xavier Harris'. By the end of his long and glorious life, Xavier had garnered enough strength to create quests using the system.

Any entity with intelligence and enough power can gain access to the system's quest system and create quests.

There is one last restriction to the quests, however. It cannot be triggered by the creator of the quest themselves. It has to be some person who meets the Activation Requirements of the quest.

--- End of the {System} ---

--- A bit about the Author ---

Hey guys, Xeanos here. I wanted to tell you guys some things about me and how I like to write things. My strengths and weaknesses, if you will.

Strengths -

Description Writing - I can write scenes quite nicely(or at least I think so)

Combat - I can write the flow of combat quite well and I remember everything, starting from the Main Character's moveset to the opponent's moveset to the environment they are fighting in. I use everything there is to make the fight scenes visualisable and easy to understand.

Magic System - I think the magic system I came up with is pretty decent for a newbie. It's very scientific and every type of magic can be explained by some logic in the magic system. It's legitimately a very good and solid magic system.

Weaknesses -

Character Writing - I am still super new to this type of thing and I frequently get it very wrong. I don't have any friends that I can consult with to get it right, and I don't want to bother my parents with it, so I don't know if it's good or bad. I'm depending on you guys for the feedback, haha...

Emotional Scenes - I myself, as a person am quite numb to emotions. For example, something that excites most people doesn't excite me, or something that angers most people doesn't faze me. For that reason, I'm bad at writing emotional scenes, because I myself am not a very emotional person. Although, I will try my best, haha...

WorldBuilding - I am not bad at it, but I'm not satisfied with it. I haven't actually done any in this novel yet. I'm planning to do more starting from now...

--- End of Author ---

--- A bit about the progression of the story ---


Volume 2's ending will introduce a direct enemy of our main character, Samuel.

Volume 3 will be about defeating this villian.

Volume 3's ending will get some clues about Samuel's past life and what happened to him.

Volume 4 will be all about Samuel coming to terms with reality (Emotional lol.)

--- The End of the Info Dump ---

Thanks if you read this lol

if you actually read this, you are a chad.

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